By Warren Hick
The vaccination is not the mark of the beast, period. However, the way they are being mandated is a direct parallel with the mandated Sunday Laws that are coming. Adventists who have caved in to vaccine mandates are likely not going to stand against Sunday Law mandates because they have already established a precedent, and once the conscience has been allowed to be coerced, it makes it much easier to rationalize the next coercion event.
“This is the class that in times of peril are found crying, Peace and safety. They lull their hearts into security, and dream not of danger. When startled from their lethargy, they discern their destitution, and entreat others to supply their lack; but in spiritual things no man can make up another’s deficiency … It is in a crisis that character is revealed.” (Christ Object Lessons, p. 411, 412).
Every Christian who has willingly accepted these vaccines forgets the power and majesty of our God. God did not say, “What, know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit?” (1 Corinthians 6:19), for no good reason. Every substance eaten, injected, breathed, looked at, listened to, absorbed, or ingested has an impact on the temple of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, I must stand against these vaccines because of the huge potential they have to injure the health of my body, God’s temple, and irreparably damage my ability to choose right over wrong. If Daniel was alive today, based on his past choices, I am certain he would have said absolutely NO to these vaccines.
“Daniel refused to drink of the king’s wine, or to eat of the meat on the king’s table, because the effect upon his physical and mental powers would not be of that character to give him the strength he needed.” (Review and Herald, April 19, 1887).
Every trial that God allows us to go through serves a purpose in shaping our personalities for eternity. If we fail this trial, God will bring us back to it until we learn to make the right choice. But, at some point in time, if we continue to reject God’s leading, He will walk away and leave us to suffer the consequences of our choices. God’s Spirit will not always strive with the hearts of man.
What needs to be pointed out to our political leaders, medical and scientific professionals, and media is that although they think they are in control, they are most definitely not. All of them are totally reliant on Almighty God for their very next breath. Furthermore, God is going to hold every one of them accountable for their lies, coercion, distortion of the facts, withholding of proven and successful treatments, and the loss of life and or adverse reactions suffered by people they have coerced to be vaccinated.
Again, I will say, with absolute conviction, Covid is a fear-fueled vehicle, transporting an agenda of absolute evil, the likes of which has never previously been experienced.
Covid has brought me the utmost joy and the utmost pain. Joy, because for me, it heralds the eminence of Jesus’ soon return. And pain, because it has, for the most part, brought out the worst in people, even within my Adventist Church. Pain, because for the most part, I can’t even say to my fellow Adventists, “Look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.”
“If the believers in the truth are not sustained by their faith in these comparatively peaceful days, what will uphold them when the grand test comes and the decree goes forth against all those who will not worship the image of the beast and receive his mark in their foreheads or in their hands? This solemn period is not far off. Instead of becoming weak and irresolute, the people of God should be gathering strength and courage for the time of trouble” (Testimonies, Vol. 4, p. 251).
As an Australian, I always thought that my country would be one of the last countries on the planet to experience such draconian mandates and the trampling of the human conscience. Instead, we appear to be the test bed for every possible stripping away of personal freedoms and rights of conscience. I am convinced that what I am seeing unfold is a test run in preparation for a time of trouble such as never was, since there was a nation.
May God have mercy on those of us who are trying to stand for Him in this time of crisis. Thank God He is true to His word and keeps His promises.
“Satan is marshaling his hosts. Are you prepared for the conflict just before us? Are you preparing your children for the crisis … Will you not now repent, and take up your God-given lifework? There is no time to lose. Redeem the time, because the days are evil.” (Review and Herald, September 15, 1904).
Warren Hick writes from Australia and you can email him at:
Thank you Warren for this. Standing for the truth can be a lonely place, but it strengthens us when we pull together. To God be all glory!
Are you saying that because I chose to take the vaccine, I am susceptible to taking the mark of the beast? That is complete nonsense! I am so tired of such articles. The mark of the beast has to do with worship, not with a vaccine, which, in spite of the conspiracy theories, has saved many lives..
I agree
Same here
You have completely missed the entire point. This oppressive vaccine enforcement mechanism will make the Sunday rest mandates an easy sell. If the church is saying that the state has the right to impose oppressive, draconian mandates for “health” reasons, what will the church do when Sunday is proposed for the very same “health” reasons? Sunday rest doesn’t require vaccines; it doesn’t require social distancing or lockdowns. The Sunday rest solution will be so much sweeter than these draconian vaccine mandates and the people will eagerly embrace it. The precedent that is being created today under these health mandates will be used to impose Sunday rest.
Plus, not all who receive the mark will do it for religious worship (mark on the forehead). Some will receive it simply because they don’t want to receive the beast’s wrath (mark on the hand). So the mark doesn’t only have a “worship” component. For some, if not most, they will bow to the Sunday mark of the beast for the same reason they are bowing to the vaccine mandates today; they don’t want to risk their lives and fortunes by standing against the powers that be. The Scriptures clearly tell us that we become the servants of those we obey (Romans 6:16). And thanks to these health mandates, we are going to have a large number of servants who have already been conditioned and will be ready to bow when the mark of the beast is finally imposed. When the image of the beast says jump, on their way up they will ask, “How high?”
Agree entirely. Well stated.
Peace be with you all, from here in Romania. I am the Truth and the life. Whoever comes to Me from his heart will flow rivers of living water as the scripture says. You say vaccines saved lives. But didn’t they take their lives? What is the connection between Christ and Belial? That was your test in times of crisis. He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.
Saved lives through stripping people from their freedom.
Ohh, would God remove your blindfold that you cherish and start to practise the true methods of healing that are not against God neither your neighbour.
A conspiracy theory? Where? The author never stated that the vax was the mark! Please read his opening statement again…
Please look up in the CDC website for the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System aka VAERS as well. When you are done doing that you will find that your confidence in this experiment that they are trying to sell as a vaccine, (of which it is NOT for the true definition of the word vaccine is something that prevents disease,) will be lessened unless of course you choose to not believe the CDC, of which you have already indicated you DO believe…” the vaccine will keep you from getting it”…a few months later…”the vaccine will greatly lessen your symptoms”….a few months later…”You will have to get a second shot”…a few months later… “you will need a booster”…all the while breakthrough events are happening in fully vaccinated groups with deaths!! Imagine that! But wait! That can’t possibly be right. They said the jab would SAVE us! Also please look up Pfizer under largest settlement for fraud against a pharmaceutical company…hummm fraud…let that sink in…
1Th 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
Your very reply indicates that you are closer (to that choice you speculate on in your first sentence) than you think possible. The author only alluded to the experience of Daniel and his three companions, yet the fuller story is that they had a choice to be faithful to God when it seemed not important at all. Accept a mere dietary choice that seemed to all appearances, they had no option but to obey. Going against the trend, these companions decided to petition the government for an exception from substances they knew to be harmful to health. Their fidelity to principle meant that God could use them in the days and years ahead, and now we have the book of Daniel, which was unlikely had they not been so true to principle.
The story line that the vaxx has saved many lives is quite ambiguous to say the least. Statistics point the other direction. Records are now showing that the countries with the greatest vaxxed population, also have the greatest recorded number of cases.
We have not yet discussed the “leaky vaxxes” that give the appearance of being responsible for the mutating virus. A further observation which might be described as most disturbing from this year, is that more people have died from COVID under the mass vaccination regime than before there was a single jab. According to the CDC’s “Data Table for Daily Death Trends,” there have been 127,184 COVID deaths from September 1 through November 30 this year, which is 45% greater than the 87,829 recorded deaths over the same period in 2020.
And you don’t find a better statistic from Europe than the European Medicine Agency, “EudraVigilance,” which now shows a report of 32,649 fatalities, and 3,003,296 injuries, following COVID-19 injections (as of Dec 04). If any such figures were recorded of the unvaxxed, you would hear the hue and cry loud and clear down in Antarctica. And it is noteworthy, their database records that from this number of injuries recorded, almost half of them (1,409,643) are serious injuries. They are very thorough, and from their website, you can get a breakdown of the number of deaths and injuries from each of the various vaxxes available in that part of the world.
Should I now record for you edification the number of deaths and serious injuries athletes and others have recorded, body parts amputations, and lifelong debilitating health conditions some now will have to live with? I shall leave that for another time.
I don’t know where you get your theory of “saving many lives”, but it certainly isn’t fact.
Precisely! … and why this global censorship in reporting the vaccine harm? Thanks for the holy boldness to print this article! Amen! Amen! Amen! Praying for you, Andy Roman, watchman on the walls!
From the EudraVigilance website
The information on this website relates to suspected side effects , i.e. medical events that have been observed following the use of a medicine, but which are not necessarily related to or caused by the medicine.
Information on suspected side effects should not be interpreted as meaning that the medicine or the active substance causes the observed effect or is unsafe to use. Only a detailed evaluation and scientific assessment of all available data allows for robust conclusions to be drawn on the benefits and risks of a medicine
The site also has this caveat about Covid reporting:
Your data and conclusions are largely self interpreted and molded to fit your conspiracy theories. They ignore the current scientific view.
Then Ellen G White will join the Sunday mandate because she herself took the smallpox vaccine.
Judgement begins with the house of God. The biggest sign of the soon return of Messiah is the complete failure of the Adventist Corporate Beast. When one finger is pointed at the failure of Israel, 3 are pointing back to the SDCCC (Seventh Day Catholic Communist Corporation) daughter of the Roman Whore. AT Jones saw the writing on the wall in 1903 when Daniels was re-elected as the Corporate CEO. He got out before the titanic sank.
Adventist Corporate Beast….wow! I have no words, other than perhaps you need to go back to the Bible and SOP. Your words show you are full of anger and this can never be good.
We have the admonition from the SOP that we are in danger of becoming a sister to Babylon. That is as far as we can take the analogy at this point.
Mandatory vaccination is the stepping stone for sunday laws.So let us pray hard in our present times,
Peace be with you all, from here in Romania. I am the Truth and the life. Whoever comes to Me from his heart will flow rivers of living water as the scripture says. You say vaccines saved lives. But didn’t they take their lives? What is the connection between Christ and Belial? That was your test in times of crisis. He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.
“Adventists who have caved in to vaccine mandates are likely not going to stand against Sunday Law mandates because they have already established a precedent, and once the conscience has been allowed to be coerced, it makes it much easier to rationalize the next coercion event.”
This statement is not necessarily true. Don’t you think that there are people who refused to take the vaccine who will buckle under the Sunday law? You better believe it. Remember, as you noted, God is in control and although I’m not a vaccine advocate, it all comes down to the personal relationship we all have with our saviour.
I didn’t get the inference that those who caved in to the vaxx mandates will be the ONLY ones who give in in the last conflict regarding Sunday laws. The author stated quite clearly that if we begin giving in the least challenging, the great and far greater test will be easier to give in to – despite our resolve to be faithful when the crisis comes. EGW said something similar in RH April 27, 1911:
“The time is not far distant when the test will come to every soul. The mark of the beast will be urged upon us. Those who have step by step yielded to worldly demands, and conformed to worldly customs, will not find it a hard matter to yield to the powers that be, rather than subject themselves to derision, insult, threatened imprisonment, and death. The contest is between the commandments of God and the commandments of men.”
We face a similar test now between the commandments of God and that of men – only to a lesser degree.
Yes! You hit it square on. This is just a trial run.
Years ago there was a TV game show where ordinary people would play a game of evading law enforcement. It was called Hunted. When it came out I told my husband that what was really happening was law enforcement was using this so called tv game show to study how people from various walks of life would evade capture. With this knowledge they are better equipped to capture anyone they target.
We also have the tv shows of Survivor and The Amazing Race. What can be learned about human behavior by these so called forms of entertainment? Tv programming of nonstop violence and perversion is also having its intended effect upon people. We become numb and indifferent to it; no longer to be offended by it. Watch the ads for undergarments that now show during prime time that only a few decades ago would have been banned. (Actually don’t watch…)
Now we are being studied for how long it will take to wear down people’s resolve to make independent decisions and how fear plays into it. Hence the NIGHTLY ‘covid death count and case count’ on the evening news if one was to watch it. Which I DO NOT recommend. Fear is the best tool for manipulating people. This is why the fear of not being able to buy or sell will be so compelling for the majority of the world.
Immerse yourself in God’s promises. Memorize them. Claim them as your own. And know that if they treated Christ badly, they will also treat His followers badly. Stay strong. Stay true. Look up for your salvation draws nigh! 1Corinthians 2:9
Bonjour,en effet tout cela sert de tremplin,pour toutes les prophéties qui sont à venir,dans pas longtemps,c’est aussi des signes que Dieu nous donne,pour nous préparer à la crise qui va bientôt frapper les habitants de la terre,qui nous dit aussi qu’il faut une préparation de chaque jour,renoncement,confession,et délaissement du péché,sur toutes ses formes.L’esprit de prophétie dit,que si Dieu nous enlevaient le voile qui sont sur nos yeux,nous prendrons position de suite,pour obtenir la vie éternel.Faut savoir que toutes ses choses doivent arrivés,car Dieu à fixé un temps afin que chaque prophéties se réalise,il ne nous appartient pas de faire des pronostiques,laissons Dieu gérer la situation,comme il l’a toujours fait,tout ce qu’il nous demandes c’est d’être prêt pour son retour.POINT.
Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s. Matthew 22:21
Just recently we started to think about how this text could apply to what we are going through with the “vaccine” mandates that we have been confronted with in our country.
Who it is that has authority over our body – God or Caesar? To whom do we owe allegiance and obedience in this area?
Jesus Christ is the Creator of mankind. It was He that formed Adam from the dust of the earth and Eve from Adam’s rib. Not only that, He is the Redeemer of our race also – He owns us twice. We are merely stewards of all that He has given to us, including our physical body.
So, if we are to render to “God the things that are God’s”, then that would include our body. Our body does not belong to Caesar but to God, the One who both created and redeemed it. If there is any possibility that something that Caesar requires us to do is going to harm the body that God has given us to be stewards of then we cannot comply; and there is a truckload of evidence to show that these “vaccines” are not safe, just look on some of the vaccine/drug adverse reaction websites.
And while we agree that the vaccine is definitely not the mark of the Beast, there is a link between the two. Jesus is the Creator of both mankind and the Sabbath. So, are we honouring and worshiping our Creator when we accept a substance into our body that is untried and questionable at best, and downright dangerous at worst?
Keeping the Sabbath involves more than just the time period from sunset on Friday until sunset on Saturday. We are to rest in Jesus every moment of every day, waiting for Him to direct our every thought, word and deed, just as He rested in His Father’s love and care while on this earth. We believe that this is what it means to keep “the faith of Jesus” – the 3rd AM. The Sabbath is really just a special celebration of having done this all through the week. Keeping the Sabbath is also about giving honour to our Creator and Redeemer and this brings us back once again to how we care for our bodies.
What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s. 1 Corinthians 6:19,20
We also can’t help but see the similarities in the stories of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and what we are facing today, and will face in the not too distant future. They first faced a temperance issue and then years down the track they all faced a worship issue. If they had not stood for the right in the first test would they have stood in the second?
“At the very outset of their career there came to them a decisive test of character…In reaching this decision, the Hebrew youth did not act presumptuously but in firm reliance upon God. They did not choose to be singular, but they would be so rather than dishonor God. Should they compromise with wrong in this instance by yielding to the pressure of circumstances, their departure from principle would weaken their sense of right and their abhorrence of wrong. The first wrong step would lead to others, until, their connection with Heaven severed, they would be swept away by temptation.” PK 481-483
Every decision that we are making now will impact on the decisions that we will make in the future. So it is of the utmost importance that in everything we,
Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s. Matthew 22:21
A study by Columbia University says as many as 400,000 people are DEAD from the effects of this “vaccine”. It has not saved many lives. It has not only brought on covid symptoms and disease, but has caused horrendous side effects. I know because my mother experienced them. Sheeple, wake up.
I agree with Warren Hick.
What most do not realize is the enormous financial gain of those vested in this contrived COVID-19 phenomenon
(1 Timothy 6:10).
Does anyone really believe that this is an accident?
This satanic-inspired scheme is, whether by design or default, preparation for implementation of the Mark of the Beast.
But Romanism as a system is no more in harmony with the gospel of Christ now than at any former period in her history. The Protestant churches are in great darkness, or they would discern the signs of the times. The Roman Church is far-reaching in her plans and modes of operation. She is employing every device to extend her influence and increase her power in preparation for a fierce and determined conflict to regain control of the world, to re-establish persecution, and to undo all that Protestantism has done (Great Controversy, page 575.4).
Have we forgotten?
Not only the vaccine mandates, but also climate change will be used to enforce people to comply with government control. Saving the planet is the precursor to passing Sunday laws in which the argument will be, so the earth can rest and recoup from mankind’s abuse of it. It’s coming folks. Plans are being laid right now. And who’s the main culprit? The Pope. So these mandates and government take over shouldn’t surprise any of us. Pray that we all will be ready and trust God to see us through it.
God says in Revelation 11:18 that He will destroy those who destroy the earth. Please note that ‘they’ DESTROY the earth. Climate change criers are like the arsonist who cries ‘fire’ and pretends to be helping address the problem when in reality he is the originator of the problem.
They think that they can save humanity. Yet how many climate change advocates practice what they expect others to do. I have met many who would have everyone else do the work and supply the funding but don’t ask them for anything.
That statement about men destroying the earth has been understood for 1,950 years by theologians and scholars as tyrants destroying people through warfare. It’s only been during the last 50 years that people have been applying that verse to climate change.
That was a VERY good article. Full of of truth !! We need to pray for our brethren SDA’s and our family members that listen to the conspiracy theories from the main stream media.
Keep up the good work and let us be aware that the devil (popery) will plant wolves in sheepskin in this ministry just as he has done to the main SDA body
God bless/empower you, brother Hick. As I continue to pray/study these things in the light of the bible/sop, I am exactly of the same mind as you have powerfully elaborated. May God’s spirit continue to sustain and guide you. Fear not the faces of those who oppose God’s will.
Love your article Bro Hick and comments from our woke brethren. I pity those who are trying to disparage the truth by their skepticism. 2022 will call for a mindset that is resolute and not for turning even to the point of death. God bless all those who are purposing in their hearts that they will not allow fear to lead them to pollute their bodies with poison.
EGW was shaking because of the Omega……
It is so sad that as SDA church members we have taken to conspiracy theories. What have we as a church done to stop the spread of this evil disease (covid)? Nothing! Instead we are enabling it by saying we should meet while there is a pandemic and not take the vaccine. What about the older generation who is dying from this disease? Have we though about them or just our religion and Sunday law? Basic healthcare principles are being ignored. Basic Christian principles are ignored, common sense has been replaced with fanaticism. E G White herself took the vaccine against small pox. If our predecessors were like the author of this article we would all be eradicated because of so many diseases that vaccines have eradicated from the earth due to science. All of us are enjoying using a computer or phone and the internet, but with your reasoning you should assume that this technology is also preparing us to accept Sunday law? Anyone using technology today is being softened so that when Sunday law is enacted we would all accept it, how? Very easy- change the date and time on you phone so that it adds a day and everyone worshipping on Sabbath does not even know it is Sunday, ridiculous right? (there are many other ways too) and don’t you think the Devil is utilizing the internet and technology to his advantage? Yes! so why are you dear author using it??? Yes, vaccines are not the best but it is a matter of the lesser evil. The Bible is full of God’s people who not always did as you think is right but were still considered people of faith. Please stop spreading misinformation and misleading God’s people. God bless.