At the recent Texas Conference 2023 Camporee, which was held at Lake Whitney Ranch in Clifton, Texas, our Seventh-day Adventist youth enjoyed a performance that featured a dancing Jesus. Jesus was seen dancing with a young girl and apparently showing her the beauty of creation. Jesus dances and spins the girl around as they survey the wonders of the earth. Suddenly, Satan appears on the scene and spins the girl away from Jesus with his own dance moves. The girl is drawn away from the Lord through various temptations. Next, a battle between Jesus and the devil over the girl breaks out. Jesus triumphs, picks her up, cleans her, and then they resume dancing once again.
This is the new plan of salvation for our young people. We were redeemed from the power of the devil to dance with Jesus. Maybe this is the reason why we see so much dancing in the church today. Apparently, Jesus is the King of Dance, and the mission of the church is to preserve and teach people about the different dance traditions. Tribal dancing, hip-hop dancing, modern dance—it doesn’t matter, because Jesus is a performance-oriented Saviour who is training His disciples to dance at our camp meetings, church services, schools, hospitals, and every other public place.
Notice the warning message to all those who have become confused and think that our Lord can become the object of their own depraved minds. Jesus is not one to be trifled with. Yes, He is loving, but He is also holy and just.
“Thou thoughtest that I was altogether such an one as thyself: but I will reprove thee, and set them in order before thine eyes. Now consider this, ye that forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver. Whoso offereth praise glorifieth Me: and to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I shew the salvation of God” Psalm 50:21-23.
I can assure you that many more young people come to GYC every year, where Bible-based preaching and godly worship abound, than can be found at gatherings where cheap grace and irreverent performances are notable.
Faithful pastors and church members must rise up and demand strict accountability in doctrinal, liturgical, and moral faithfulness within the great Advent movement. God is seeking courage, not cowardice and compromise, from His striving faithful in these last days.
It seems as though so much to sigh and cry over is coming out of Texas these days! Those that speak out, are threatened, such as Pastor Damon Snead (see Fulcrum7 story at Can’t speak up about the truth, or else you lose your job. Can’t ask for present truth to spoken from the pulpit, or else you’re disbanded as a church and all your assets confiscated (ok, that’s most recently out of Potomac conference, but it comes from the same spirit).
Personally, I find it shocking that so many sincere Seventh-day Adventists are not able to see that the corporate denomination is in a fallen condition. From east to west and north to south, it is becoming almost impossible to find leadership that is taking a hard stand for the old foundational truths that this church was built upon and shouting it from the mountain tops.
Many well meaning people within the organization make the call for reform so that the denomination can once again go out and declare our distinctive doctrines. How would such a reform take place, when the local pastors are supported in their woke, pro LGBT, politically correct, sugar gospel sermons by their conferences? How would such a reform take place when the conferences supporting the pastors are merely acting out the plans laid down for them by the Unions and Divisions? How would such a reform take place with a General Conference that hides behind their claimed lack of authority because it’s convenient to them for the avoidance of conflict, but then roars like a lion giving orders when asked to have an open discussion about vaccine mandates? Sorry folks. There simply isn’t a precedent in scripture to inform us that such a work of reform and an about face is going to happen. I’ve never seen it written that we should expect such a sight from the denomination just prior to the end.
Scripture tells us that it is a very small remnant that is to be left. Sister White describes this remnant as those that obtain their freedom by breaking the cords that the leadership fastens around them as they declare “We have the truth,” and “God is with us.” She goes on to describe that there are still a few sincere ones that remain in the corporate church that look out at the united company of free ones and long to gain their freedom as well. They extend their hands out to them for help. Do you know what the answer is that comes from the free company? I will quote her directly: “The answer from them, as they earnestly looked to heaven, and pointed upward, was, ‘Come out from among them, and be separate.'”
Why would it be necessary to come out from among the corporate SDA denomination? Would it be because there are just a few bad apples that need to be sorted out of the basket? Would it be because there are minor differences of opinion on appropriate worship styles? No. To be called to come out and be separate is not a trivial or fixable matter. It is a call that is given because, as Isaiah puts it, “From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores…”
It is, in fact, a matter of life and death. Jeremiah informs us that the issue at the core of this rotten apple is that the denomination has left the true God of Scripture and has polluted herself by joining to a false god, called the trinity, the triune god, the threefold “godhead”, etc. (see×17-1.pdf) What we are witnessing in these unbelievable displays of false worship and dictatorial leadership style is simply the fruits of worshiping a false god. If the denomination was committed to the worship of God the Father and his only begotten Son Jesus Christ, the fruit would be different; there would be no imitating of the world; there would be no longing to be just another evangelical style church; there would be no coercion of conscience; there would be no threats. To permit yourself to remain tied by the cords to the corporate denomination is to virtually declare your support for that organization and the false god that they worship. To remain tied by the cords is the same as remaining in Jerusalem, when Jeremiah said to go out. This is the same as remaining in Jerusalem after the retreat of Cestius, when Christ had said to flee after the sign was seen. Those that remained, died. Those that obeyed, were saved.
What do you think will be the outcome this time around?
The fact that you adhere to the anti-Trinitarian movement, which flies directly against both Scripture and the writings of Ellen White, together with your adherence to the fanatical anti-vax movement, makes it clear that you refuse to adjust your convictions to the teachings of God’s written counsel, while simultaneously upholding man-made tests of piety. Your rage against “woke” ideas and so-called “political correctness” is likewise a mingling of strange fire with the holy fire of the inspired Word. No secular political ideology, whatever label it wears, carries either the divine stamp of condemnation or the divine seal of approval.
While it may be true that in past ages God’s faithful people had to leave the corporate church in order to preserve doctrinal and moral purity, Ellen White is absolutely clear that this will not happen in the last days. Most assuredly we are told that the great majority will prove unfaithful, and that only a remnant will be saved in the end. But the modern prophet is equally clear that the faithful remnant will remain within the corporate body, while the apostate majority will leave that body.
I have an online article written some years ago on this subject titled, “Shaken Out of What?” which I recommend to all:
Brother Paulson,
I thank you for your words even though they hinted at some resentment and even presuming to categorize me in unflattering terms. If I offended you, please forgive me. If the following offends you, again, it isn’t my intent. I simply desire for everyone in my beloved church to have the opportunity to see what is happening at our right hand and the left and then to be ready to take the necessary action when directed by God.
I respectfully invite you, and anyone else reading this, to look up each one of the verses which are cited by the Seventh-Day Adventist denomination in Fundamental Belief #2 in support of the trinity doctrine. They can be found at Please bear in mind that by the orthodox trinitarian definition that the SDA church gradually adopted over the course of about 60 years, culminating in the formal adoption by inclusion in the fundamental beliefs voted in 1980, the trinity must be three persons, comprising one God being. It was even stated as such on the GC website for years until just a few years ago (see I invite you to explain with your Bible, with or without the proof texts for FB #2, this concept of three persons comprising one God being, where each person is coequal and coeternal (also, it should technically state that they/he are/is consubstantial since a single God BEING is being defined). In fact, I invite you to explain such a concept with rational, logical thought by whatever means you desire. You will find that scripture has no part in that explanation. As you read the proof texts for FB #2, please keep in mind that in order to be proof texts, they must uphold the orthodox trinitarian definition which our denomination has embraced. That means that it must be plainly stated for three persons to be one God BEING, where the three persons are coequal, coeternal and consubstantial. From your article that you referenced, I know you to be versed in Sister White, so undoubtedly you have noted that this is her instruction to us – we must take scripture “as it reads.”
My brother, men of much greater intellectual stature than ten of me and ten of you combined have already endeavored this feat and have unequivocally declared at the end of their efforts that the doctrine of the trinity cannot be proven from scripture, but must be inferred and then accepted by faith. Is this the God that we are to serve? An inference? A mystery that can’t be explained with coherent thought? Now contrast the nine FB #2 texts with the following sampling of nine texts, each of which states something in clear terms –
Duet 6:4 – compare with Phil. 2:9, Hebrews 1:4
1 Tim 2:5 – compare with 1 Tim 1:2
James 2:19
Deut. 32:39
Eph 4:6 – compare with Eph 1:2
Isa 45:18 – compare with Mark 5:9
Psalm 83:18 – compare with Zech. 14:9
1 Cor 8:4-6 – compare with 1 Thes. 1:9, Jer. 10:10, 2 Chron 15:3 and 1 John 4:20
John 17:3
Further, I invite you to evaluate what Sister White has to say about the identity and personality of God and of Christ. This goes beyond grabbing the book Evangelism, (three pages – from 613 through 616) that Dr. LeRoy Froom compiled for us and actually searching for evidence on both sides of the issue by reading what she wrote in her published writings with this very purpose in mind. It’s shocking how much we humans are able to glaze over when we’re just reading without a specific intent of searching for a particular thing. What you will find is that for every trinitarian-sounding quote, there are AT LEAST fifty non-trinitarian sounding quotes in the body of her work, many of which where she directly states that the heavenly Father is the God of the Bible and even beholding the glory that enshrouds his being; and that He has one only begotten (notice, she doesn’t say unique) Son, Jesus Christ, whom she also saw as a being. What do you do with such lop sided results? Well, what I did was first decide that the Testimony of Jesus Christ given to Ellen White didn’t “evolve” over time (Psalm 89:34, Ecclesiastes 3:14, Psalm 33:11, Malachi 3:6, Numbers 23:19, Isaiah 40:8, Matthew 24:35, Hebrews 13:8) , so if there is a contradiction, it must be in my understanding of the matter. I then went back and revisit each quote to read it in it’s full context, even reading many chapters before and after when it came in a book format to see how these apparently conflicting statements could be harmonized.
Clearly, you know what my conclusion was. I found that it was not possible to harmonize against the greater weight of evidence. Further, I found that it was possible to harmonize the the trinitarian sounding statements when understood in the context of her beliefs which she stated and restated so many times. I found that many of the trinitarian sounding statements are actually contained within a letter, article or book given in a decidedly non-trinitarian framework. Finally, I decided that when she said that she was shown a line of truth extending from that time (when they were studying and rediscovering the distinctive doctrines that made us Seventh-day Adventist) until the time that we will enter the city of God, that God was not revealing these truths to a non-trinitarian apostate, but to a non-trinitarian faithful servant of the most high God. I’m not aware of anyone being used of God over a lifetime as his prophet when they didn’t even know who He is.
Sadly, I’ve extended this invitation to search and study this most important of all matters to many, but few have accepted it. Most respond by simply saying that they already know the answer and don’t need to study it. I know how it is. I was there myself not so long ago. Now I can see how little I actually see.
God bless you. Christ died for you every bit as much as he died for me. We are brothers. May differences of understanding never be permitted to create in us a resentful heart against one another. But instead, let us come together to study these things out and rediscover what is the truth. Please remember that Sister White states (clearly) that it is the truth that will unite the remnant little company that walks in the opposite direction of the rest of the world (EW 263).
Ellen White’s statements regarding the three co-eternal Persons of the Godhead are fully harmonious, even if some may not in every case articulate this concept. As with Scripture, Ellen White’s counsel is self-explanatory, defined both by context and the consensus of the whole of her writings and those of the Bible.
When all this evidence is brought together, the Trinitarian stance taken by the worldwide Adventist body is the only conclusion which explains that evidence.
Here is my three-part sermon delivered in 2017 on the campus of Weimar University, titled, “Three Co-Eternal Persons”:
Greetings Br. Kevin,
I see that you are in conflict with scripture and SOP when it comes to understanding who God is.
The Bible should be are only guide to understanding truth. But because we have been blessed with Sr. Whites writings, Adventist tend to gravitate towards what she has penned for clarification.
I can point you to many plain statements made by her in regards to who God is but I am sure you have read them already. In my experience when lifting up the Son of God, I find this pdf to be of big help when sharing the good news to other Adventist.
I will keep you in prayer and I hope to hear a response to the link I sent.
God Bless!
Brother Paulson,
I ask you to keep studying on the topic of God and Christ and the Holy Spirit. When Jesus spoke about the Rich Man and Lazarus he was starting with their currently held view of immortality. He started where they were. See COL chapter 21.
I believe Ellen White’s statement of “third person of the godhead” is done in similar format as many formerly trinitarians were becoming part of a non-trinitarian movement of people. I’m sure many have read Boardman’s 1837 book named ??? and she was turning their minds from that position to a correct position and letting God work on the mind.
Keep studying Brother Paulson, keep studying.
On your off the cuff comment on anti-vax movement I recommend you listen to James Rafferty’s sermon here:
The organization was not mirroring the husband Christ and providing liberty.
I’m all for the Spirit of the Lord returning to his organization. I pray about it consistently.
“17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.”
(2Co 3:17-18, AV)
Shawn Speidel