On July 6, 2024, the Odessa American, a Texas-based newspaper, published an article by the local Catholic bishop promoting Sunday and the National Eucharistic Revival. The purpose of the article was to remind the community of the religious and cultural significance of Sunday as a day of worship and rest. Leveraging the wide reach and credibility of the Odessa American, the bishop was able to communicate his message to both parishioners and the general public, encouraging them to honor the Ten Commandments by keeping Sunday holy. Additionally, the message reinforced the importance of the Sunday Eucharist in the community, attempted to attract new members, and promoted the values and teachings of the Catholic faith.
The Odessa American published the following:
• “Like all churches, the pandemic hit the Catholic Diocese of San Angelo hard and Bishop Michael Sis says that recovering from it required a special effort.” [1]
• “I believe that weekly church attendance is an expectation of God. In the Ten Commandments God tells us to remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy, Exodus 20:8. In my faith tradition this includes attending Mass every Sunday and holy day.” [1]
• “Sis said the Catholic Church’s primary effort to bring people back is a three-year initiative called the National Eucharistic Revival to reawaken members’ appreciation of what the Eucharist is about.” [1]
• “In our faith tradition, we say that a couple that prays together stays together,’ he said. ‘This was certainly true for my parents. They went to church together every Sunday and holy day and their Christian marriage lasted almost 70 years before my father passed away’.” [1]
• “During the COVID pandemic, he said, many Catholics temporarily suspended or severely restricted their services out of concern for public health in an attempt to save lives, which led some to get out of the regular practice of attending church on Sundays.” [1]
Sunday is not the Bible Sabbath; it never was and never will be. God has commanded us to keep the seventh day holy, not the first. The weekly cycle has never changed, so Saturday is the same day of worship for us as it was for Christ and Moses.
Many in the media have a bias in favor of the Catholic Church, and this is often reflected in the free publicity they give it. This preferential treatment is demonstrating how secular media have become mouthpieces for Rome to promote its propaganda without charging them a dime. All the free media coverage only amplifies the message of Rome’s Sunday Eucharist among believers and non-believers alike. Undoubtedly, public perception is being influenced as the Catholic point of view receives much visibility.
We are told that Satan has taken advantage of and even surpassed God’s true people by influencing society with his false message, while Seventh-day Adventists have made little progress with the everlasting gospel of Revelation 14.
“If every soldier of Christ had done his duty, if every watchman on the walls of Zion had given the trumpet a certain sound, the world might ere this have heard the message of warning. But the work is years behind. While men have slept, Satan has stolen a march upon us” (Testimonies, Vol. 9, p. 19).
As the Remnant Church, we must be an effective witness to the truth, demonstrating a steadfast commitment to sharing the final warning message despite the challenges we face. We must engage the world and use every available platform to reach those seeking truth and hope. We can fulfill our calling to be the light in a world that desperately needs God’s message of salvation by persistently and lovingly reaching out to others and lifting up the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.
[1] https://www.oaoa.com/local-news/god-deserves-worship-bishop-says/
I hope Adventists are getting their letters to the editor polished and ready for.publication. I also hope the community churches are providing publications promoting the Seventh Day Sabbath.