The times that we have long awaited are coming. Today, prophecy is being fulfilled so quickly that even those who have clearly understood it stand in awe as we witness a series of events happen one after another. On May 5, 2023, Bishop Robert Reed from the Archdiocese of Boston published an article in The Pilot, a Roman Catholic newspaper, titled “Sabbath: A Blessing We Should Think About Accepting.” In this article, the Roman Catholic Bishop stated that Sunday rest has both a temporal and eternal blessing, and we must reclaim the Sunday Sabbath if we are going to live “well-adjusted, purposeful, and sane lives.”
Bishop Reed said the following in part:
• “If we must live purposeful lives (and most of us must, to some extent), then it seems absolutely essential for us to reclaim the idea of Sabbath rest if we are to feel peaceful, well-adjusted and — dare I say it — sane.” [1]
• “Jesus taught that ‘the Sabbath is for man, and not man for the Sabbath’ (Mk 2:27), indicating that this one day of the week is meant to be a blessing, rather than a burden, to those who observe it. We know that God rested after seven days of work, and God really did work quite extensively before resting. I mean, when was the last time you created a universe in a week?” [1]
• “I suggest we Christians take a long hard look at the Sabbath, which for us is on Sunday. Whether you’re single, or married with a family, young or old, living alone or with a roommate, woman, man, priest, bishop: We all need a day of rest.” [1]
• “Imagine Sunday as a day completely different from any other day of the week, a day to give glory to God and to worship him, a day to get to know and care for your family or your spouse or your neighbors or your roommates better, a day to rest and to think of other — otherworldly! — things!” [1]
• “The Sabbath was made for us! It is a gift designed and ordered to our good. Let us find a way to embrace the gift, to take advantage of the temporal and eternal blessings of this weekly day of rest.” [1]
First of all, the First Angels’ Message (Revelation 14:7) calls us to give glory to God and to worship Him by keeping the Sabbath of creation, which is the seventh day (Genesis 2:1–3). Secondly, God did not rest after seven days of work. God’s law says that “in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it (Exodus 20:11). Thirdly, there are no “temporal” or “eternal” blessings that come from keeping Sunday holy. Isaiah 66:22–23 clearly tells us that in God’s kingdom made new, those who receive eternal life will be keeping the seventh-day Sabbath, Saturday, throughout all eternity.
What’s significant, though, is the part where Bishop Reed talks about the “temporal” blessings that come from keeping Sunday holy. That part is especially important because this is talking about reclaiming Sunday rest so that we can restore our personal well-being and stop all of the human misery and disasters that are happening on the earth. In other words, the spurious Sabbath must be exalted for the sake of “temporal” prosperity. The argument is being made that much of the suffering in the world is due to the fact that Sunday is not being observed as the day of rest. This is exactly what will be said during the final conflict when the mark of the beast is enforced:
“It will be declared that men are offending God by the violation of the Sunday-sabbath, that this sin has brought calamities which will not cease until Sunday observance shall be strictly enforced, and that those who present the claims of the fourth commandment, thus destroying reverence for Sunday, are troublers of the people, preventing their restoration to divine favor and temporal prosperity” (Great Controversy, p. 589, 590).
Inspiration says that the claim will be made that unless the Sunday Sabbath is restored, there can be no temporal prosperity and that distress and tribulations will continue. And on May 5, 2023, Roman Catholic Bishop Robert Reed said that it is “absolutely necessary” to “reclaim” the “temporal” blessings that come from the Sunday Sabbath. Brothers and sisters, we are seeing these words come to pass in part. This is only the beginning.
We know that human suffering and disasters will become more frequent and intense, and together, the calls for Sunday rest for temporal prosperity will also increase. This should arouse God’s faithful remnant people and all those who know what these things mean to greater activity in spreading the truths of the Third Angel’s Message. What is needed is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit must descend upon God’s people, causing them to be moved to greater faithfulness and zeal in their service.
“The storm is coming, relentless in its fury. Are we prepared to meet it? Are we one with Christ as He is one with the Father? Are we heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ? Are we working in copartnership with Christ?—Manuscript 32a, 1896.“ – {Ev 199.1}
I have never understood the catholic concept of an eight day week? Where in the world did they get that idea? It does not even make sense! If that is the case, then that makes Monday their holy day. Then the next week, it would make Tuesday their holy day. So on and so on……………They are a really mixed up group of people.
Quote from the article above: “We know that God rested after seven days of work, and God really did work quite extensively before resting. I mean, when was the last time you created a universe in a week?”
They don’t seem to know that God rested after six days of work of creation, and that He rested on the 7th!
Of course they know, they’re just intentionally misleading in favor of their demon-fabricated agenda.
Angels in heaven worship God continually and are not restricted to a 24-hour day. So is worshipping God on Saturday only accepted, with worshipping Him on Sunday
not accepted? Are those who worship God on Saturday more holy than those who worship Him on Sunday? Where do you find a day or worship in John 3:16 or in
Acts 16:30, 31? What day of the week did the repentant thief on the cross keep to receive the promise of eternal life from Jesus? The answers here are obvious. SDAs
persist in a “holier than thou attitude” toward Sundaykeepers. Seventh Day Baptists do not do this. If anyone is against Christians worshipping on any day of the week
then they have the spirit of anti-christ. SDAs prove this in their teaching that Sunday is the mark of the beast. The apostle Paul did warn New Testament Christians
about “strange doctrines”, “fables”, and “doctrines of devils”, didn’t he? SDAs make Sabbathkeeping more important than Jesus. Again, Seventh Day Baptists don’t do
this. So which 7th-day group correctly demonstrates and understands the Bible clearly concerning this? Seventh Day Baptists. of course! Check them out. You will
find them balanced and Biblical, demonstrating proper Christian attitudes toward others- and not like SDAs! SDAs need to be born-again. Please pray for this.
The early Christians met daily in their houses. (Daily includes all days of the week, doesn’t it?) They were praising and worshipping God and teaching about Jesus. Again, was this worship only accepted by God six days of the week and not on Sunday? Also, did you notice that the new Christians did not attend the synagogue
services that were continued after the cross? (So were they paying tithe in agriculture products to support the Levites and priests? No. The new Christians were
giving lands and houses to support the gospel work, which is far greater than 10%.) The Bible instructs us not to judge people concerning the day of worship. See
Colossians 1:16-18.) SDAs violate this with their teaching that Sunday is the mark of the beast, which is unbiblical in itself. SDAs follow a woman with only a third
grade education and that was hit in the head with a rock, and never got over it. (Dr. Kellogg and his associates at the Battle Creek Sanitarium witnessed to this in
their day.) In conclusion, SDAs are headed for another great embarrassment when worldwide Sunday laws will never happen. They have been crying wolf since
1888 when their propaganda book, The Great Controversy, was published. It’s sad that SDAs will learn the hard way and be greatly ridiculed in the near future.
Seams like you are expecting an event, the sunday law, in the near future, “that will never happen”, and then we will be embarased. Hmm… interesting. 😄