The United Nations Climate Change Conference published its official list of NGOs who will be admitted to COP28, the global meetings that will bring together 70,000 participants, including Pope Francis, heads of state, government officials, industry leaders, private sector representatives, academics, so-called climate experts, activists, and non-state actors. The world is coming together to discuss and negotiate actions to address climate change.
Adventist Development and Relief Agency International (ADRA International), with its offices located in Silver Spring, MD, is also on the list of participants that will attend the historic and unprecedented COP28 conference. [1] Mr. Akintayo Odeyemi is listed as the ADRA representative. He is the Director of the United Nations Liaison Office for ADRA. [2] Mr. Akintayo Odeyemi and his team will not just represent Seventh-day Adventists at COP28, but according to the approved list of NGOs, they will be there to support the “farmers.”
Also on the list of approved NGOs that will be present at COP28 are the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), Catholic Relief Services, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Laudato Si’ Movement, the World Council of Churches, the World Evangelical Alliance, and more than 900 other actors representing every belief system. They are all coming together with our Seventh-day Adventist representatives (ADRA International) to “unite, act, and deliver,” as stated in the COP28 theme.
Can we help the farmers without being part of COP28? Of course we can, and we should. This is not a criticism for wanting to help farmers, but it is a legitimate concern about aligning ourselves with Pope Francis, the Jesuits, the World Evangelical Alliance, the World Council of Churches, the Laudato Si’ Movement, and others in these global initiatives that aim to strengthen ties and dependencies between churches and nations in order to create a global framework that will govern the entire planet. These are the same actors who will establish global tyranny through international cooperation under the Sunday law crisis.
“The leaders of the Sunday movement may advocate reforms which the people need, principles which are in harmony with the Bible, yet while there is with these a requirement which is contrary to God’s law, his servants cannot unite with them. Nothing can justify them in setting aside the commandments of God for the precepts of men” (Great Controversy, p. 587).
ADRA is a United Nations organisation bearing SDA name. Its interests and operations are controlled by Rome. I would consider it to be a non-adventist organisation and have no fellowship with it.
lo curioso es que ¿como siendo una institucion catolica lleve el nombre de adventista sin que la conferencia general no demande?? pero cuando se trata de una iglesia como LOS ADVENTISTAS DEL SEPTIMO DIA LIBRE,alli si hay demanada?? es algo que nos debe poner a pensar,,,entonces simplemente la conferencia general es parte de roma asi de facil.
No surprises. The church demonstrates to the world our solidarity with them through ADRA.