Since 1994, AdventHealth, a company owned by Seventh-day Adventists, and Disney have been working together in partnership for 28 years. There comes a point in our lives when we must stand up for what we believe in. What will we ever stand up for if we can’t stand up for our innocent children who are being targeted by Disney’s transgender corruption and indoctrination? The following videos must be seen by every Seventh-day Adventist.
Below is a video from ABC’s Good Morning America, which is owned by Disney. Disney is responsible for the programming and content of ABC, and Good Morning America is a prominent, mainstream morning television show broadcast on ABC that is viewed by millions of households across the United States.
What you’re going to witness is something that Disney encourages and supports. This broadcast aired on live television as well as in front of a studio audience. Disney’s Good Morning America featured a transgender kid doing a catwalk, moving his hips and laying on the floor during a drag show. This was a celebration of transgender, drag children. Just when you think things couldn’t get any worse, they do.
Is this something you’re okay with? Are you in favor of partnering with the new Sodom? Disney, more than any other organization in the world, is seducing our children with LGBT+ propaganda. This isn’t about transgender rights or politics; it’s about good versus evil.
AdventHealth and Disney created a video to celebrate their partnership, which you can watch below. This partnership is about more than just providing healthcare at Disney theme parks. This is about a business partnership and a relationship between two “like-minded” companies. Disney magic, Disney culture, and Disney values are being brought into AdventHealth hospitals.
This goes far beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior for a religious institution to become the proud partners of modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah (Disney). Disney is grooming young children to embrace the LGBT+ culture. Disney is corrupting the purity and innocence of our youth. They are exploiting, abusing, and parading our children in front of millions of households to brainwash our culture.
Disney is attempting to normalize something that God has stated that He cannot sanctify. The fact that the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America is literally in bed with Disney is completely indefensible and inexcusable.
We have to draw the line somewhere. The modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah must be cut off from Seventh-day Adventism. Money and marketing cannot take precedence over morals. We cannot be allied with a company that is committed to spreading transgender ideology in children.
Disney isn’t hiding its intentions; in fact, they’re clear about their extreme sexual agenda and their desire to implant as much of their sexual ideology as possible in our children. This is a decision taken by Disney. It’s past time for our people to make their own decisions and rethink our business relationship with Disney. If our values, morals, and beliefs mean anything, we must sever this transgender marriage made in hell.
“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?” 2 Corinthians 6:14.
In your article you said “It’s past time for our people to make their own decisions and rethink our business relationship with Disney. If our values, morals, and beliefs mean anything, we must sever this transgender marriage made in hell. ”
Maybe we as members of this corrupt leadership should consider rethinking our relationship with the Corporate GC SDA church.
Agree! I certainly have! Tithe to Independent Ministries! Not a cent to Sodom & Gomorrah! This relationship is an absolute abomination to God!
My dear brother I’m agree with you, that’s why I said that our only way is to join to the International Association of Free Seventh Day Adventist, the true and only church that keeps the real historic adventism, a true church wich preach the three ángel message
I suspect Walt Disney would turn over in his grave could he know how his brainchild has through the years almost imperceptibly morphed into more and more elements of the supernatural, witchcraft, spiritualism, and now the firm decision to embrace and actively promote the whole LGBTQ culture. Our hospital has been doing a wonderful work but while we are to love and pray for all people, God’s Word is absolutely clear that while God loves sinners He hates sin. When it becomes “hate speech” to call sin sin. We must be willing to speak truth in love but continue to do so without the slightest compromise, and surely we must sever all ties with such an an entity.
I rethought that a good many years ago. No $$ from me to the Adventist church, no support of any kind. The SDA church is not to be trusted to lead God’s people through these difficult times, much less last day events.
I clicked on unblock video to watch the second video, Adventist Health and Disney Partnership but it has been removed. Can you resend it?
Words can’t express the disgust I feel right now. God have mercy on these people!!!
I am sickened by society accepting this. Satan has succeeded in brainwashing the majority of the human race.
AdventHealth is also affiliated with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers – when you watch coaches or players talking with the media, an AdventHealth banner is in the background.
I can’t find the video of the SDA’s and Disney. Where do I find that? Thanks
Can you please resend the second video? It’s no longer there?
Disgusting. But you know what? It’s not the first time that God’s people have done this. Remember the ‘sons of God and the daughters of men’? What about the nation of Israel in the Bible, why did they fail dismally? Jesus said to them something that applies to many of us-behold your house is left unto you desolate. Do we not remember who our worse enemies will be? But for many of us, we have nothing to fear for the future except as we forget the path our God has led us along. Have no fear my friends, God’s still sovereign and in charge. His mercy is still open to the wicked world as it was with Manasseh. But one day desolation will come-so will paradise; where will we meet?
On the second video at 9.18 time mark there is an image of a seven pedal lotus flower with lights. (At least the red one on top lite up…) is this a pagan spiritual symbol? Looks like a device used by mediums or palm readers. Wow! And then at 12.9 it talks about healing-body mind and spirit…at a place that celebrates witchcraft?! This is the most heinous thing that AdventHealth could do….claim that they are ‘healing’ people while using and promoting an lgbtqiap+ agenda. If the men of the city both old and young(from infancy to age 12-look it up in the concordance) in Lot’s day had no problem with their evil intentions, then this is what Jesus warned us of; ” as in the days of Lot.” How is it that they still use the name AdventHealth? Demons are laughing while angels cry