Relevant Radio Network, owned by Catholics, broadcasts on over 200 stations across the country. On November 20, 2023, Relevant Radio Network featured a segment called “Hungering for the Lord’s Day” and called for the cancellation of unnecessary activities on Sunday in order to keep the day holy. They claim that we may lessen the severity of many of the societal problems we encounter by keeping Sunday holy and taking the day off.
Relevant Radio Network expressed the following:
• “If you love your mother, wouldn’t you do something special for her on Mothers’ Day or on her birthday? If you love a dear friend, wouldn’t you make their birthday or patron name’s day special as well? This is how we maintain right relationships. So, if Sunday is the Lord’s Day—his special day—then we want to keep it special—better yet, keep it holy!” [1]
• “Keeping Sunday holy also means we refrain from unnecessary work so as to put Christ first in our lives. To make Sunday a family day, focus your plans on your spiritual family, the Church, and your earthly family and friends.” [1]
• “We should avoid consumerism, unnecessary shopping, and making unnecessary demands on others, treating the Lord’s Day as any other day.” [1]
• “When we don’t set time aside for God and his family we are saying that our activity is more important. So, let’s hunger and thirst for the holiness of our Lord’s special day, making it our special day as well.” [1]
The word “consumerism” originates in economics and refers not just to buying and selling but to a wide range of issues, including debt, globalization, poverty, health issues, resource depletion, and the throwaway culture. Here, it is evident that Catholics believe that by keeping Sunday holy, we are promoting constructive social change that will improve sustainability on all fronts and build a just society.
According to Vatican News, Pope Francis believes that “consumerism is a virus that attacks the faith.” [2] So what is the solution? Well, if we want to end the evils of consumerism and the negative impact it has on society, then we must keep Sunday holy. Sunday rest, we are being told, will solve all of the ills of society, including the climate crisis. There is certainly a prophetic aspect to all of this whenever Sunday is interjected into buying, selling, and market economies. This all points to one thing: preparations are being made for the coming mark of the beast crisis, and it is being fueled by a constant call for making Sunday holy.
“Satan puts his interpretation upon events, and they think, as he would have them, that the calamities which fill the land are a result of Sunday-breaking. Thinking to appease the wrath of God, these influential men make laws enforcing Sunday observance. They think that by exalting this false rest day higher and still higher, compelling obedience to the Sunday law, the spurious sabbath, they are doing God service. Those who honor God by observing the true Sabbath are looked upon as disloyal to God, when it is really those who thus regard them who are themselves disloyal, because they are trampling under foot the Sabbath originated in Eden” (Manuscript 85, 1899).
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