There is a myth that says that since the 1960’s no new aborted fetal tissue has been used to research and develop vaccines. The often-repeated false narrative says that somehow after the 1960’s, scientists and researchers have not had to use new aborted babies when conducting medical research for vaccines.
However, a study published by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and the National Institute of Health (NIH) dispels this myth. It sheds a lot of light on the question of using aborted fetal tissue for vaccinations and how the practice started in the 1960’s. The report is called “Use of Aborted Fetal Tissue in Vaccines and Medical Research Obscures the Value of All Human Life.” This study shows that aborted fetal tissue is still being used to develop vaccines today.
Aborted fetal tissue was first used in the 1960’s to create some of the most common vaccines used today:
“Cell lines WI-38 or MRC-5 that were derived from fetal tissues harvested from elective abortions in the 1960’s to generate the attenuated viruses used in these immunizations for rubella, varicella, or hepatitis A.” [1]
Newer aborted fetal tissue continued being used during the 1970’s:
“The human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cell line, derived from an elective abortion in the 1970’s, is routinely used for production of proteins and cultivation of viruses due to the ease of transfection with gene constructs that are efficiently translated into appropriately folded proteins.” [1]
The HEK 293 human cell line came from an aborted fetus in the 1970’s. These HEK 293 cells are human cells and are used in biotech and medical research. They are reproduced to study how certain viruses affect cell behavior. The research is then used for developing vaccines. Amazingly, you can purchase a pack of 500 ml of human fetal HEK 293 cells online for only $61.50 with free shipping. [2] Remember, these human cells came from an aborted baby.
The National Library of Medicine and the National Institute of Health study also reveals how newer aborted fetal tissue was being used in 2016 to research the ZIKA virus:
“Recently, two articles were published in the New England Journal of Medicine that characterized fetuses of elective abortions, one being thirty-two weeks old, from mothers who contracted Zika virus in the first trimester of pregnancy.” [3]
In 2016, newer human cell lines were created from “donated” aborted fetal tissue from ZIKA infected mothers as scientists tried to find a link between the ZIKA virus and birth defects. They were also trying to develop a vaccine. [4]
Disturbing News: China Produces its own Vaccines Created from Aborted Fetuses (Walvax-2)
In 2019, the Council on Foreign Relations released a report claiming that the United States has had an increasing “dependency” on Chinese pharmaceuticals that included “vaccines.” The report also says that “97 percent of all antibiotics in the United States come from China.” [5]
Another report said China has created its own line of fetal cells for “vaccine production” called the Walvax-2. Notice how Chinese medical researchers produced new vaccines from aborted babies:
“The new cell line, Walvax-2, was developed from lung tissues taken from a female baby. Doctors who developed the line say that the abortion was performed using special methods to delay the death of the baby, so that the organs would be healthy and available for harvesting … The development of the new cell line undermines the argument, often advanced by proponents of mandatory vaccination, that no new abortions will be required for vaccines, since the existing cell lines, produced by abortions in the past, can be used indefinitely.” [6]
In this article we do not include aborted fetal tissue and its use for vaccine development in nations such as India, France, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Denmark and many others. However, they each have their own unique story. But I do want you to notice how the National Library of Medicine and the National Institute of Health conclude their report on vaccinations and their relationship to aborted fetal tissue. It is a somber appeal to our seared conscience:
“Each medical benefit or scientific advance from the use of fetal tissue from elective abortions desensitizes beneficiaries, scientists, and doctors to the original evil act that produced these cells. Aborted fetal tissues used in laboratories are minimized to merely human cells, and the human beings whose lives were taken to provide those cells become irrelevant and with time forgotten. Of greatest concern is that desensitization ultimately leads to scandal by erroneously validating elective abortions for a greater good. Without careful oversight, the fetus could become, like fetal tissue cell lines, merely cells, cultured within the uterus for scientific exploration. All people of good conscience have the responsibility to voice opposition to the use of fetal tissue from elective abortions in order to promote development of alternatives, affirm the value of all human life, and limit scandal.” [7]