Left to right: Pastor Dr. Martin Bräuer from the KI’s Catholic Department; Pastor Dr. Lothar Triebel from the KI’s Free Churches Department; Dr. Kai Funkschmidt from the KI’s Anglican Department; Pastor Jens-Oliver Mohr, Director of the Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Department for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Germany; Pastor Dr. Dagmar Heller from the KI’s Orthodox Department; Werner Dullinger, President of the South German Union of SDAs; Daniela Canedo, Women’s Ministries Director for the North and South German Unions; Johannes Naether, President of the North German Union of SDAs; Sabine Beyer, KI’s management secretariat; and Professor Dominik Koy, KI’s Advisor for inter-denominational issues and journalism.
Konfessionskundliche Institut (KI) is a religious research organization based in Bensheim, Germany, that oversees the ecumenical work for the Evangelical Church of Germany. [1] Its primary objective is to study interfaith understanding and dialog, which are important for the ecumenical relationships throughout the religious communities in Germany. KI has “five scientific specialist departments” that focus on “Catholics, Orthodox, Free Churches, Anglicanism, and world ecumenism, as well as cross-denominational questions.” [2]
On March 29, 2023, Johannes Naether, President of the North German Union, and Werner Dullinger, President of the South German Union, visited with the leadership of the KI in order to have a “personal encounter” with the leaders of the “scientific” experts [2] in the ecumenical movement. These Adventist presidents also “praised” KI’s efforts and spirit of “togetherness” by emphasizing the need to stop focusing “only on what separates” us. The following was released by Adventist Press Service, which serves as the official news source for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Germany:
“The Presidents of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Germany, Pastors Johannes Naether (North German Union) and Werner Dullinger (South German Union), paid a visit to the Denominational Institute (KI) in Bensheim on March 29. The aim was to get to know the work of the KI on site.” [3]
“‘The KI has set itself the task of providing appropriate information about the broad spectrum of Christian denominations,’ commented Johannes Naether after his visit. ‘This happens at a pleasant academic level, with a high level of expertise and differentiated consideration, without losing touch with the ground. From this point of view, the personal encounter was very valuable, not just informative, but also personally touching,” said President Naether.” [3]
“‘I particularly appreciate and admire the detailed knowledge of the developments and processes of our free church and the fair presentation in the publications,’ emphasized Werner Dullinger. ‘The personal encounter gave me a deeper insight into the work of the different departments.’ Dullinger also noted that ‘the issues and challenges that we face’ are very similar across denominations, which is why dialogue between denominations is meaningful and important.” [3]
Adventist Press Service went on to list the various ecumenical initiatives of KI, their corresponding directors who lead out, and the faiths they are collaborating with:
“Pastor Dr. Martin Bräuer gave insights into the Catholic department, which observes life, teaching, piety and current developments in the Roman Catholic Church. Pastor Dr. Dagmar Heller reported on her work in the area of the Orthodox churches. The Department of Anglicanism and World Ecumenism is led by Dr. Kai Funkschmidt headed, the Free Churches department headed by Pastor Dr. Lothar Triebel. The latter observes developments in the free churches and the inner-Protestant ecumenism on a national and international level. The Department of Journalism and Interdenominational Issues includes all areas of journalism at the KI as well as areas of daily political developments that are taken up and debated in the various denominations. Head is Dominik Koy.” [3]
Then Adventist Press Service concluded their report by sharing the remarks by Johannes Naether, who “praised the work” of KI:
“‘To see a togetherness in the following of Jesus in the diversity, and not always to identify only what separates, is a merit of the work of the KI,’ Johannes Naether praised the work of the institute. The head of the Women’s Department of Seventh-day Adventists in Germany, Daniela Canedo, and the Commissioner for Interchurch Relations of the Free Church, Pastor Jens-Oliver Mohr, were also part of the visiting delegation. Canedo and Naether had already taken part in the KI’s advanced course on ‘The role of women in the Christian denominations’ in Hanover last year.” [3]
The reason why it is extremely problematic for top Adventist leaders to sit down with and have “personal encounters” with the KI organizations is because the KI leadership is responsible for advancing Pope Francis’ ecumenical agenda. Not only does the KI celebrate the birthday of the Catholic Cardinal Kurt Koch, who is in charge of the Vatican’s Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, but they also published Rome’s message that Protestants should convert to Roman Catholicism and Catholics should call themselves Protestants. On March 16, 2023, the same month that it met with prominent Seventh-day Adventist leaders, the KI released the following:
“After congratulations and blessings and the presentation of a birthday cake, Cardinal Koch addressed the question of how unity among the denominations is possible in his presentation. After all, this is the goal of all ecumenical efforts … Even as a Roman Catholic Christian, Koch wants to be able to describe himself as ‘Protestant’ in the literal sense. On the other hand, he wishes that evangelical Christians could use the words of the Nicene Confession of Faith to confess to the ‘Catholic and Apostolic Church’ in order to show that ‘Catholic’ is not simply to be interpreted in a denominational way.” [4]
After the KI celebrated the birthday of the Vatican Catholic Cardinal in charge of promoting ecumenical unity and after they echoed his call for Protestants to convert to Roman Catholicism (March 16, 2023), the highest officials in the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Germany praised the KI’s work during the same month (March 29, 2023). How does this happen? How do we praise an organization that advances the wine of Babylon by seeking to turn Protestants into Catholics?
By adopting the ideology of the ecumenical movement that is meant to heal Rome’s deadly wound, the presidents of both unions in Germany are completely abandoning the Seventh-day Adventist faith. You cannot pretend to work for the Seventh-day Adventist Church while actually working for the beast and his image. This is part of the reason why we see so much confusion in Adventism today. We have leaders who openly walk in the opposite direction of those who came before us.
Both the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy are clear about the nature of the ecumenical movement that seeks to bring together Catholics and Protestants. However, it appears that some of our church leaders believe their knowledge exceeds that of divine revelation.
“Satan determines to unite them in one body, and thus strengthen his cause by sweeping all into the ranks of Spiritualism. Papists, who boast of miracles as a certain sign of the true church, will be readily deceived by this wonder-working power; and Protestants, having cast away the shield of truth, will also be deluded. Papists, Protestants, and worldlings will alike accept the form of godliness without the power, and they will see in this union a grand movement for the conversion of the world” (Great Controversy, p. 588).
Presidents Johannes Naether and Werner Dullinger are praising Babylon’s efforts to unite the churches with Rome’s intoxicating wine. They are not teaching or defending the Seventh-day Adventist faith in these forums. As a result of these ecumenical worship services and interfaith collaborations, Protestants are joining Roman Catholics en masse. Why are these leaders unable to discern their course? Solidarity with Rome will lead us to accept and celebrate Catholic rituals and traditions.
Ecumenism will bring healing and reconciliation between Rome and the rest of the religious world. It will lead you along a path that will bring all divisions to an end. That’s exactly what the Bible said would happen (Revelation 13:3). Everything is in place for the culmination of the final events. The more we see the churches coming together, the more power, authority, and influence Rome obtains.
We are seeing the final act of the drama unfold before our eyes. Regrettably, Protestantism is drifting away from the truth it has always defended. Various leaders and churches, including ours, are declaring their allegiance to Rome one by one. What about our loyalty to God? What about our commitment to God’s word as well as to the Three Angels’ Messages? What about our mission to defend the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus in the world? We are certainly in a terrifying situation. Our people are being led down the path to desolation. Notice what inspiration says will happen if we continue down the road to Rome:
“Some of our ministers have been led astray because they would not follow the light that the Lord gave them. Those who have thus departed from the faith may not realize it, but they are following the fallen angel. In the future, strange things will happen. I tell you this so that you may not be surprised at what takes place. We shall all need to maintain a close connection with the Lord. The end is much nearer than when we first believed.” (Manuscript Release, Vol. 19, p. 394).
“If the church pursues a course similar to that of the world, they will share the same fate. Nay, rather, as they have received greater light, their punishment will be greater than that of the impenitent” (Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 100).
[1] https://konfessionskundliches-institut.de/das-institut/
[2] https://konfessionskundliches-institut.de/das-institut/das-team/
Jon says
The church that holds to the word of God is irreconcilably separated from Rome. Protestants were once thus apart from this great church of apostasy, but they have approached more nearly to her, and are still in the path of reconciliation to the Church of Rome. Rome never changes. Her principles have not altered in the least. She has not lessened the breach between herself and Protestants; they have done all the advancing. But what does this argue for the Protestantism of this day? It is the rejection of Bible truth which makes men approach to infidelity. It is a backsliding church that lessens the distance between itself and the Papacy. – ST February 19, 1894
Well, these people can not say that they have been warned!!! I thought just whole churches would be passed over. Now, I believe that whole unions will be passed over. I blame the members in the SDA churches for what is going on. If they do not speak up and speak out, they too will be lost!
It is no surprise to see this, since Germany is now accepting a Bi-sexual pastor to stay in his position even after coming out. The slippery slope started with accepting WO. It can only be a down hill effort from there. So sad to see so many falling into the trap. If they would only read the SOP and see what they are doing is totally contrary to what she tried to tell us.
Marie says
They have been drinking Rome’s Kool-aid.
Eric says
This is what happens when we try to be politically correct. When church leaders make these statements the perception from the world is that Adventists are fully on board with the beast and the image.
Tanya says
“Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?” Amos 3:3
They are now partners instead of rivals.
Susie Bethencourt says
When the wound is completely healed we might have to come out of the SDA church if they keep this up!
Carl says
They have sold us out.
Neil says
Germany has become pro LGBT, pro women’s ordination, and pro ecumenism. Truly the Omega is here.
Jerry O'Donnell, Four Angels' Messages says
As the storm approaches, a large class who have professed faith in the third angel’s message, but have not been sanctified through obedience to the truth, abandon their position, and join the ranks of the opposition. {GC88 608.1}
marie+Louisy says
Bonjour,Dieu avait bien aux Israëlites après leur sortie du pays D’égypte de n’avoir aucun contact avec ses peuples d’alentour qui ne craignent pas Dieu,mais ils ont désobéït et on connais la suite,maintenant le peuple du reste commet les mêmes erreurs,ils font des alliances.Daniel 3:43,nous donne avec précision,ce que cela va causer comme problème.Mais quelle tristesse!
Shadrach+Habeenzu says
Sad reading.Babylon is fallen indeed! How can the once so called the watch man on the walls of Zion,join hands with the fallen churches of Babylon,call themselves true pastors????
Pastor Isaiah kanani says
Dear Brethren,
Receive much greetings in the Lord. We are happy to inform you that through internet we have come to know you and your Church which were so much interested about . After some days, we came together as the church members and decided to contact you so that we can affiliate with you in spreading the word of God and we wish you to come to Kenya to have meetings on matters related to the word of God so that we understand fully. Send us teaching materials if possible. We know God is able for you to extend.
We are from Kenya in Western Kenya in Kisii region Gucha district. Our group is known as Kenya Christian Group Church which was started 3 years ago. We work among the widows and orphans who do not know what the future hold for them. We have 4 Christian groups within the region. We also keep 18 orphans and needy children at our Center who needs your prayers.
For this time we do not have much to say but we pray the Lord to open the doors for you to come to Kenya to see us.
We await your response soon as the Lord allows
pastor Isaiah.