AI robots will soon be teaching in our churches and schools in order to provide a more personalized learning experience. A robot powered by AI has been created to offer us additional spiritual support and guidance. Seventh-day Adventist engineers are teaching Adam, an AI robot, how to accurately and effectively instruct us in our faith. Adam has already mastered the Bible and the 28 Fundamental Beliefs in several languages, and he is currently undergoing training so that he will be better equipped to answer questions about our faith.
The Adventist Review reported the following on September 26, 2023:
• “How should we, at Seventh-day Adventist schools, prepare for the future?” Joo-hee Park, president of Sahmyook Health University, asked at the beginning of his presentation at the Global Adventist Internet Network (GAiN) Asia conference in Jeju Island, Korea, on September 15. “How do we make people come to our churches and schools?” [1]
• “Park then introduced Adam, an AI robot that can serve as a Bible instructor assistant. Park says he named the robot Adam after the Sahmyook Health University digital strategy, which he has named “Digital Eden.” [1]
• “He explained that he has tried this second-generation robot for some time now. “I made this robot learn the Bible,” he said, “including the 28 fundamental beliefs of our church in several languages.” [1]
• “Park explained that Adam can learn every doctrine and belief, because he is programmed to do so. To test him, Park asked the robot if he could share one representative Bible verse that talks about love. A few seconds later, Adam “recited” John 3:16 — “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son.” Then he added, with what participants considered “a very realistic human voice,” “This verse highlights the immense love of God for humanity.” [1]
• “Park emphasized there is an important caveat. With AI, “there is a possibility to misinform,” he said, “because robots will trust what AI says. When AI robots like this one become available all over the world, we must make sure that he has been trained to teach our fundamental beliefs and present it in the right way. It is a mission that we have for the future, to learn how to use it and ask the robot the right questions.” [1]
AI is significantly impacting our world as this technology continues to evolve. AI can diagnose diseases and create music, art, and literature. It can use algorithms to enhance finance, GPS, communication, research, education, and many other aspects of our lives. It will now assist in instructing us on what Adventists ought to believe and practice. Will you submit to Adam the AI robot? Will he become the new expositor of truth? And will he replace our pastors and educators, just as we have seen how AI can cause job displacement in certain industries? [2]
The bigger question is: Why are we doing this? Why are we giving AI robots the ability to teach us about our faith? What kind of Adventism will be taught because AI inherits various biases and predetermined data, meaning that AI’s behavior ultimately depends on the codes and algorithms written by its developers and the information humans choose to give it? Will Adam the AI robot affirm the Investigative Judgment message, victory over sin, the need to come out of Babylon, the mark of the beast, and the importance of rejecting the bedlam of noise during worship?
Or will Adam be a theologically compromised robot? Will Adam the AI robot tell us in a much more convincing manner than our church leaders that Adventism has undergone many “positive” changes over the years and that we ought to be more flexible, ecumenical, open, and diverse with our interpretations of scripture?
The fact is, we don’t need an AI robot to teach us the truth or provide us with spiritual direction. How can a machine that doesn’t have a soul and can’t be filled with the Holy Spirit minister to humans? Why would we turn to AI when the Holy Spirit is available to teach us God’s written word, which contains all the knowledge and wisdom we need?
“Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth.” John 16:13.
Adam, of all names to choose from. Seventh-day Adventist beliefs (at least what the pioneers believed) buck the beliefs of “regular” Christianity. So instead of following along with the current trends & innovations, we should take a serious look at the other side & what’s behind it. AI is controlled by demonic spirits, it’s the modern version of Saul consulting the witch of Endor… and we know how that ended. They’ve now stuck a foot into the occult world (I’ve been to that scary place). They’re being taken for a ride. I shudder to think what else will happen, can it get any worse. Mercy!
This robot-AI mania that is overrunning the whole world is going to come back and bite Adventism on the rear someday.
Well said Ruthie!!!
What good is our message without the love of the Holy Spirit gushing Streams of Living Water flowing over those that listen?
Let us not sacrifice our children to the gods of this world. So many through history gave their lives to preserve the truth!!!
May each one of us hold fast to the Word and treasure it above our lives as the ancients did. For we will have to make that very decision in the very near future.
We are doing everything except what God instructed us to do.
Hi Pat (long time no see).
As a software engineer, I can tell you that the writer hit this nail on the head. AI is literally only as “smart” as its algorithms and/or how it is programmed.
ANYTHING (and dear brothers and sisters…I mean ANYTHING) put out by the corrupt conference (or the colleges) has to be considered a weapon that will mislead and should NOT NOT NOT be trusted. When the pressure mounts to NOT say anything against the regime (political and churchical), it will be a simple thing to reprogram “Adam” (by the way, totally heretical to name this bucket of bolts after God’s FIRST MAN…pathetic)…to say what “they” want it to say. Yeah…they’re not fooling anyone here.
By the by…I have been out of “the church” for many many years and I was shocked (SHOCKED I tell you) when covid happened and many (all?) SDA churches folded like a cheap suit. Meanwhile, a local Calvary Chapel (which I do NOT believe has “the truth for these end times”) refused to close. Yeah…that was my awakening to the state of the churches. Lest you think I’m merely throwing stones, I *AM* trying to attend various churches and lend my voice to uncovering truth for this time…but with the music having been corrupted all these years, it’s tough to fight through the sheer noise. Add onto this ACTUAL SHOWINGS of clips from “The Chosen” ON SABBATH (which is basically repackaged mormonism and other heretical teachings) and you have a recipe for complete disaster in our churches.
And so we press on…
We press on to JESUS HE IS THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE….SDA GRACED and LOVED ..doctrined from JESUS…..LET US NOT BE DECEIVED…BY looking and pointing out …if we want to be Christ Like we are dwelling on his character….Amen.