“And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.” Rev. 11:18.
We are living in a time foretold by Jesus Christ in the book of Matthew chapter 24, concerning about the endtimes . We shall hear wars and rumours of war, earth quakes and hunger and famine in diverse places. All these are the beggining of sorrows. Currrently at the moment , we are having war between Israel and Hamas which is now in danger of escalating into regional war. The stakes are raising every day, U.S has already deployed aircraft carrier strike group in medittrenean sea, in response its adversary a formidable nuclear armed Russia has deployed MIG -31 fighter jets in the black sea they are installed with kinzhal hypersonic missiles and are capable of striking US. Carrier strike group which is 1700 km away from the black sea. This is the distance from black sea to medittreanean sea where U.S armada is located. On the other hand Iran is using it proxies reffered to as the axis of resistance, the Houthis of Yemen and Hezbollah of Lebanon have already indicated they are already at war with zionist Israel. Houthis launched barrage of ballistic missiles and drones , this week , the Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah declared all options are on the table in regard to Israel genocidal actions against innocent palestinians in Gaza and he said his militant group is ready for a full blown scale war against Israel and he told off the U.S president Joe Biden that the strike air craft carrier group located in the medittreanean sea does not scare him. This statement comes after IRGC official Mohammed Fadavi said that Iran will strike Haifa and Tel aviv and raze them into dust.Dear friends clouds of war are hanging in the middle east, the Ukraine war has been overshadowed by this Israeli palestinian conflict anything can happen at moment notice . We are living in very dangerous period in the world history may God help us?”
Imagine what WW3 could look like:
A level of HATE never before seen on a Global Scale–far exceeding Nazism. And at the start–mutiple nations have NUKES.
Besides China, Russia North Korea and Iran you would have other IslamoFascists, like Hamas, on their side.
1) In WW2 The Nazis didn’t show the world what they were doing. Hitler didn’t take selfies next to stacks of Jewish corpses in 1942 and send them to the NYT’s to publish for the world. But Hamas and other IslamoFascists post it in cyberspace for all to see. A HATE that exceeds Nazism.
2) How many Nazis did you hear of who were strapping on suicide vests and walking into Jewish cafes in Berlin to kill themselves to kill those they HATE? But those of Hamas ilk have been doing that for years and killing themselves to kill those they HATE like flying planes into buildings, etc. This is a HATE/EVIL that exceeds the Nazis that we are facing on this planet.
3) We are not ready in the west—we are WEAK, WOKE and BROKE.
4) And the question arises—was/is Ukraine a trick/trap? Was it designed by Russia and China as a way to drain our stockpiles that have yet to be replenished—while Russia could justify going onto a war footing 24/7 in their military factories? Of course, Putin has so far left the port of Odessa open. How do you think the 70% of our weapons they sell on the Black Market (CBS, Czech Intelligence, German Intelligence, Interpole) gets out of the country? I’m guessing on the grain ships. Every weapon Ukraine sells is one less Putin’s forces have to face.
5) And why are so many youths in the West GOOSESTEPPING to IslamoFascism? (via extension of marching for the “Palestinians” in a Post 9/11 world–the same “Palestinians” who have kept Hamas in power via a majority of their votes in Gaza) Like the youth in Australia LITERALLY CHANTING–“GAS THE JEWS”…..we can’t fight a war successfully if most of the youth of fighting age Hate their own side and sympathize with an enemy so EVIL as to state their only reason to exist is to SLAUGHTER JEWS—and not just in Israel but worldwide….we let radicals radicalize our youth in the education system and social media, That’s why they also GOOSESTEP to LGBT.)
6) Then you have the SERIOUS THREAT of the politicians of Europe flooding their country for a decade and a half with Muslim migrant youth who have rioted, killed and burned parts of Europe for a decade (France just this year). What happens internally IF just a 4th rose up during a war and started bombing factories all over their country? (Like the pro “Palestinian” – by extension pro-Hamas – protesters just did last week in England assaulting a drone factory).
****But we know that the Land Beast of Revelation doesn’t fall. It has a destiny yet to fulfill on the pages of Prophetic History playing out here on the space fabric of time between God and His opponent, lodged between the twin decrees from the Throne of God of “Let There Be Light” to “It Is Done”…..will be interesting to see how this plays out as the battle fought behind the veil of the seen and unseen, like in Dainiel between Gabriel and the Prince of Persia, unfolds.
****just a thought, but IF, and only IF, WW3 broke out, could it be that natural calamities hit the earth on a record scale forcing a ceasefire, the Little Horn rides in as mediator with Laudato Si’, Sunday sacredness is implemented as Christians, starting in America, push for that as a solution. The Little Horn holds out his Laudato Si’ carrot stick (tinted Green) to rest of the world–to appease an angry “Father God” and an angry “Mother Earth”. Common Ground found. And to deal with the collapsed Global Economy—Programmable Digital Currency (thereby controlling buying and selling)….and the WORLD WONDERS AFTER THE BEAST….just a thought….