Is it obvious that there is a crisis of faith that threatens to deconstruct and bring down the Seventh-day Adventist movement? This crisis occurs when the foundations on which our faith rests begin to be undermined from within and from external agents without. This can only happen when we have internal weakness on the part of those who should be courageously defending the faith.
The modern trend in our growing secular society is to want to create a society apart from the Creator and Redeemer. This has been the constant aspiration of those who want to free themselves from the sovereignty and authority of God. Fallen human nature wants to be independent to create its own morality; and sadly, this has led to the deplorable condition of our world. Our faults and failures are manifested in the current ideological gender confusion that denies humanity the value of understanding God’s infinite love and will for our lives, and the promise of eternal life.
Alicia Johnston is a former pastor from the Arizona Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. She resigned from the ministry after coming out as a member of the LGBT+ community. [1] She has now published a new book called “The Bible & LGBTQ Adventists” which, according to her, “challenges the prevailing SDA beliefs.” Alicia Johnston calls for “full affirmation of same-sex marriage and transgender identity.” She says that it is NOT “biblical to oppose same-sex marriage or transgender identity” and that Seventh-day Adventists have “gotten this question completely wrong.” [2]
The book is promoting affirmation theology which basically says:
- Same-sex relationships have all the privileges and responsibilities as opposite-sex relationships. [2]
- Transgender people are not sinning by transitioning their gender presentation, choosing a gender expression that matches their own internal sense of identity rather than their external physiology. [2]
- Therefore, the church should support same-sex couples as they embark on the difficulty and joy of marriage, and transgender people as they take steps to live more authentically into their lives and bodies. [2]
What is most concerning about this is that this new LGBT+ affirming theology book has the support of former and current pastors and church administrators. There is a section on Alicia Johnston’s page that lists current Adventist ministers who “endorse” her book. The following names are listed on the fundraising page for the new book “The Bible & LGBTQ Adventists” as those who endorse her views:
- Reinder Bruinsma, retired Adventist pastor and administrator in the Netherlands, scholar, and author
- John McClarty, Adventist Pastor at Green Lake Church
- Chris Blake, Pastor, San Luis Obispo and Morro Bay Seventh-day Adventist Churches
- Stephen Chavez, Adventist pastor and long-time Assistant Editor for Adventist Review and Adventist World
- Anonymous Adventist Pastor in the Atlantic Union
- Anonymous Adventist Pastor in the Southern Union
- Anonymous Adventist Pastor in Pacific Union
Then we have Pastor Kevin McGill who is the pastor of the Troy Seventh-day Adventist Church in Troy, ID. [3] In the Tweet below, Pastor Kevin is not only promoting Alicia Johnston’s book, but he is also directing people to Alicia Johnston’s fundraising page. He also says he met Alicia while studying at an “Adventist Seminary” in “Berrien Springs Michigan.”
2. Check out her Kickstarter page here
— Kevin Mcgill (@pastorkmcgill) June 17, 2021
Here we have unbelieving pastors who are paid with sacred tithe money supporting the full inclusion and equal status of LGBT+ people with full rights to ministry, ordination and leadership positions. This is an effort to detach ourselves from truth and righteousness towards pure secularism and worldliness. We are witnessing in Adventism the heretical denial of the will of God for men, women and marriage, as revealed by God at creation.
This development shows how low God’s doctrinal and moral standards have fallen in many places within the church. Instead of leaving the movement, as Alicia Johnston did, these apostate pastors stay to impose their heresy while undermining the clear teachings of God’s word. The spectacle of full LGBT+ acceptance within Adventism calls into question not only the primacy of Scripture, but also the authority of God. Fallen and sinful humans want to dismiss the Bible as a mere temporary opinion and expression that must evolve and develop with the times.
For the sake of truth, those in leadership positions within the Seventh-day Adventist Church cannot watch silently, hoping that things will not get too bad, or that members may be appeased and manipulated with feeble claims of truth, with absolutely no consequence for the LGBT+ agitators within our ranks. They must remove the rebellious elements so that our faith is not disintegrated and that more devastating errors do not come.
Not only does the Bible condemn homosexual acts (1 Corinthians 6: 9-10 and Romans 1: 24-27), despite the desperate attempts of modern revisionists to tell us that the authors of the Bible wanted to say something else, but even nature itself reveals that homosexuality is a major disability and hindrance to life. Same-sex couples cannot reproduce. They cannot have children.
No matter how much is written, no matter how much is said, no matter what kind of language you want to use, the fact is that homosexuality is an aberration from God’s will because He created one man and one woman for holy matrimony so that they could procreate and have children. Every member of the LGBT+ community has a father and mother to thank for being alive today. Think about it.
But according to the confusion voiced by LGBT+ advocates, two gay men and two lesbian women can “technically” have a baby. Not by any natural method, no, it is much more complicated than that. Two lesbians would need the sperm of a real man to fertilize the egg of one of the women. Two gay men would need a real womb from a surrogate mother and a real egg to have a baby.
So the whole process for LGBT+ people to procreate would mean that you must have three or four people, and at least two from the opposite sex, just as God ordained. You see, we still need one man and one woman for life to continue, just as we find in the Creation story. Outside of God’s original plan, life would cease to exist. And it is not part of God’s will for humanity that all life comes to an end. This means that we still need God’s blueprint for life, not man’s.
“And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet (suitable) for him … he made a woman, and brought her unto the man.” Genesis 2:18, 22.
“And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.” Genesis 1:28.
“And he (Jesus) answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together (one man and one woman), let not man put asunder.” Matthew 19:4-6.
Join the conversation and share your thoughts about “LGBT+ indoctrination” with us below at the bottom of this page. We have opened the comments for you to tell us what you think.
2 things Satan wants to destroy. The sabbath and marriage. He has been successful, but for a short time. Judgment will come
Heterosexual marriages are not being destroyed when their same sex friends get married !
What is destroying marriage is the horrendous divorce rate among heterosexual couples,
even many Adventists !
Doctor you have a typical liberal mindset. Trying to support the gay movement it’s an abomination no ands ifs and buts, that is if you believe in God’s word ?
Does it not occur to you that we serve a very liberal God? Had God been ultra-conservative, Adam and Eve would have been struck dead the instant they rebelled against God in the garden. Think about it. God loves sinners! People like you and me. The people Jesus spoke against most strongly were the self-righteous religious folk, not the prostitutes and sinners. This is very clear in the NT. We have a lot to learn, as both Jesus and Paul — not to mention Ellen White — pointed out. We certainly have a lot to learn about sexuality. The church acknowledges that sexual orientation is not chosen. Yet it insists LGBTQ+ must remain celibate. This ignores what God says in Gen 2:18. I’d urge sincere SDAs to study the “clobber texts” more carefully. Take more seriously what our brothers like Dr Bruinsma are trying to say.
Jesus saves you from sin, not in it
A big part of the problem is that few Seventh-day Adventist ministers believe there is an infallible Bible (meaning no error at all) anywhere in the world at this time. What they call “the Bible” are multiple bibles from which they choose what they want.
There is a bible call the Queen James Bible which is published for the LBGTQ crowd in which only eight verses, compared with the King James Version, have been changed to expunge the sin of homosexuality. Guess what. The New King James Version has changed as many verses relating to the same doctrine and it has changed MUCH more than that. I would pick the Queen James Version over the New King James Version any day because the authors at least tell you what verses they changed, why they were changed and how they were changed.
ANY Seventh-day Adventist minister that preaches from the New King James Version or other fake bible and tells you it contains nothing but truth is either woefully ignorant or liar.
what church do you refer to? “The church acknowledges that sexual orientation is not chosen”God does not make mistakes, I do not believe, God created anyone to go against his design for man and woman for sex. 1st in marriage, 2nd between man and woman. I am not sure where yo are getting this from?
If you have destroyed the understanding of God the fathers personality Then There are no limits for what come next. Just have a look On how apostasy entered the church in the second century. The problem is that both the liberals and the conservative especially do not dare to touch that fact,
It is not the individual sexuality that destroys the faith , it is the character of people and how they live with their sexuality.
Uniformity does not make us Christlike ,
So begin reformation where reformation should begin in the heart, and with getting God right,
2 things I notice here. 1 Our world is confused what the real meaning of love is. Therefore our world steeped in sin has made good evil and evil good. It has intoxicated our youth with the wine of false identity. We want to live in a label that we are branded with via social media, entertainment or a myriad of other influences that corrupt our true identity as a son or daughter of God. The second point is this, Genesis 1:26 tells us that God made male and female in His image and likeness. Satan always wants to make a counterfeit. What is Satan? He is Lucifer a fallen genderless angel. So, in order to counterfeit God’s image in His created beings, Satan as a genderless being seeks to bend that image into a gender confused and genderless beings. I will be like the most high God, I will ascend above the clouds.
We need prayer for a revival of a return to primitive godliness and Biblical truth. There truly is a gross darkness covering the people. Let us dispel the darkness with God’s promises about Jesus Who came to destroy the works of the devil and that is to destroy sin.
Thank you Suzan. Your comment is very correct and very important!
Not true that same sex couples cannot have children.
I have many lesbian friend couples who have biological children
from “ test tube “ babies ( as do many heterosexual couples with
fertility problems )
And gay men, with sperm donation, using surrogate mothers
can have biological offspring. Many prominent gay men have
chosen this option.
And there are countless unfortunate babies / children who
desperately need adoption by loving couples.
Plus many couples, including two of my own adult children
deliberately choose not to have children——
are their marriages not appropriate because they choose childlessness?
And are you implying that post menopausal women should not
marry because they are too old for childbearing ??
The article stated that the homosexual couple would not be able to have the child by natural means…2 women or 2 men cannot have a child…the first couple needs sperm which neither possess and the second couple needs an ovum and uterus of which neither of them possess! The ONLY reason they, the homosexual couple, can have children is BECAUSE they are either acting heterosexual in order to have a child or because of modern medical technology intervention… Prior to our modern medical technology they would have to act heterosexual in order to have any progeny.
The last three thoughts you post have nothing to do with the article…post menopausal women not marrying because they can’t have children isn’t even in the article. Huh??? People choosing to remain childless…adoption?….where were these mentioned in the article?
When a person doesn’t have a strong position then they introduce controversy to make it APPEAR that the main point is supported by the straw. There is a lot of hay in your post.
Another Bible text is 1Timothy 1:9-10. “Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, For whoremongers, for them that defile (strong’s exhaustive concordance for ‘defile’ is #733 – a sodomite) themselves with mankind, for men stealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine;”.
This is a sign of the end…as it was in the days of Lot… the only thing missing still is the: “But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, (strong’s exhaustive concordance for ‘young’ is #5288 a boy from the age of infancy to adolescence) all the people from every quarter:” Genesis 19:4. Rampant pedophilia, and that consensual…
And don’t forget that in 1 Corinthians 6:9 it mentions ‘effeminate’ which is strong’s exhaustive concordance #3120 figuratively a catamite which is a boy kept for homosexual purposes… it is only going to get way worse!!! Television is a purveyor of immorality and sexual perversion trying to indoctrinate and persuade the masses into believing (not just thinking) that lgbtqia is normal and mainstream. Lord Jesus come quickly!!!!
Sound biblical doctrine well written. Thanks.
Your main argument against same sex couples seems to be that they are incapable of child bearing
( except with modern expensive medical enhancements )
With more than half the planet’s population living in abject MISERY, sordid slums, sleazy shanty towns,
filthy favelas and multiple millions in famine conditions, do we really need more children on this planet ?
Tens of millions are refugees living in appalling abysmal misery.
I was born and raised in Africa and you need a primer on poverty and overpopulation by visiting
African slums.
Even in our own American cities homeless families with children are living in their cars.
More than half of earth’s inhabitants live without running water, hot showers or flush toilets.
Sanitation is abysmal in most third world cities with children dying of dysentery and disease.
Quote frankly, your argument is pathetic.
We should be thanking God that He created five percent of the population ( one in twenty )
who are NOT producing children.
Surely with nearly eight billion souls barely existing on our planet we do not need more population.
Please come up with a better argument against same sex marriage than the necessity for child bearing.
In my view, God is sadistic in creating gays / lesbians who have ZERO input nor choice in their orientation.
Then God condemns them to life long loneliness and celibacy, while giving them the same
hormonal / neurological sex drives as their heterosexual cousins and siblings.
This is pure SADISM.
Speaking of Africa–what you are failing to mention, is the culture of irresponsibility, where men bring children into the world without regard for the needs of the women or children. They spend their lives in drunkenness and indolence, rather than working to care for the needs of those they brought into the world. Private property is not respected, and anyone who makes life slightly better than the neighbors’ circumstances will be robbed.
Paternal irresponsibility is the key factor in crime rates overall, and it is certainly a factor in the lack of food, sanitation, and hygiene.
What effect does sodomy, transgenderism, and bisexuality have on marriage? Could it have anything to do with the abysmal rate of attrition we are witnessing?
If God “created” them like that, it would not be a sin!!! I get so tired of God being blamed for the sins of man. We have stooped low, low, low. How much lower are we going to get before God comes and destroys the wicked. We have plenty of examples in the Bible that tells us that these lifestyles are an abomination! It is man that chooses to accept them as “normal”.
Just because man accepts sin as normal, does not mean that God has to capitulate. We have a standard in the Bible that we should all achieve to. We should also “love the sinner, but hate the sin”. Why is it so hard for people to understand this concept???
We are treading on thin ice when we begin to blame God for the sins of man! Buyer beware when one begins to think like that. Satan also blamed God, and look where it got him!
👍🏿So true Linda👍🏿
It is interesting Brother, that You Do Not Quote One Bible Verse, Or Spirit Of Prophecy Quote, in defence of Your position, because, as we all know, There Are None. Whereas, there a numerous quotes in scripture, & statements in S.O.P, that condemn such practices. Those among us who choose to interpret scripture to suit our own agendas, are on a dangerous path. A “Thus Saith The Lord”, is what we need to direct the path we choose to follow…. God Bless!
KJV Romans 1:25-27
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
KJV Leviticus 18:22
22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
KJV Leviticus 20:13
13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
KJV Genesis 1:27
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.KJV Acts 5:29
29 Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.
KJV Matthew 5:17-19
17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
KJV Revelation 22:18-19
18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
Martin my son you have mentioned very good verses. Can you please explain how you understand what is the image of God mentioned on Genesis 1: 26?
“Church members need to fast and pray, striving earnestly to overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. Not one particle of Sodomitish impurity will escape the wrath of God at the execution of the judgment. Those who do not repent of and forsake all uncleanness will fall with the wicked. Those who become members of the royal family and form God’s kingdom in the earth made new, will be saints, not sinners.” Isaiah 30:1-3, 8-16. {TSB 119.3}
I find it amazing how people come here and blame God for their own choices! We are immersed in a world of already evil ones. Satan has certainly rejoiced in such attitudes among God’s people. Wanting to mold us to the circumstances of this world will only depreciate our character. It’s all clear in the Bible, nature itself also confirms that this behavior is against the hand of life. However, it is up to us to love our brothers, whatever their option, and to plead with God that they find the true path, that they really find the peace they long for.
Bonjour,quelle tristesse,il est dit dans le livre D’ésaïe il appel le bien mal,et le mal bien.
Apocalypse 21:27
Il ne rentrera chez elle rien de souillé,ni personne qui se livre à l’abomination et au mensonge;il n’entrera que ceux qui sont écrits dans le livre de l’agneau.
Apocalypse 22:11 que celui qui est injuste soit encore injuste,que celui qui est souillé se souille encore….
Apocalypse 22:15 Dehors les chiens,les enchanteurs,les impudiques,les meurtriers,les idolâtres,et quiconque pratique,et aime le mensonge.Alors quand je lis ceux qui défendent cette cause,ils font Dieu menteur,et que le ciel serait mal fréquenter.
This is the saddest conversation that can exist in the church.
Age does not turn error into the truth…
The work of grace is to transform the character.
A believer belongs to a Christian family not to set of communities…
Salvation is about saving the sinner, a person who practices sin
Understand the reality of “OUR” Condition; that without the “HOLY GHOST” Of “JESUS CHRIST”. That was sent to lead us; and guide all of us, into all the “TRUTH” of the WORD that was Made Flesh. Must now Understand; and realize; that without the “HOLY GHOST” How Vulnerable, and Susceptible, we Are; to the Prince of this world! …must also Understand, and come to the “Conclusion”, and the knowledge; that “UNCONDITIONAL LOVE” Does Not In Anyway, Legitimize “SIN”!!! Lucifer!!! Satan, the Demon!!! Have Already Been Sentence To Death! YOU!!! Have Not!
Notwithstanding, it is written; …and it will not change: Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of SIN Unto DEATH, or of Obedience Unto Righteousness? Romans 6:16
…wherein such we have here; and a direct challenge from one of our own; a Demon in Disguised As An Ordained Female Pastor by the name of Alicia Johnston. Have not only yielded her life to Satan; but have surrendered her life and all of her goals as well, contrary to the Will of “GOD”, unto the fallen angel, that was cast out of heaven and sentence to Eternal Death! …By leaving, the Seventh-Day Adventist church, after confessing to the church; wherein she was Ordained to lead souls to “JESUS CHRIST”; the one that was sent to save her; and all those who believe in “JESUS”CHRIST”; from the fallen angel; that turn against “GOD”. Have deliberately, made the decision to turn her back on all, of the studies and teaching that she had learned for her to become an Ordained Pastor in the Seventh-Day Adventist Church:
Decided, not to follow the instructions, that she had been taught; wherein written: Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge “Him, (“GOD”) and “HE”shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.
Now because of this Breach and Out Right Apostasy in the Churches Mission and its Ministry; is why Precautions are needed; on every one that is brought into the Ministry of our Churches; …and not because of Favoritism and Long Standing Church Family Connections. AND IT IS WRITTEN: Beloved, believe not every Spirit, but try the Spirits whether they are of “GOD”: Because Many “FALSE” Prophets Are Gone Out Into The World. 1 John 4:1
…and because Alicia Johnston, made the decision to lean unto her own understanding. This So-Call Pastor Alicia Johnston have decided to confess; to the Congregation, of the church; that she is a Lesbian, and Gay, and believe in the rights of the Satanic Spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah. Better known today as the LGBTQ, Movement! Thus The Writing Of Her Book On The LGBTQ Movement and her Challenge To The Adventist Churches.
Thereby Deliberately Rejecting the Gender in which she was created in; unto the life that she willfully accepted; and sided with Lucifer and all of the Angels that sided with Lucifer, when they were cast out of Heaven, when Lucifer made the same decision to go against “GOD”!
Thank you, I think reprobate minds are running rapid! They choose to believe a lie. Much prayer is needed, it’s never too late. Stay faithful and speak truth! Please!
All I will say is that God is coming soon and all these “ liberal , wise , knowledgeable people “ will be looking for a place to hide from the presence of the Lord, you are trying to change the word of God to fit your flesh desires, I’m sad that pastors are endorsing this abomination and still getting paid for it. Remember the more you know, the more will be demanded from you, and for leading others to sin , God have mercy
The signing of the SDA pastors putting anonymous fir their name should be a fire in them.
Shows their own guilt in turning from the church standard.
My dear brother is because you have corrupted your morals and now appear reprobate in your mind that you would spew forth such fallacious and diabolical reasoning? Surely, 1 Timothy 4:1 will judge you!
I am commanded to show love and be loving to ALL people (those that are not like myself, traumatized, broken, sexually different in their lives whether homosexual or LGBT+ or more). God wants us to love them all and that means be kind, share the love of god with them…let God do His work in them), they should be able to worship with all of us as we treat them in the same day as you would want to be treated. God wants us to minister to the oppressed…that includes this group of people. I’m a 5th generation SDA and I’ve learned much over my 70+ years from an early upbringing in a legalistic family to a place when legalism is. It in my heart but that I trust God to continue to be who He created me to be (a person of compassion). An SDA I am and leaning more and more of His love, grace, compassion and teaching me to be like Him. I think it is hypocritical to take the stand you are promoting. And I am not off the track. God mingled with sinners and behold they turned into loving Him.
One bible verse should be enough. Romans 1:27
It’s true that we can get locked into a same sex drive rut in our minds and nothing we attempt to do to change it seems to have any effect. Even 30 years of prayer for victory over the issue was ineffective and it seemed like God was not listening and not responding. I fully understand why the whole LGBT community has decided they were born with it and cannot change, and so have to live with it for life. Yes I had it too. Even as a conservative 5th generation SDA raised by faithful SDA parents strictly according to all the instruction given by God’s messenger EGW, and a granny who was a nurse and trained under Dr Kellogg. A same sex lust drive popped up out of nowhere as a teen and grew to a very strong power, and I never could discern what triggered it to start. I got so desperate to break loose from it I almost self castrated one time. But God held me back with the thought. “That would work but it’s a shortcut to overcoming and God needs a full demonstration of mankind gaining complete victory over sin” So I continued to pray and struggle and fall and repent and pray some more. After 30 years I gave up, told God this isn’t going to work, I will never overcome this issue by trying to control my thought process. So I mentally threw the whole problem in God’s lap and told Him, You clean up my mind, I can’t do it.
Right away He started taking me through a course of discovery that was so shocking to my mind for awhile I had great difficulty taking it in. he started to show me that there’s one element of our whole society and especially Christianity, the stronger the conservative Christian is the more rigidly they practice it. That is actually driving and conditioning the minds of our young people into lust addictions, both opposite sex and same sex addictions and sometimes both. My own mother practiced such strict godly living on the particular point that it conditioned my mind into a same sex lust addiction by default. She thought she was protecting me from it, but it had the opposite effect she intended, and she never knew. I don’t blame her, she was doing the best she knew. If I state plainly what it is everyone would say it’s ludicrous. So i will not say what it is. A person needs a whole course of instruction before they have any hope of coming to realize what it is and why it’s dong that.
But the good news is that since it was programmed in as a child, it can be programmed back out again by making the right moves to recondition the mind the other way. God revealed to me how to implement the reprogramming of my own mind on the subject, in some situations it’s not easy to figure out how to implement, but it’s quite enjoyable of a process really. I put it into practice and to my great delight and joy it worked. I have experienced full reversal of the same sex drive mental state. I think I can now get married and be quite normal and free from sin. But I will wait on God to show me the right partner. I’ve asked Him to make the connection. Not me or any other human. If one should want to discover the path to complete freedom go read the articles on the website. Written by some Christian men, they introduce a concept that if put into practice with the help of the Holy Spirit in our minds, will totally wipe out all excessive lust response to the human form, takes us back to the healthy godly easily controlled attractions that He designed we should have. It works. It sure worked for me. Add to that the daily connection to Christ in daily devotion of bible time and prayer, and we’ll defeat sin and gain eternity.