Koshish Adventist School is an elementary school located in Jaldega, India, established to develop in children a relationship with Christ, an understanding of our biblical Adventist principles, and to prepare them for His soon return. Sadly, we are seeing a continuation of a troubling shift in values as some in the church today are prioritizing a culture of irreverence, worldly music, and foolish dancing above the word of God.
On December 20, 2024, Koshish Adventist School published a video of a dancing Santa Claus leading young girls in a comical dance show in which the performers behaved more like clowns than disciples of Christ. [1] Church school administrators, eager to glamorize and normalize these worldly trends, are transforming Christian education—which is supposed to equip children to live life faithfully—into behaviors more suited for bars and dancehalls. It’s one thing for adults to dress up and dance like inebriated partygoers, but these bad Santa figures are steering the youth away from the path that Jesus desires for them.
This worldly dance music phenomenon in Adventism is especially concerning when viewed in the context of its influence on children, who are increasingly being exposed to a diluted form of religion. As a result, children are being conditioned to adopt the same irreverence and desecration of our sacred institutions.
Today, we stand at a critical crossroads, where unless decided changes are made among our people, many souls will be lost. This is not an opinion, but a truth that even Jesus understood as a young child. Without a continuing reformation, the church risks losing its relevance and effectiveness. But when we are aligned to the perfect will of God, we become a transformative force, fulfilling our calling to reflect His glory in every aspect of our lives:
“Yet through childhood, youth, and manhood, Jesus walked alone. In His purity and His faithfulness, He trod the wine press alone, and of the people there was none with Him. He carried the awful weight of responsibility for the salvation of men. He knew that unless there was a decided change in the principles and purposes of the human race, all would be lost. This was the burden of His soul, and none could appreciate the weight that rested upon Him. Filled with intense purpose, He carried out the design of His life that He Himself should be the light of men” (Desire of Ages, 92).
God’s commandment-keeping people are described by the prophet as “men wondered at.” We are to be a people distinct from the world. The eyes of the world are upon us, and we are observed by many of whom we have no knowledge. There are those who know something of the doctrines we claim to believe, and they are noting the effect of our faith upon our characters. They are waiting to see what kind of influence we exert, and how we carry ourselves before a faithless world. The angels of heaven are looking upon us. “We are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men” (1 Corinthians 4:9).—The Review and Herald, June 18, 1889.
Nothing new been going on for year’s
Majority in SAD are sda’s in name only
The few that have not bowed their knees and who protest are hated mocked sidelined
Three angels message not preached anywhere
Majority SAD officials are there only for their bread and butter
Corruption and fornication is rampant
Ted Wilson aware but done nothing
In fact ridiculed those who sigh and cry against these abominations
No health laws followed nor taught
All institutions whether educational or hospitals are SDA in name only
Disgrace to the cause of God and the true remnant
More than 95 percent of institutions must have had such celebrations or worse
Most will be spued out because neither hot nor cold
Drums present in most congregations
Could go on and on
But no point
So if any hear mighty things happening in SA division
Know that nothing but lies and exaggeration
The people need to wake up and realize the current dangers. The guards are sleeping. We are many years behind. Let the captains of the guard feel the urgent need to take notice of themselves, so as not to miss the opportunity to recognize danger.
unless the leading brethren in our conferences now accept the message God has sent them and take decisive action, the churches will suffer great loss.
“Testimonies for the Church.” 5 Vol. Page 715.1
My brother there is a one and truly SDA that follows, the steps of the Bible, the adventists pioneers and the Ellen G White writtings, and that church is the International Association of Free Seventh Day Adventists, seek a Free SDA church and start to visit, you will see the great diference between the SDA corporation and the Free SDA church, God bless you
“4 Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward. 5 Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint. 6 From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment. ”
Isaiah 1:4-6 KJV
Iniquitous practices had become so prevalent among all classes that the few who remained true to God were often tempted to lose heart and to give way to discouragement and despair. It seemed as if God’s purpose for Israel were about to fail and that the rebellious nation was to suffer a fate similar to that of Sodom and Gomorrah.{PK 306.2}
The whole heart must be yielded to God, or the change can never be wrought in us by which we are to be restored to His likeness. By nature we are alienated from God. The Holy Spirit describes our condition in such words as these: “Dead in trespasses and sins;” “the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint;” “no soundness in it.” We are held fast in the snare of Satan, “taken captive by him at his will.” Ephesians 2:1; Isaiah 1:5, 6; 2 Timothy 2:26. God desires to heal us, to set us free. But since this requires an entire transformation, a renewing of our whole nature, we must yield ourselves wholly to Him.{SC 43.2}
“A Bad Adventist Santa Claus”? How does this contrast to “A Good Adventist Santa Claus”?
“Bad Adventist Santa Claus” checklist:
–Master of Ceremonies over a yearly feast with adoption of pagan rituals whitewashed with “Christian” concepts – check
–Replacement for God (knows all, sees all, all powerful, etc) – check
–Creepy costume – check
–Inappropriate contact with children- check
–Drums – check
–Seductive dance – check
“Good Adventist Santa Claus” checklist:
–Master of Ceremonies over a yearly feast with adoption of pagan rituals whitewashed with “Christian” concepts – check
–Replacement for God (knows all, sees all, all powerful, etc) – check
–Creepy costume – check
–Inappropriate contact with children- check
Wait, somebody help me out
Sorry for the cheekiness. How is it possible that we are seeing this and missing the point? Dancing, bad. Drums, bad. Christmas and Santa… crickets.