Ecumenical unity and cooperation are progressing very rapidly. The movement to reunite the churches into one is advancing everywhere through interfaith worship, interfaith dialog, and now through interfaith concerts. It is also undeniable that the global ecumenical movement has played a role in bringing us to Rome, and now they are bringing us to open our churches on Sunday to celebrate these ecumenical encounters.[0]=AZWlU8YPNn_DAxrbM5jeLooYTxMLMN_QnylWQjr3P19KzVUAlPRivIlTD4GOTGAHh8fKiCuCyT_DyX1VrNrmUVsGwFYU_JK6jiHwyXQDCz3Iu6N1o9Q-t2pnKbutgAUMdOk&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R
On Sunday, December 11, 2022, an ecumenical concert was held at the Chadron Seventh-day Adventist Church in Chadron, Nebraska, according to the Facebook post above. The men’s choir of the St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, the Emmanuel Lutheran Choir, and the United Methodist Bell Choir all took part. This is where ecumenism leads: it causes us to open our churches on Sunday to host these interfaith events with Roman Catholics and Protestants.
Do you believe that our Seventh-day Adventist pioneers would have hosted, participated in, or performed at these Sunday ecumenical concerts? The answer is no:
“Let not those who have the truth as it is in Jesus give sanction, even by their silence, to the work of the mystery of iniquity. Let them never cease to sound the note of alarm. Let the education and training of the members of our churches be such that the children and youth among us shall understand there are to be no concessions to this power, the man of sin” (Selected Messages, vol. 2, p. 369).
Sadly, this is what 60 years of ecumenism have done to us. These are not isolated incidents. Don’t believe that this is just one church in Nebraska that does this. We must never forget to point out where the real problem began. It’s the leadership that allows this and encourages it.
These local churches are only doing what many conferences and unions are already doing. And the unions are only doing what the General Conference, and specifically, the Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Department, headed by Ganoune Diop, is doing, which is promoting and organizing many of these ecumenical activities. It would be an injustice to simply look at this one local church and not realize that the problem stems from the top.
The major problem with what transpired at this ecumenical event in a Seventh-day Adventist church in Nebraska is that Sunday has become the unifying factor that is bringing all people and churches together. It is morally and biblically impossible to celebrate a Sunday ecumenical service with the other churches in a Seventh-day Adventist church. We are trying to accomplish something that cannot be done.
“There is as great a difference in our faith and that of nominal professors, as the heavens are higher than the earth” (Spiritual Gifts, vol. 2, p. 299).
By participating in these interfaith Sunday celebrations while remaining silent about what God says in His word, we give sanction to their errors. And a significant component of the Three Angels’ Messages is the obligation to demonstrate to the world that it is drunk on Babylon’s wine and that God disapproves of her sins, specifically attempting to change the sanctity of the seventh day of the week, Saturday, to Sunday. God will never ignore what too many of our people do.
“Through the two great errors, the immortality of the soul, and Sunday sacredness, Satan will bring the people under his deceptions. While the former lays the foundation of Spiritualism, the latter creates a bond of sympathy with Rome. The Protestants of the United States will be foremost in stretching their hands across the gulf to grasp the hand of Spiritualism; they will reach over the abyss to clasp hands with the Roman power; and under the influence of this threefold union, this country will follow in the steps of Rome in trampling on the rights of conscience” (Great Controversy, p. 588).
Today, we are seeing an explosion in ecumenical activity and interfaith worship. Basically, the religious world is responding to Rome’s call for the reunification of all the churches issued during Vatican II. The problem is that this movement is telling us to forget the past and to ignore doctrine. Your beliefs are irrelevant because we are all a part of the same large, worldwide family. All the different religions are just different paths to heaven, and since we are all going to heaven anyways, we might as well be together here now.
It is time for Seventh-day Adventists around the world to stand up to the global ecumenical movement and resist its advances in Adventism. Although we should be open to discussion with others, the church’s primary responsibility is to proclaim and defend the faith. Tragically, these interfaith gatherings within our churches are not bringing Protestants and Catholics any closer to accepting the final warning messages of Revelation 14:6–12. Instead, we must do all we can to awaken those who still have the opportunity to do so. We have a life-or-death message that will determine the destiny of souls, based on how people respond to the message that God has given us.
“Our message is a life-and-death message, and we must let it appear as it is, the great power of God. We are to present it in all its telling force. Then the Lord will make it effectual. It is our privilege to expect large things, even the demonstration of the Spirit of God. This is the power that will convict and convert the soul. The perils of the last days are upon us, and in our work we are to warn the people of the danger they are in. Let not the solemn scenes which prophecy has revealed be left untouched. If our people were half awake, if they realized the nearness of the events portrayed in the Revelation, a reformation would be wrought in our churches, and many more would believe the message. We have no time to lose; God calls upon us to watch for souls as they that must give an account.” (Testimonies, Vol. 6, p. 61).
I am a member of that “church in Nebraska.” I was in the kitchen that entire afternoon (which was not a church service, btw) and spent the prior week helping prepare beautiful, whole, plant based food for, and helped set up a beautiful buffet table for the 200 people, most of whom were not Adventist, who attended that concert. And although I certainly do understand the dangers of ecumenism and had my own reservations about the event, I can tell you that the food that we served that afternoon made such an impact that we have had multiple conversations in the ensuing weeks about why we eat the way we do, and those led to conversations about health, and those both led to conversations about what the Bible has to say about how we should eat, and hopefully, prayerfully, we will get some Bible studies as a result. I don’t have to tell you that Jesus met people where they were and THEN said, “Follow Me”. He ate with tax collector’s and hung out with prostitutes. We have to start somewhere. And we did not compromise on our mission to reach every one of those non Adventist guests with the truths that we hold. We did get a foot in the door of their hearts by befriending them and feeding them and actually getting them through the doors of our church, which many of them would never have set foot in, on any other occasion. So criticize if you must, but God will be the judge, and if we get only one Bible study and baptism as a result of hosting that concert, do you not think God will think it was worth it?
Hello Jerry, I am writing to you from Germany regarding the event in Nebraska and Roman’s statement. I’m not your teacher, but some thorough tutoring seems urgently needed in your case. Allow me therefore the following well-intentioned comment and advice:
1. On the historical background Germany and other parts of Europe were once the so-called Christian Occident for a very long time, caused by the courageous actions of Martin Luther and other reformers in the 16th century! For many good reasons. This is now history due to the meanwhile 506 years of targeted, permanent counter-reform in every nasty way by the Jesuits, the spiritual combat troops of the papacy! From the so-called Christian There is absolutely nothing left to see in the Occident. The main reason for this is the continuous influence and re-education at all levels since the 2nd Vatican Council due to the then changed strategy change in Rome on the advice of the German Jesuit professors Rahner and Cardinal Bea + their collaborating group. The then “advisers” of Pope John XXIII, by the way verifiable, were high-degree Freemasons like many others. Ratzinger and Küng also played a major role. The Vatican has been in Masonic hands since about 1870 and is controlled by them!
2. Based on their ideas, a roadmap was drawn up on how to finally get the hated Protestantism harmless and get it back into the Roman-Catholic primacy of jurisdiction bag, so that the Protestants (voluntarily) accept submission to the papacy in the future: Namely, by no longer referring to them as heretics, but as ‘separated brothers’ as ‘supposed friends’, started a false hug + friendship + courtesy campaign that continues massively to this day. Right into the theological colleges + faculties, for the purpose of changing teaching! In Roman Catholic Archdioceses nationwide! has even organized meetings and training courses for Protestant bishops and deans for decades. I even happened to be a witness to one! Supplemented by the threading of ever closer cooperation in the social field, which has been carried out in a targeted manner for decades = social centres, nursing homes, old people’s facilities, kindergartens, unemployment and refugee aid facilities, etc., etc. Terms such as Caritas and Diakonie stand for this. These are now so closely linked, even too often in terms of personnel and space, that they can no longer be separated organizationally! However, all this is by no means a coincidence, but only cold strategic long-term calculation based on the plan laid out by Rahner & Co. at the time! At first glance, for naïve people (and that is the majority of the global population), this may seem unsuspicious, even inspiring, worthy of recognition, philanthropic – but in fact ultimately exclusively geared towards the theological, moral, organizational appropriation of the Protestants, due to this. Rome has a lot of staying power and works for the long term, along with the people’s instilled habit… As with the “Sunday”.
3. The other relevant strategy part is the ecumenical movement She is the “Spiritual Trojan Horse” of the papacy. Originally initiated by non-Catholics, but discovered and co-opted, instrumentalized and controlled by Rome for its own purposes for many decades. Because this (non-Christian ! – completely contrary to the Bible + EGW), together with the climate protection movement, which the papacy also exploits for itself, is ideally suited to achieving its goals! In addition, supposedly unsuspicious with regard to the actual intentions of Rome = the world religion dictatorship. Hand in hand with the planned world political dictatorship of the high-degree Freemasons with their worldwide tight-knit network of lodges, as well as Ratatier + Lions Clubs – also FM organizations!
4. This also includes the intended collection of the STA It has long been operated worldwide and many of the STA representatives at many levels Fall prey to them because they don’t have a stable spiritual backbone. Treason ! And don’t give an account of what this means for themselves and STA members! A disaster! But fortunately our Father in heaven is not deceived!
5. America was once a predominantly Protestant country due to the first emigrants/escape from Europe from Catholicism (Mayflower), for decades it has been so in name only. Catholicism has long since taken over through intense activity. I have written reports that both the Pentecostals (Chairman Copeland) and the Lutherans + Southern Baptists in the USA, also in Europe have already decided to reunite with the Roman Catholic Church! They currently only have the problem of how to make it palatable to the masses of their flock … It will come! The Anglican Church in England has already taken this step! The prophecy and also EGW describe unmistakably where the development leads, especially in America. Study Revelation 12, 13-18 intensively! This is exactly what is happening today before our eyes – have you closed yours ? Which side will you be on one day? This also has a lot to do with your personal behavior!
6. Conclusion from everything =
Note – a lot of things, only viewed superficially, actually behave completely differently in reality than it seems! ! ! This applies even more to politics, but most of all to the subject of religion! Satan and his accomplices have been ingeniously at work every day for 6,000 years to deceive people about the truth, to separate them from God by any means necessary. That’s his business. He is the “father of lies” and dissimulation. Don’t be fooled by supposedly nice gestures + gatherings + courtship as an STA. As an STA, you should know better! Mission you can at any time without cath. Conduct services in SDA churches. Remember = What is happening in Nebraska and elsewhere is definitely an abomination to God !!! Even if you may see it differently, that’s the way it is!
7. Every day you meet countless people in your personal environment. Why don’t you actively use these opportunities, don’t address them and address them with the salvation + good but also warning message of Jesus? That is the only right to exist and task of us STA! Think about it in prayer!
Greetings from Old Germany,
4. This also includes the intended collection of the STA It has long been operated worldwide and many of the STA representatives at many levels Fall prey to them because they don’t have a stable spiritual backbone. Treason ! And don’t give an account of what this means for themselves and STA members! A disaster! But fortunately our Father in heaven is not deceived!
5. America was once a predominantly Protestant country due to the first emigrants/escape from Europe from Catholicism (Mayflower), for decades it has been so in name only. Catholicism has long since taken over through intense activity. I have written reports that both the Pentecostals (Chairman Copeland) and the Lutherans + Southern Baptists in the USA, also in Europe have already decided to reunite with the Roman Catholic Church! They currently only have the problem of how to make it palatable to the masses of their flock … It will come! The Anglican Church in England has already taken this step! The prophecy and also EGW describe unmistakably where the development leads, especially in America. Study Revelation 12, 13-18 intensively! This is exactly what is happening today before our eyes – have you closed yours ? Which side will you be on one day? This also has a lot to do with your personal behavior!
6. Conclusion from everything = Note – a lot of things, only viewed superficially, actually behave completely differently in reality than it seems! ! ! This applies even more to politics, but most of all to the subject of religion! Satan and his accomplices have been ingeniously at work every day for 6,000 years to deceive people about the truth, to separate them from God by any means necessary. That’s his business. He is the “father of lies” and dissimulation. Don’t be fooled by supposedly nice gestures + gatherings + courtship as an STA. As an STA, you should know better! Mission you can at any time without cath. Conduct services in SDA churches. Remember = What is happening in Nebraska and elsewhere is definitely an abomination to God !!! Even if you may see it differently, that’s the way it is!
7. Every day you meet countless people in your personal environment. Why don’t you actively use these opportunities, don’t address them and address them with the salvation + good but also warning message of Jesus? That is the only right to exist and task of us STA! Think about it in prayer!
Greetings from Old Germany,
I’m not criticizing.
I’m just pointing out two areas that I hope you will take time to research and grow from.
Know matter how you try and justify celebrating Christmas you and other Christians including myself in the past are giving honor to satan and not God.
Yes, I have read what EW said about Christmas. That was the light she was given at that time.
In doing your research you will find that in no way would a Christian want to be part of such event or play a supportive role.
Your church my get a study or two out of this event.
Now imagine if the church board had given a study to those that had asked to use the facilities.
They would have walked away with this thought more than likely.
Wow those SDA are crazy in their Christmas understanding but they are unflinching in their commitment to God.
That Jerry would be a far better witness.
Again I am not criticizing you or your church actions. I’m just asking you to do some research and grow for the testing that is coming.
A testing that many will not pass because of compromise.
Jerry I include myself because I have compromised as well but I have learned and move forward with purpose towards the mark.
We have told you the truth, and you have ignored it. Your response to Jerri was dripping with self-righteous condescension. With the evidence of our innocence before you, you steadfastly maintain your false accusations with a zealous determination to whip up the mob and burn the witches!
You are respectfully off base in your assumption.
Please have blessed day and I will leave it at that,