Dr. Carlos Fayard is an associate professor at the Loma Linda University School of Medicine. [1] He is also “Assistant Director of Mental Health Affairs in the Health Ministries Department of the World Headquarters of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.” [2] Surprisingly, he is also a “consultant” for the Catholic Diocese of San Bernardino, California and uses his expertise in the service of Rome. [2]
What exactly has he done for Roman Catholics? In his book “Christian Principles for the Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy,” Dr. Carlos Fayard relates the story about one of his patients who was a sexually active homosexual priest. On page 3 of his book, Dr Fayard explains that this gay priest named “Joe” contracted HIV due to his frequent homosexual relationships that had “escalated to anonymous” encounters with other men in public spaces.”
But Dr. Carlos Fayard not only helps gay Catholic Priests with their sex addictions, he also helps them reconnect with the Virgin Mary using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Notice what pages 72 and 73 say in Dr. Fayard’s book:
“What I was theologically blind to was that Joe could imagine spiritual beings congruent with his own theological tradition. He pictured close to him the saint after whom his mother had named him, and also, out of the corner of the eye of his imagination, he saw the Virgin Mary. This sight shifted his emotional experience back to a sense of guilt and shame. I gently inquired what was happening, and he could hardly speak, as he was gasping for air. I redirected his attention to those that surrounded him, eliciting a different reaction. After he was able to again experience God’s forgiveness and acceptance, I asked him to open his eyes and elaborate on what had happened. Joe told me he felt that God had forgiven him and accepted him, but that he could not “face the Blessed Mother,” not because he felt she would have a punitive attitude, but because he had disappointed her in a major way.Joe knew of my spiritual commitments and understood my limitations in being able to fully grasp the implications of what he had said, and so he proceeded to educate me. I accepted what Joe told me as his psychological reality. In that sense, I became a narrativist for a while, as his theological understanding and mine were very different, and so I went back to using CBT principles to challenge the assumptions that prevented him from engaging in specific prayer activities involving Mary. Eventually, he was able to do so, and he could then feel the benefits from restoring yet another relationship.”

A photocopy of Dr. Fayard’s book, pages 72, 73.
A member of the General Conference Health Ministries and associate professor at Loma Linda University School of Medicine is helping to “restore” the “relationships” between gay priests and the Virgin Mary. Rome must be very happy when its sex addicted priests can learn to pray again to the Virgin Mary, all thanks to our leaders.
(Let us digress for a moment. We will come back to the Virgin Mary). But to make matters worse, this is the same Dr. Carlos Fayard who writes for the Adventist Review telling the world church that anti-vaxxers are simple-minded because they are not using their brain properly. In an article published on April 24, 2021 by the Adventist Review titled “The Psychology of Vaccine Hesitation,” Dr. Fayard states that those who refuse to take the Covid-19 vaccine are not using the part of their brain that processes “rational information.” Instead, anti-vaxxers are using the part of the brain that is only “emotion-based”. [3]
Here we have the church experts saying that on the one hand we have members who get vaccinated because they are using the part of the brain that processes logic and reason. And on the other hand, there are members who adopt “conspiracy theories and misinformation about the vaccine” because they are using the part of the brain that deals only with emotions. [3]
Dr. Fayard is telling Seventh-day Adventists that he is the expert who knows how our brains work. If you do not do what he says and get the vaccine, it is not logical. Why? On what is this conclusion based? Anti-vaxxers are illogical simply because they are not doing what he says. He is the authority. He has the credentials. And if you don’t listen to him, you are not a logical thinker.
Have we forgotten that reason and logic come from facts? And the fact is, there is no scientific evidence because not enough testing has been done. What scientific proof does Dr. Fayard give in his article to show that all these inexplicable adverse effects and deaths are not caused by vaccines?
We are not talking about emotions. What scientific data does Dr. Fayard have that explains why so many teens who took the vaccine now have heart problems, teens who never had any pre-existing conditions or medical history? And in some cases, these teens were athletes. Why do so many young people suddenly have heart attacks or enlarged hearts? [4] [5] How do you scientifically explain why a perfectly healthy adolescent develops serious health problems after receiving the vaccine? Where is the proof that vaccines did not cause these problems?
But this is where the Adventist Review failed to do its due diligence. They did not ask Dr. Fayard the real and most pressing questions about the human brain. But it’s not just Adventist Review, Loma Linda University School of Medicine, and the General Conference Health Ministries need to seriously consider the following questions about the use of the human brain (Now let’s get back to the topic of the Virgin Mary).
• What part of the human brain are we using when Seventh-day Adventists reconnect Catholics to the Virgin Mary?
• What part of the brain is making us forget Revelation 14:6-12, our true mission and message?
• What part of the brain causes this type of spiritual blindness?
• What part of the brain is causing many of our leaders to care more about influence, money, position and power than about saving souls?
• What part of the brain causes us to remain silent in a time of seditious apostasy?
• What part of the brain is causing outright rebellion and spiritual decay within the church today?
• What part of the brain, if any, are these men using?
We really do have a cognitive problem in Adventism. Instead of publishing “The Psychology of Vaccine Hesitancy”, Dr. Fayard should have published “The Psychology of Obedience Hesitancy?” And then he needs to follow with another article called “The Psychology of Apostasy Enablers?”
When will Dr. Fayard apply his Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to reconnect our Seventh-day Adventist leaders with the Three Angels’ Message? That’s what he should be doing. Or does he only reconnect gay Catholic priests with the Virgin Mary? What a shame! And these are the “experts” in the church today who are telling us to listen to them? These are the “scientists” in the church telling us that WE are not using OUR brains correctly?
Brothers and sisters, the question of vaccination is not the real issue today. They want to make the “flu” the most important problem for this generation, and they want to blame certain nonconforming conservatives for all the problems. Apostasy is the real issue. Disobedience and rebellion are the problems. It was disobedience that caused the angels of God to lose their home in heaven. It was disobedience that caused our first parents to lose the Garden of Eden. It was disobedience that kept ancient Israel out of the Promised Land. And it is the same rebellion and disobedience that we see today, not the flu, that will certainly keep us out of heaven.
Notice what we are dealing with today in church:
“Evil angels in the form of believers will work in our ranks to bring in a strong spirit of unbelief. Let not even this discourage you, but bring a true heart to the help of the Lord against the powers of satanic agencies. These powers of evil will assemble in our meetings, not to receive a blessing, but to counterwork the influences of the Spirit of God” (Mind, Character, and Personality, Vol. 2, pp. 504, 505).
Based on the words of inspiration from the above statement, I’m really beginning to wonder if the devil really has his own office at Loma Linda University. Somewhere in Loma Linda, between Dr. Jon Paulien and Dr. Carlos Fayard, Satan has to have an office or a cubicle with his name tag posted to a door. He must be coming in every day and punching in the time clock and doing his business. Since Loma Linda University is an entity owned by the General Conference (not the NAD), maybe the General Conference should investigate what’s going on at Loma Linda. Or maybe Satan has already installed a cubicle at the General Conference as well, somewhere between Ganoune Diop and Ted Wilson.
Join the conversation and share your thoughts with us below at the bottom of this page. We have opened the comments for you to tell us what you think.
[1] http://www.llu.edu/pages/faculty/directory/faculty.html?eid=1a1583d
[2] https://medicine.llu.edu/clinical-psychology-internship/faculty-and-staff/supervisors
[3] https://www.adventistreview.org/the-psychology-of-vaccine-hesitancy
[4] https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/23/health/cdc-vaccine-youth.html
[5] https://www.cbsnews.com/news/covid-19-vaccine-heart-inflammation-teens-myocarditis/
For far too long, far too many in leadership positions of various disciplines have fallen under an alien SDA banner. What is this you may ask? SDA= Scripturally Devoid Amnesia. Let’s look at Webster’s 3rd definition of Amnesia : the selective overlooking or ignoring of Events or Acts that are not favorable or useful to one’s purpose or position. Hmmmm…. Now isn’t that interesting? The Word of God and our sole purpose of spreading the 3 Angels message does not and has not fit into the purposes and positions of so many charlatans for decades. And the observance of these facts is not “Conspiracy Theory” quite the opposite, it is Satanic Agenda Implementation and only a PhD would be unable to discern such things.
I agree
Thank you Advent Messenger, it doesn’t surprise me that this person who hates the non posioned is sending Catholic Priests to remain in their Babylonian errors…in this case Mary worship
Rome’s fingerprints are all over this Medical Inquisition we all find ourselves currently in.
He should be wearing the collar of a priest! What a Jesuit plant!!! I believe those of us that have not gotten the vaccine are the ones that are using their minds in the right way. It is all about compromise. It is a slippery slope.
i agree with you Lind F Taylor,,
Come on dude !
Think with your hole brain🤦♂️
I agree with Taylor also
Andy, right on brother! These are hard-hitting words that need to be said! The vast majority of lambs that sit in the pews each Sabbath are completely unaware of these things that are happening right under their noses. I pray the Laodiceans will wake up before they are spewed out of His mouth.
Did Jesus resort to the broken cisterns of this world to heal people and lead them to salvation? I think not. I fear Carlos Fayard, Ph.D. will have blood on his garments.
How much worst can it get before divine judgement fall on the general conference of S A D? nothing is wrong with what is wrong anymore, i notice that the apostates dont have to worry about consequences when they speak doctrines of devil for they are in charge, but those who dear speak out against the abominations get shafted and labeled as half shoots well the history of christianity suggested that Jesus and John the Baptist were half shoots for they were not members of the Sanhedrin which was an ecumenical counsel like world counsel of churches of which G.C. is a member they sign the BE M documents in 1982 hence they cant preach the three angel messages clear cut they have to be mindful of the feelings of their ecumenical brothers, or else they will loose their seat at the counsel or they prayer breakfast
The Jesuits who entered in the church pretending to be Adventists are now playing the role as it is the right season for them
Have you ever picked up a delicious looking apple only to find that once cut open reveals the rottenness inside?
“But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the Lord: and be sure your sin will find you out.” Numbers 32:23.
“O generation of vipers, how can ye,being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.” Matthew 12:34
“The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep.” John 10:13
Read Jeremiah 25:31-36. And Ezekiel 34… the Lord will be against the false shepherds and will require His flock at their hand…
May our prayer be, “create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me”…we need to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling.
Ephraim is clung to his idols; leave him alone…
If we wait for leadership to act, then we might as well start digging our graves now because it will never happen. This ‘professor’ has now ‘professed’ to what he really is…for out of the mouth his heart speaks. He doesn’t truly care because he really is only a hireling. He has his idols.
Read Jeremiah 7:16; 11:14 and 14:11. Now ask yourself if you should be praying for the rebels in the church. Those who work in the position of power/leadership are all suppose to be ordained pastors as I understand it therefore it isn’t like they are uneducated folks…they should KNOW what they are doing…
Advent messenger you are doing a great work to update us on what’s going on in our high office or on individual.but my question is why do you use individual motives and characters to charge the church?I understand there are few in the high rank of our church who are not true their duty but is this reason to use a church name merliciasly to portray the church as Babylon?I think there is a way we points wrong done in our individual leaders without tainting church’s name my opinion.
John, the only ones tainting the church’s name are the ones who are pushing their apostasy to the world in the name of the church and not the ones who are defending the teachings of the church.
A university staff received his counseling services and seen for sexual addiction, anger management and domestic violence. All was excused and accepted by this individual. The victim(s) were instead blamed. I know first hand about this individual’s therapeutic sessions.
Thank you Lord for ‘off-shoot’ SDA’s who still keep the commandments of God and still hold the testimony of Jesus!
Very sad that we have backslidden to this degree…all of us are individually responsible…I hesitate to review my own past life, but we must…and pray for forgiveness and cleansing as we come so near the end. We must go to our knees and pray that the recording angel with the writer’s inkhorn at his side, might record our names as sealed and faithful. Our probation as a denomination must be almost over. May God grant us mercy.
GENERAL CONFERENCE IS ON 6TH MONTH, 6TH DAY, 6 DAYS LONG: 💥If your being tested…YOU need to SEE this👉🏽https://youtu.be/Z1Ugm-pbBFE
I have a fair question. If you were in Dr. Carlos shoes, how would you have helped the gay preist regarding his fear of facing Mary. Yes, we all know she is dead. But how would you have appraoched it? I ask because maybe Carlos did not see it as the right time to explain how that Mary is really dead, and so he did what he thought he could do at the moment.