The Marshall News Messenger is a daily newspaper based in Marshall, Texas. On September 13, 2024, this news source published an article advocating for Sundays as the day of rest and worship. The article was titled “Sunday Family Traditions” and was aimed to persuade public opinion to adopt Sunday as the day for church, family time, and relaxation.
The Marshall News Messenger promoted the following:
• “Sunday family traditions. Does your family have any?” [1]
• “Growing up, it seemed we had someone over for lunch every Sunday. I can’t remember many Sundays without an extra mouth or six to feed.” [1]
• “I remember mom getting up very early on Sunday mornings, browning the roast, making gravy and putting potatoes and carrots in. That roast would cook all morning in the oven and oh, the wonderful smell of the house when we walked in from church … heavenly!” [1]
• We started the tradition of Pillsbury cinnamon rolls every Sunday morning before church.” [1]
• “Another tradition that started back in the early ‘90s was Pizza King EVERY Sunday night after church.” [1]
• “Such a sweet and fun time of fellowship with friends. In the summer when the days were longer, there was football going on with the boys outside and dress up going on inside with the girls. The adults would visit, and it became a Sunday tradition.” [1]
• “I have early morning praise team rehearsal almost every Sunday morning and Jerry makes coffee at the church.” [1]
• “Praise the Lord for Sunday traditions … long may they continue!” [1]
Sunday is traditionally considered the day of rest by most Christians because they associate it with the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Without a biblical mandate, Sunday was declared the new Sabbath and set aside as a day of worship. This came after Rome declared Sunday to be the “official” day of rest in the Roman Empire by law in 321 AD, forcing people to embrace the counterfeit day established by human tradition and legislative decree. This is how Sunday came to be seen as the predominant day in society and public life. This is the historical origin of Sunday within Christianity and why this day was widely observed as the day of worship in many parts of the world.
In the Bible, God rested on the seventh day after creating the world in six days, establishing the Sabbath (Genesis 2:1–3) as a day of rest (Exodus 20:8–11). This is also the same day to go to church and worship God (Luke 4:16). For us, this is Saturday. Therefore, Sunday is not the biblical Sabbath and never will be. God has commanded us to keep the seventh day holy, not the first. The weekly cycle has never changed, so Saturday is the same day of worship for us as it was for Christ and Moses. It was Rome who shifted the day to Sunday by civil law, compelling people to embrace man’s concept of rest with worship.
There is a widespread movement to elevate Sunday—a man-made invention—above God’s true Sabbath. Sunday worship is a departure from the biblical commandment and embraces the traditions of men. In fact, because Sunday worship contradicts God’s commands and represents the authority of Rome, it will be the mark of the beast during the final crisis.
“The Sabbath is the Lord’s test, and no man, be he king, priest, or ruler, is authorized to come between God and man. Those who seek to be conscience for their fellow men, place themselves above God. Those who are under the influence of a false religion, who observe a spurious rest day, will set aside the most positive evidence in regard to the true Sabbath. They will try to compel men to obey the laws of their own creation, laws that are directly opposed to the law of God” (Amazing Grace, p. 59).
America the Land of Freedom, a Country that respects the Right to believe and Worship according to your own beliefs in God. In respects to God’s Commandments. Now I am a 7th Day Sabbath keeper and I attend Church on Saturday. Not a Sunday the 1st day of the week. Now I truly respect people’s CHIOCES, But when a Law by any Government wants to force people to Worship there way, is very wrong. Galatians 5:1,2 were you find Jesus you find Liberty. God is a God of choice not force. Remember the 1st amendment OF USA. READ HISTORY ON WHY AMERICA IS A PROTESTANT COUNTRY!! 🤔????