Pope Francis launched a fervent attack on Donald Trump’s mass deportation agenda. And while one would expect words of compassion or even the offering of prayers for the 47th president of the United States, it seems the Pope had nothing but criticism for Trump. Pope Francis’ words seemed designed to spark headlines rather than find the “common ground” he so often preaches about.
What is even more remarkable, or even hypocritical, is that while the Pope attacks Trump’s views on the immigration crisis, he lives comfortably behind the impenetrable walls of the Vatican, which make the US border walls pale in comparison. It is all too easy to preach to others, but what about the Vatican’s policies on immigration? How many refugees are allowed to sleep in the Vatican gardens? How many immigrants can apply for residency in Vatican City?
The Associated Press published the following on January 20, 2025, regarding the Pope’s attack on Donald Trump’s solution to the US immigration crisis:
• “Pope Francis said Donald Trump’s plans to impose mass deportations of immigrants would be a ‘disgrace,’ as he weighed in on the incoming U.S. president’s pledges nearly a decade after calling him ‘not Christian’ for wanting to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border.” [1]
• “Francis made the comments during an appearance at an evening talk show and then followed up Monday with an official telegram of congratulations to Trump on the day of his inauguration. Francis said he prayed that America would live up to its ideals of being a “land of opportunity and welcome for all.” [1]
If the Pope really believes that Trump’s rules are a disgrace, perhaps he could start by offering to build temporary shelters in St. Peter’s Square. Or perhaps he could allow the Vatican’s luxurious apartments to be inhabited by needy refugee families. One thing is certain: although Pope Francis and Donald Trump seem to disagree on each other’s policies, prophecy will be fulfilled. What we see in the book of Revelation is a very close working relationship between these last two great superpowers of prophecy—the United States and the Vatican. A close relationship between these two powers will increase in the future:
“And he (the second beast, the US) exerciseth all the power of the first beast (Rome) before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast (Rome), whose deadly wound was healed.” Revelation 13:12.
The US must be in a position of “power” if it is to cause not just this nation but the whole world to honor the first beast, the Papacy, by enforcing the mark of the beast. A weak nation, both politically and economically, cannot bring this scene to pass. Only a strong, powerful nation can fulfill this prophetic role, and Trump has expressed that this is his ultimate objective—to make America powerful again.
Secondly, the Vatican, the world’s most influential religion, will also play a role in the prophecy when it says that “the whole earth and those who dwell on it will worship the first beast (Rome), whose deadly wound was healed” (Revelation 13:12).
We have been seeing this coming true as everyone—including politicians, religious leaders, and business leaders—is rallying around Rome, and this is certainly healing its deadly wound. The only piece of the puzzle that has not yet taken shape is Donald Trump and Pope Francis coming together in a close working relationship for the implementation of a global prophetic agenda.
God help us should these two get together to work on advancing their prophetic roles. As citizens of the United States, we should recognize the significance of moments when the Pope and the U.S. President do not see eye to eye on matters of policy. This divergence can serve as a reassurance that the prophesied union of church and state power, as described in Bible prophecy, has not yet fully materialized.
The hand-in-glove relationship between the US and Rome, foretold to have far-reaching consequences for religious freedom, is something we must be watchful of. Even if this non-alignment is only temporary, it offers us a window of opportunity to cherish and uphold the liberties we hold dear. Let us use this time wisely to spread the everlasting gospel of Revelation 14, proclaiming God’s message of truth and warning to the world before the time comes when such freedoms will end. Let us pray for strength and wisdom to fulfill this mission faithfully.
[1] https://apnews.com/article/vatican-immigration-trump-pope-d3516b41de56641391f59c2094ee380e
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