By Timothy R. Perenich DC
Today the Adventist community, through its publications and hierarchy, is decidedly pro-vaccine mandates. What surprises most people is how this wasn’t so in the early days of the church. Until about 1915, the leading publications spoke with a diversity of opinions on smallpox vaccination—this was the main vaccine that existed in those days and invited the most controversy. The opinions ranged from being in support of vaccines to complete skepticism toward them. In between, there were those who felt vaccines could protect, but were inferior to the health message and unbiblical in their application because they poisoned the blood. Others accepted the theory of vaccination but felt that the compulsory measures to enforce them were against liberty of conscience.
Nevertheless, after 1915, a singular voice within Seventh-day Adventist publications emerged endorsing vaccination and compulsory immunization practices. How this happened is beyond the time and space of this article. What is important to note is that this change in policy did not happen under the influence of the Spirit of Prophecy, nor by a repudiation of the reason, facts, or logic of vaccine skepticism.
To understand a bit about Adventist attitudes towards vaccination, it is important to highlight the context in which these attitudes developed.
Prior to the rise of the Seventh-day Adventist health message, the United Kingdom in 1853 passed compulsory laws fining parents for refusing to vaccinate their infants within the first three months of life. [1] By 1867 the law was strengthened to include mandatory vaccination for children up to fourteen years old. Like today, non-compliance back then meant fines, restrictions, loss of work, and imprisonment (well, maybe not yet). [2]
Snippets from the news at that time give just a taste of the controversy. In 1882, an obituary appeared for a 9-month-old baby boy and a 5-year-old girl, whose deaths were caused by suspected vaccination-poisoning. [3] In 1885, a news brief informs us that riots broke out in Montreal, Canada where a “furious mob attacked public buildings including a police station,” expressing “aversion to compulsory vaccination.” These actions caused the military to be called in to stop the riots. [4] During the same year, a “city vaccinator at Montreal” was sued for “$10,000 in damages for causing the death of two children by impure vaccine.” [5]
Compulsory vaccination received another black eye in 1901 from Camden, NJ with a report of eight “lockjaw” deaths “due to vaccination.” [6] This caused an uproar and led to citizens “openly defying the school authorities,” who were attempting to vaccinate “all school children.”
In 1897, the Atlanta Board of Health contemplated prohibiting African American employment without vaccination, in order to coerce poverty-stricken blacks into compliance. [7] Apparently, many thinking black people did not trust the government or organized medicine.
In 1901, blacks were seized in Charleston, South Carolina and forcibly vaccinated against their will. Medical students tasked by the board of health were to vaccinate as many blacks as they could for a bounty of six cents per vaccination. Enthusiastic about the bounty, students reportedly captured and vaccinated blacks while sending refusers to jail. A few of these aggressive students pounced on a black woman and tore part of her dress open so they could get access to her arm for the procedure.[8]
It is not hard to imagine that conscientious believers in Christ would regard compulsory vaccination with alarm and skepticism.
For example, J.N. Loughborough was so disturbed at seeing forced injections upon poverty-stricken ship passengers that he recounted his experience in a letter to an anti-vaccinationist publication, stating: “I turned from the scene of indiscriminate diseasing to scatter more of your anti-vaccination literature amongst the passengers on board, and resolved to do all I could to expose this mischievous delusion.” [9]
John Harvey Kellogg, who generally believed in the theory behind vaccination, responded to an anti-vaccinationist tract written by Mr. E. Summers, stating: “Mr. Summers is very strongly opposed to vaccination, and especially to compulsory vaccination. We agree with him that the State has no right to compel people to poison themselves.” [10]
Though many agreed that forced immunization was bad, this was only one distasteful aspect of vaccination in the 19th century. In some cases smallpox vaccines not only proved to be ineffective but also harmful.
For instance, smallpox vaccination was a known vector of diseases like syphilis, tuberculosis, and tetanus. A medical report issued in 1867, noted the transmission of syphilis, along with other diseases, through vaccination among the Confederate soldiers in the United States Civil War. [11] A.T. Still founder of Osteopathy, who served in this conflict, remarked:
“I have often been asked, what are my ideas of vaccination. I have no use for it at all nor any faith in it since witnessing its slaughterous [sic] work. It slew our armies in the sixties [1860s during the U.S. Civil War] and is still torturing our old soldiers, not to say anything of its more recent victims whose number will run up into tens upon tens of thousands. I believe that instead of passing laws for compulsory vaccination, a law prohibiting the practice and providing heavy penalties for violations would prove a wholesome experiment. Take the fifty cents out of the ‘dirty’ practice and it will die out spontaneously with all doctors of average knowledge of the harm done by it.” [12]
In Italy, during 1893, smallpox vaccination caused one of the largest outbreaks of syphilis since 1494. [13] Sadly, in 1871, a British Parliamentary Select Committee had solid evidence that the practice of arm-to-arm vaccination did spread syphilis, yet instead of correcting this practice, it continued unchanged for decades. [14] Possibly, they reasoned the risks of not vaccinating were too high to stop.
For this reason we find Russell Trall in the Adventist publication The Health Reformer freely sharing his opinion on vaccination in 1868:
“We do not deal in the article. We neither vaccinate children, nor furnish the virus for others to do so. We are as much opposed to viruses and vaccines, as we are to drugs and medicines. If people must be better, have it the natural way.” [15]
When James White became the editor of The Health Reformer, he oversaw opinions like the fol-lowing to disseminate:
“As every intelligent physician knows that smallpox originates from accumulated filth, especial-ly animal excrement, would it not be better for humanity, and more worthy of the ‘conservators of the public health,’ to teach the people hygienic habits and recommend sanitary legislation, than to laud Jenner, quote statistics, and continue the shameful business of infecting the people [through vaccination] with the most loathsome and pestilential virus ever known on the earth?” [16]
At this point, some who believe that Ellen White supported vaccination to prevent smallpox will wonder if she stepped into the controversy, warning the authors and editors against voicing such “extreme opinions” in our publications.
And indeed, she did write a letter to the editors of the Health Reformer, cautioning them about their extreme opinions.
However, the subject was not about vaccination but about avoiding extremes in diet reform. [17] This is a point that should not be missed. Ellen White was aware of what was being written in these publications, yet she never condemned the strong anti-vaccination sentiments that were being published.
What we know of Ellen White’s personal opinion concerning vaccination comes essentially from three letters. We have two from her long-time secretary, D.E. Robinson, and one from her son, W.C. White. The letter that is commonly cited as evidence of Mrs. White’s pro-vaccine position was written by D.E. Robinson in 1931. [18]
In only one of these three – Robinson’s 1931 letter – are we told that Sister White both took the smallpox vaccine and encouraged others to do so. According to Robinson’s 1931 recollection, there was once an outbreak of smallpox in the vicinity of Ellen White’s party, and “she herself was vaccinated and urged her helpers, those connected with her, to be vaccinated.” [19] Additionally, he tells us that she “recognized the fact that it has been proven that vaccination either renders one immune from smallpox or greatly lightens its effects if one does come down with it.” Moreover, according to Robinson, she understood the risk of exposing others if one did not get vaccinated. [20]
In addition to his testimony about Sister White’s position, Robinson relates a story about his uncle who refused a vaccine and later died of smallpox, wishing before his death that he had taken the shot. Evidently, Robinson believed in smallpox immunizations and felt it was his duty to promote them. Robinson was, no doubt, aware of the skepticism toward vaccination in the church, and perhaps he sought to influence opinion on this matter.
What we know for sure is that Robinson wrote an earlier letter in 1915 on the same topic while Ellen White was still alive – but at that time he made no mention of Ellen White receiving the vaccine.
Sixteen years prior to Robinson’s widely cited letter promoting vaccination, he wrote a letter answering the same question about Ellen White’s opinion on vaccination. However, in this earlier letter, he was very careful not to attribute his pro-vaccine opinion to her. [21]
This 1915 letter is fascinating because he reports that he asked Sister White directly about her opinion concerning vaccines, as she was alive at the time and he was working at Elmshaven.
Notice what he says in 1915:
I mentioned the matter to her one day, but was unable to get anything definitive. Sister White’s writings contain the broad principles that should guide us in all our work. When it comes to details, however, it is necessary for us to study these and to come to our own conclusions. Owing to our finite limitations, we do not always see alike on some of these matters. [22]
The very first line is telling. Where was the story about her getting vaccinated and telling others to do so? Where is the confidence that she recognized the importance of being vaccinated to protect others from infection? The entire narrative of Sister White and her promotion of the smallpox jab is completely absent. Moreover, his tone is far more plaintive, understanding that upon this question, church members “do not always see alike.”
Nonetheless, Robinson maintains his pro-vaccine position, giving the story of his uncle and the positive experiences of others with the vaccine. He even admits that he had a hard time with it as a youth, but felt that the methods used in the manufacture of the vaccine had improved. [23] Yet, at the end of his letter, after making an appeal for the benefits of vaccination, he writes, “Of course you will understand that this is only my own personal statement, for which Sister White is in no way responsible.” [24]
There is a reason for this. Ellen White was still alive and he spoke to her face-to-face. She did not inform him of the story, which he recounts 16 years later about the smallpox outbreak. And neither, when asked about the subject, did she endorse vaccination. So where did this story about her getting vaccinated come from?
The short answer is that it came from W.C. White, but his letter reads differently than Robin-son’s account.
This can be clearly seen in a 1924 letter written by W.C. White. In this letter, Elder White explains that his mother regarded vaccination as a “perplexing question.” [25] This certainly contrasts with Robinson’s portrayal of Ellen White as a pro-vaccine crusader.
W.C. White also recounts how his mother thought vaccination was “dangerous” because as a child he was “perfectly healthy until [he] was vaccinated” and his health was “much impaired” thereafter. [26] Like Robinson, W.C. White also tells a story about an outbreak of smallpox in the vicinity of Sister White and her staff. But, in this story, there are some additional details left out by Robin-son.
First, doctors needed to explain to her that vaccines were safer than they used to be. Second, only after doctors testified that vaccines were safe, she offered “no objection” to those who desired to be vaccinated, including her son. Third, W.C. White is very clear that he and his associates were vaccinated, not his mother. Lastly, there is no mention of Sister White endorsing vaccines and encouraging others to take the shot. [27]
So that is the sum of what we know, from the three letters recounted above, about Ellen White and vaccination. As far as the written testimony, there is nothing in her writings for or against vaccines.
After studying the three sources carefully, we must conclude that the narrative of Ellen White’s endorsement of vaccines is a distortion of history.
It appears that within Robinson’s 1931 personal commentary, he confounded the story he had received second-hand from W.C. White, and upon this mistake, others have capitalized to make something more than what it really is.
From the evidence available, it appears that Ellen White held a neutral or possibly skeptical position on this public health measure. [28] We know for sure that she was not given specific light endorsing vaccines. And we know that those who studied and adhered to the health message in the early days of the church had some serious concerns related to vaccines.
This is for good reason, as the smallpox vaccine in those days was a filthy business. In those days, giving a shot was not the clean and neat procedure it is today. Smallpox vaccination was administered by abrading or puncturing the arm with an ivory or metal needle, then applying powdered pustule crust from a vaccinated cow, horse, or human into the wound, and finally covering it with a sterile dressing. The vaccine matter could also be collected from fresh pustules or lymphatic fluid from bovines recently infected with smallpox crust. After harvesting the vaccine matter, it was applied to a needle for insertion. [29] Alternatively, arm-to-arm vaccination al-lowed matter to be collected from a freshly grown pustule on the arm of a human after “successful” vaccination.
According to one author, the methods in those days “were extremely primitive because of an almost total lack of knowledge in the field of microbiology and immunology.” [30] What is worse is that physicians and scientists had no way of knowing if the smallpox virus was even contained in the vaccine, nor could they screen out other harmful viruses, bacteria, or putrid material. It was not until smallpox was in serious decline in the mid 20th century that scientists could actually isolate and identify the virus to formulate a vaccine, which begs the question, what did they actually inject into the arms of the population all those years? [31]
Perhaps in the messy progress of science, one may forgive doctors who rudely smeared their victims with disease-producing crust in the hopes of protecting them from the dreaded smallpox. However, what is censurable are the compulsory laws that forced men, women, and children to take the putrid material into their arms, risking disease and death—when science had no idea what it was doing! This violence was compounded with the hubris of the medical establishment to enforce and zealously protect this medical sacrament while denying the harm caused thereby.
The solution for some Adventists was to emphasize God’s methods of healing in contrast to a system that was attempting to poison a man to prevent disease. When asked about vaccination in 1904, Dr. Daniel H. Kress wrote:
“Personally I have never been able to see any physiological reason why it should be necessary to inject a deadly poison to protect from that disease (smallpox). Even if it should protect from that disease, it would prove injury to the system and invite other diseases. There are other means of protection which are equally effective and less harmful than the vaccine. The principal means of protection is a healthy body. Germs are unable to injure a healthy man. So to build up the general health is the natural means of protection against smallpox.” [32]
In the same vein, John Harvey Kellogg, MD before the General Conference in 1899 stated:
This method of fighting disease with disease is the human way of meeting disease, just as we fight fire with fire. But God has given us a truth that has in its power to lift a man above the power of disease. He has given us principles which, if we obey and follow, will change our bodies so that we shall not have to be vaccinated; that will lift the body above the power of disease, and above the power of sin; for sin and disease go along together. Disease is the consequence of sin, and sin induces a moral disease. [33]
These men were not alone in their opinion. Neither were they promoting wild conspiracy theories. They believed in science, treated patients, and experienced some of the worst diseases to afflict mankind. Yet, they believed that the simple wisdom from heaven was of a greater value than man’s attempt to fight disease with disease.
Examining the context in which anti-vaccination sentiment existed among some early Seventh-day Adventists, we can understand why they were skeptical of vaccination and regarded compulsory measures with distrust. Additionally, they believed in the efficacy of the health message to prevent infectious diseases like smallpox. This is no longer true today, though the health message remains the same. Perhaps, instead of giving a rubber stamp of approval to cutting-edge drugs or lipid nanoparticle mRNA injections, we would do well to look toward the past and the simple things which God saw fit to instruct His people.
About Timothy R. Perenich: Timothy R. Perenich DC is coauthor of Vaccination: Biblical Revelation, Ellen G. White, History and Science and cofounder of You can check out his videos on his Rumble and YouTube channels. Or you can email Timothy Perenich at:
[1] Dorothy and Roy Porter, “Politics of Prevention and Anti-Vaccinationism and Public Health in Nineteenth-Century England,” Medical History 32 (1988): 231–252[2] Ibid.
[3] A. M. Johnson, “Obituary,” Review and Herald 59, no. 14, April 1882, 222.
[4] U. Smith, “News of the Week: Foreign,” Review and Herald 62, no. 39, October 1885, 622.
[5] U. Smith, “News of the Week: Foreign,” Review and Herald 62, no. 23, June 1885, 366.
[6] U. Smith, L. A. Smith, and A. J. Bordeau, “News and Notes,” Review and Herald 78, no. 47, November 1901, 757.
[7] “Boycott as a Health Agent,” The Baltimore Sun, December 8, 1897, 2.
[8] “Undergraduates Use a Lance,” The Atlanta Constitution, May 15, 1901, 3.
[9] J.N. Loughborough, “Vaccination of Emigrants,” The Vaccination Inquirer and Health Re-view 5 (April1883 – March 1884): 34.
[10] J. H. Kellogg, “Literary Notices,” The Health Reformer 11, no. 2 (February 1876): 63.
[11] Joseph Jones, Researches Upon “Spurious Vaccination,” or The Abnormal Phenomena Ac-companying and Following Vaccination in the Confederate Army During the Recent American Civil War, 1861–1865 (Nashville TN: University Medical Press, 1867), 4–6
[12] A. T. Still, Osteopathy, Research, and Practice (Kirksville, MO: Journal Printing Co., 1910), 336.
[13] Franco M. Buonaguro, Maria L. Tornesello, and Luigi Buonaguro, “The XIX Century Smallpox Prevention in Naples and the Risk of Transmission of Human Blood-Related Patho-gens,” Journal of Translational Medicine 13 (2015): 33, doi:10.1186/s12967-015-0400-9.
[14] Dorothy and Roy Porter, “Politics of Prevention and Anti-Vaccinationism and Public Health in Nineteenth-Century England,” Medical History 32 (1988): 231–252
[15] Trall, “Answers to Correspondents,” The Health Reformer 3, no. 2 (August 1868): 38–39.
[16] Ibid.
[17] 3T 19–21.
[18] D. E. Robinson, Letter To: Dear Brother, June 12, 1931: 1 page (Ellen G. White Estate), QA 34-E-2.
[19] Ibid.
[20] Ibid.
[21] Robinson, Letter To: Dear Brother, February 10, 1915: 2 pages (Ellen G. White Estate), QA 34-E-2.
[22] Ibid.
[23] Ibid.
[24] Robinson, Letter To: Dear Brother, February 10, 1915: 2 pages (Ellen G. White Estate), QA 34-E-2.
[25] W. C. White, Letter To: Dr. L. C. Kellogg, February 5, 1924: 1 page (Ellen G. White Es-tate), QA 34-E-2.
[26] Ibid.
[27] Ibid.
[28] Timothy R. Perenich & Michael J. Farris, “Vaccination: Biblical Revelation, Ellen G. White, History,
[29] Harry W. Miller, The Way to Health (Tacoma Park, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1920), 197–199.
[30] C. Huygelen, “[Jenner’s Cowpox Vaccine in Light of Current Vaccinology],” Verhandelingen-Koninklijke Academie voor Geneeskunde van Belgie 58, no. 5 (1996): 479-536
[31] Philip D. Minor, “Live Attenuated Vaccines: Historical Success and Current Challenges,” Virology 479-480 (May 2015): 379 – 392.
[32] Daniel H. Kress, “Vaccination,” Australasian Good Health 7, no. 4 (April 1, 1904): 376
[33] Ibid.
SDA’s would do well to Keep Away from The DNA Changing Covid Vaccines. They are Experimental! Ellen White Would not Endorse such Vaccines. The Harm that they do is Unbelievable to the Human Body. I Tried to Persuade my Parents not to take these Vaccines. However they have a Long Habit of Placing the Opinions of Leading Brethren in the Church above God and Above the Obvious Weight of Evidence. The Death of Tiffany Dover and other People was not Weight of Evidence. They are now Paying the Price as Their Bodies DNA is Reprogrammed. The Deaths and Injuries Caused by these Vaccines are Growing Daily, and In Australia the Genocide has Just been Extended to Young Children. It is a Dark Day for Australia.
Regarding Ordinary Vaccines Such as the Flu Shot, Again I Would Urge SDA’s to not Take Such Poisons. The Injuries they Do to Your Body if Taken Year after Year, Result in Strange things Happening to the Body, Strange Sensations Under the Skin Etc. Also if You have a Disability that is Intellectual or Physical [ Such as I do ] the Damage done to the Body can make it Easier for Parasites and other Unwelcome Guests Making their Home in the Body. As Your Body is Weaker in Any Sense, Taking an Unnecessary Vaccine Just Makes it Weaker.
Thanks a lot. This was helpful. I’ve wondered about the Robinson letter and Ellen White’s position on vaccines. You would think that if Ellen White was vaccinated when Willie and his associates were he would have said so.
I’ve always thought the annual flu shot was an abuse of vaccines and harmful. I’ve also always thought that small pox vaccines were a very good thing but I’m revisiting that. It seems reasonable that improvements in hygiene have had more to do with the eradicating it than anything.
Good comment. You are correct regarding your suspicions regarding smallpox vaccines.
An excellent source for supporting your conclusions would be, Dr. Suzanne Humphries – “Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History”
I had a family member pass from a heart attack 2 days after a booster. When this was mentioned at the memorial service one of the adult children vehemently opposed the idea that there was a connection. Without the laboratory inquisition or results. Most of the folks who I talk to who also take this most unscientific and superstitious view I find haven’t heard of VAERS.
Also, what about bacon?? If all these new age Adventists are cool with unclean material being injected into their bodies, does that mean bacons back on the menu?
One unclean act previously prohibited and now accepted must mean that the lord has changed his view on healthy living. And if we know anything about sin, one law broken is the same as breaking them all. So if vaccines and pork are the new clean, Sunday must be the new sabbath.
The poor souls who don’t know better for lack of study, biblically and historically.
I am sure this article is correct. But with Omocron although I keep well with exercise and diet I expect to contract it. I am 76 and unvaccinated. Is that true? Also I choose not to wear a mask because I don’t believe most of them do anything. Is that true. It seems to he most people wearing masks have been frightened into submission.
My husband is 77, unvaxed, and contracted a very bad case of covid. He adheres to the health message to the best of his ability. It was rough but he came through okay, due to the Lord’s grace and mercy. Masks and so-called vaccines will not save us, only God can. We must obey Him, and put our complete trust in Him, and shun the sin of presumption. Our Creator is faithful to do the very best for us that He deems fit.
Don’t worry about “omicron” it is just a cold. If you don’t have 4 or more terminal illnesses you’ll likely weather any exposure just fine. When I am told to put on a mask in the store, sometimes I say, “Masks don’t work. Call the police.”
I am in total agreement in avoiding the vaccine. You know with this walking eggshell topic, which in my opinion is setting the stage for the Mark of the Beast and many other prophetic indications, it’s plain to see, that the Church is divided on this crucial topic. The vaccine has divided church members, families, coworkers, associates, and friends. To me before even thinking about the most wonderful enlightenment of the Spirit of Prophecy, it just didn’t feel right to trust the government in taking the vaccine, and it’s truly a very argumentized subject. COVID-19 was here way before we were instructed by the government to isolate, wear a mask, keep a 6 feet distance. Now a vaccine which usually takes 8-10 years to formulate and be tested, was put on the market in a year or less. It seems to me, that many have validated their own views and following their own consciences instead of listening to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit. The variants are becoming more powerful, and the vaccinations are ineffective. Yet, meanwhile, while as Adventists our attention is drawn away with this and so many other matters, prayer, fasting, the latter rain and making our calling and election sure, along with telling a literally dying world in any formality we can, about the Blessed Hope and Jesus soon return, it is not being our primary focus. Probation will close on many of us while we are walking and breathing and thinking we are saved. Is my name written in the Lamb’s book of life? Have I witnessed to others? For there shall be no starless crowns there in heaven. O Lord have thou mercy on your people.
Aloha from the Island of Maui, SMK!
All Glory to our Lord, our God, our King, and our Saviour, Jesus Christ!
What a beautiful and well thought out article! May the Lord richly bless you Dr. Timothy Perenich, and you too, Pastor Andy, for posting it!
Of such, is the Stone Mountain Kingdom of God; Hale-lujah!
Aloha! from your brother in Christ,
Maka’ala Stone
This article was well done and there was a need for the dissecting of this issue of the claims of d e Robinson. However, when searching the scriptures about vaccines and its intended purposes, the only thing you will find is the word ‘sorceries’ in Revelation 18:23. The transliteration of the word ‘sorceries’ in Greek is pharmakeia, which the word pharmacy derives from. When studying Revelation 18:23, from verses 5-24 gives context to the prophetic desolation of babylon where as verses 1-4 is the final call to leave babylon. Revelation 18:23 reveals that the nations were deceived by sorceries, “…for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.” We know that the Word of God doesn’t contain the word “vaccines” but they focus on the main underlying issues and principles. In the Testimonies from God given to us by Sis E G White, the same approach is seen. I agree that Sis White does not mention the word ‘vaccines’, however she focuses on principles and underlying issues. We know that a pharmacy sells drugs and pharmaceutical company make or develop them. A vaccine is a type of drug, science is used in the development of them, and these drugs are used along the purposes of improving health.
Well, Sis White talks extensively on the Health Message, on drugs and on science especially ‘science falsely so called’. Sis White talks about 2 sciences, the true science which is the study and contemplation with the mind and with hands for labor of God’s creation in nature. And there is a counterfeit science, a false science – ‘science falsely so called’ which is human speculation. I encourage that we prayerfully study these 3 topics in the Testimonies given to us by Sis White so we can know the present truth for these last days inwhich we are living.
“A day of great intellectual darkness has been shown to be favorable to the success of popery. It will yet be demonstrated that a day of great intellectual light is equally favorable for its success. In past ages, when men were without God’s Word, and without the knowledge of the truth, their eyes were blindfolded, and thousands were ensnared, not seeing the net spread for their feet. In this generation there are many whose eyes become dazzled by the glare of human speculations, “science falsely so-called;” they discern not the net, and walk into it as readily as if blindfolded. God designed that man’s intellectual powers should be held as a gift from his Maker, and should be employed in the service of truth and righteousness; but when pride and ambition are cherished, and men exalt their own theories above the Word of God, then intelligence can accomplish greater harm than ignorance. Thus the false science of the nineteenth century, which undermines faith in the Bible, will prove as successful in preparing the way for the acceptance of the papacy, with its pleasing forms, as did the withholding of knowledge in opening the way for its aggrandizement in the Dark Ages.” GC88
“Adam had themes for contemplation in the works of God in Eden, which was Heaven in miniature. God did not form man merely to contemplate his glorious works, therefore he gave him hands for labor, as well as a mind and heart for contemplation. If the happiness of man consisted in doing nothing, the Creator would not have given Adam his appointed work. In labor, man was to find happiness as well as in meditation. Adam could reflect that he was created in the image of God, to be like him in righteousness and holiness. His mind was capable of continual cultivation, expansion, refinement and noble elevation; for God was his teacher, and angels were his companions.” RH February 24, 1874, par. 8
God is good
It is indeed wonderful to have this article to correct the misrepresentations spread among us as a people. Dr Perenich does that ably. I only wish the MD’s among us would be as careful of their claims, and their willingness to promote the health destroying methods of Babylon to their fellow Adventists, and to the public they are supposed to serve, as is our brother.
Good article, it’s shameless how the GC has used EGW to push the Babylonian
pharmaceutical narrative, seems they have been proclaiming safe and effective for over 200 hundred years now…
They should be saying how “Unsafe and highly overated” they are, mankind doesn’t need these potions with ingredients that would make a witch blush,
Garlic, Ginger, nestertion leaf etc, the simple remedies found in nature are what Heaven approve of, God likes to use the simple to confound the supposedly great things of this world.
I feel sorry for all those people who experienced sickness and complications. I noticed that the author neglected to mention that thanks to the mass Smallpox vaccination, Smallpox as a disease has virtually been eradicated. A disease that used to kill 1 in 3 people infected with it.
It was not the vaccines, it was primarily the implementation of sanitation protocols.
La Viruela es cierto que mataba a personas inmunodeficientes como en el reino vegetal, pero no en la proporcion de la propaganda farmacéutica, es más cuando implementaron la vacuna contra la Viruela el indice de muertes ya estaba a la baja, cuando instauraron la vacunacion obligatoria contra la viruela se desató una gran epidemia de enfermedades venéreas, lepra, inmunodeprimidos y es completamente falso que hayan erradicado la viruela y la polio , hay abundante evidencia científica que demuestra que la información sobre el supuesto beneficio de las vacunas sobre la viruela es una completa mentira y que la nueva versión fue escrita por la industria farmacéutica para incrementar sus ganancias con la muerte de inocentes. lo mismo pasa con el fraude del VIH
Before nations started to mandate these draconian vaccine laws I always wonder why the GC comes out to promote the vaccines in the same way the vatican did, then I realised something was wrong. To my shockprise, Members also forgot our high calling, how true and faithful our Lord is and focused on vaccinating because “GC” is promoting them to the extent of some churches even using Sabbaths for vaccination instead of worship. I believe we are in a period that the 4 Hebrew boys experienced in Daniel 1:8-16 ( health crises in thier time) where the stage is being set for the worship crises ( the mark of the beast).
It was not the vaccines, it was primarily the implementation of sanitation protocols.