On April 20, 2023, Pope Francis hosted a delegation of British interfaith leaders from Greater Manchester at the Vatican. According to the Vatican’s Holy Press Office, Francis urged the need to protect the environment by creating new economic models in light of the principles expressed in Laudato Si’. Pope Francis said:
“I express my appreciation for your efforts, as religious and political leaders, to raise awareness of the urgent need to protect the environment and to work concretely to address the effects of climate change.”
“Our present commitment to safeguarding God’s gift of creation must be part of a broader effort to promote an integral ecology.”
“We need, in a word, to acknowledge that the environmental and social crisis of our time are not two separate crises but one (Laudato Si’, 139).”
“Certainly, this demands the creation of new and far-sighted economic models.”
“Yet it also requires a determination to overcome the “throwaway” culture of waste generated by present-day consumerism and by a globalized indifference that inhibits efforts to address these human and social problems in the light of the common good.
“Your group is distinguished by its common witness to the intrinsically moral and religious dimension of our duty to protect the environment.”
“You play an important role in contributing to a much-needed ecological conversion.” [1]
Rome is the puppet master that is making decisions and dictating policies that will affect the lives of billions of people. And you may be wondering how they will convince the world to completely alter their economies. They have been using the Covid crisis, the Ukraine/Russia crisis, the banking crisis, the climate crisis, the immigration crisis, the food crisis, and every other crisis to push for systemic changes. The strategy is to use anxiety as leverage to manipulate people and change the world.
Pope Francis is attempting to stop something that has been happening on the planet ever since sin entered the earth. Long before the first steam engine or internal combustion engine were invented, the earth was periodically battered by natural disasters: earthquakes, tidal waves, volcanic eruptions, disastrous weather, droughts, heat, cold, ice, and massive flows of mud and lava. Long before the industrial revolution, thousands of species disappeared, including dinosaurs and mammoths.
But according to the advocates of the new climate religion, once we eliminate all fossil fuels, destroy all gas and diesel engines, stop using concrete, cover the grasslands with solar panels and the hills with wind turbines, and slaughter all of our cattle, the global climate will become perfect, and there will be no more droughts, floods, hurricanes, snow storms, or plant and animal extinctions. We all know that isn’t the case, but that hasn’t stopped the proponents of climate change from spreading their overinflated propaganda. The climate agenda is just one piece in the chess game of a much bigger, diabolical agenda.
Pope Francis has an obsession with climate change, and he is using the so-called climate crisis as a justification to fundamentally transform the world, its economy, and its laws. The foundation for the new “far-sighted economic models” is contained in his papal encyclicals Fratelli Tutti and Laudato Si’. The Pope’s Catholic social teachings will force all governments, corporations, and individuals to embrace Rome’s solutions.
Pope Francis is talking about the most ambitious and radical plan the world has ever seen. The most powerful nations, business leaders, government officials, religious leaders, and social activists are coming together to “reset” the global economy, political structures, and religious orders. There is a collaborative effort designed to transform the entire world. Individual civil and religious liberties guaranteed by a Constitution will have to be sacrificed for the greater “common good” of all. This is not a conspiracy theory. The “Great Reset” is being planned and implemented in plain sight for all to see.
For those of us who value freedom and our free markets, the Great Reset is a terrifying ordeal. No previous Pope has called for this kind of global response – to tear down all the current political and economic systems. The world is giving up its freedoms for Rome’s agenda. In fact, Rome has been preparing for this for centuries. The deadly wound is almost completely healed. Soon she will be in a position to impose her will on the world. When the papacy finally reclaims complete power and world dominance, it will not miss the opportunity to achieve its ultimate goal—a universal Sunday-Sabbath Law.
The good news is that Bible prophecy also portrays the “remnant” (Revelation 12:17), in which the true people of God are to be found, who give allegiance neither to “the beast” nor to “his image,” but will rather, by God’s grace, “keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus” (Revelation 14:12). If we are truly seeing the final apostasy coalescing before our eyes in the world today, then there must also be a worldwide call for people to “come out” (Revelation 18:4) from all these associations. The world must be directed to God and to His remnant people, who will be watching and waiting for the coming of the Lord.
The final showdown will be between the universal forces of the Antichrist and God’s faithful remnant people. As the stage for the final act of the drama is being set in the great controversy, may our hearts and minds be aroused and awakened. And may we be found among the faithful who will dedicate themselves to helping those who seek God’s message in these last days hear it.
[1] https://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/en/bollettino/pubblico/2023/04/20/230420a.html
Lewin M says
Teaching the truth in love, Telling it like it is. Thank you brother.
Marie says
The Pope is creating his world-wide empire in preparation for the mark of the beast.
Steven M says
Climate change is the excuse to change our world and establish tyranny. They want total control over everything. Once they have it they will start going after those who don’t go along with the papal agenda.
C.W. Good says
Global warming really happens when Jesus returns. Jesus to the rescue!