The “Adhan” is the Islamic call to prayer sung with a distinctive deep melodic style and serves as a reminder of the obligation to pray. The phrase “Allahu Akbar,” which translates to “Allah is the Greatest,” is included in this call to prayer and reinforces the central Islamic belief that affirms the greatness and supremacy of Allah. When the call to prayer is made, Muslims stop their daily activities and take time to pray, worship, and meditate on the tenets of Islam. During Islam’s holy month called Ramadan, the calls to prayer take on even greater significance because of the increased focus on worship, fasting, and devotion to Allah.
Adventist World Radio Manila is currently conducting 30 days of prayer during Ramadan with the opening phrase “Allahu Akbar” sung 3 to 4 times during the call to prayer. [1] Each episode begins with the Islamic “Adhan” and says “Allah is the Greatest.” [2] [3] [4] From February 28 to March 30, 2025, Adventist World Radio Manila, part of the official global broadcasting ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, will build bridges with Muslims by incorporating elements of Islamic worship into its programming. Even if some may see this as a very poor attempt at witnessing to Muslims, it is actually a catastrophic failure because what they are doing is actually diluting the distinctiveness of the Adventist faith with the Muslim religion and signaling an endorsement of the Islamic faith.
For a Christian broadcaster to play Islamic sacred music with the lyrics “Allah is the Greatest” is a catastrophic failure, as it directly contradicts the fundamental theological foundation of Christianity and the expectations of its audience. Christianity and Islam have distinct theological beliefs about God, Jesus, and salvation, and church-owned media outlets are supposed to share content that aligns with biblical teachings. Seventh-day Adventist broadcasters should spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in context to Revelation 14. Broadcasting fundamental Muslim practices during Ramadan contradicts our message, as it emphasizes Islamic worship rather than the worship of Jesus.
What we are witnessing is ecumenism in action—the blending of different religious beliefs. Those who embrace Rome’s message that claims that we are all part of the same universal fraternity will certainly choose to broadcast Islamic worship and look for similarities between the two faiths. Adventist World Radio Manila is celebrating and endorsing the Islamic holy month of Ramadan and is using church-run media to push the teachings that “Allah is the Greatest.”
Misguided and blind leaders have become clueless about the real mission that God has given us. When Seventh-day Adventists start obeying papal encyclicals like Fratelli Tutti while neglecting the Second Angels’ Message (Revelation 14:8) and the Loud Cry Message (Revelation 18:1-5), this is a sign that we have crossed a new historic threshold. We have been successful in taking Adventism to new levels that no previous generation has reached before. This is not Adventism; it is Romanism under the guise of Muslims and Adventists building bridges.
Fallen, erring mortal men are not above the word of God. Or do we think that our leaders know more than the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord? Our loyalty is not to Rome, but to the word of God. Sadly, the ecumenism will only get worse and will continue until the Lord descends from heaven:
“One thing it is certain, is soon to be realized—the great apostasy, which is developing and increasing and waxing stronger and will continue to do so until the Lord shall descend from heaven with a shout … We may be strengthened and confirmed in the past experience that holds us to the essential points of truth which have made us what we are—Seventh-day Adventists” (Letter 326, December 4, 1905).
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