An Adventist academy has openly admitted to hosting dance parties within its own facilities, a shocking acknowledgment of just how far some of our schools have fallen. In their own words, they are telling us exactly what is happening—our once-sacred institutions are being transformed into nightclubs, filled with worldly pulsating drum beats, dance music, flashing lights, fog machines, DJs, and an atmosphere that mirrors the entertainment of the world rather than the biblical principles of godly living.
In a concerning shift, Seventh-day International Academy in Kelamangalam, India, hosted its Annual Day Celebration on February 6, 2025. The event featured “Crazy Dance” and “Entertainment Dance” routines performed by their young students. [1] At one point, a moderator of the event openly declared, “Turn up the music and let’s get this party started,” as students were swept into a nightclub-style atmosphere that contradicts with the sacred mission of Adventist education. The phrase “Turn up the music and let’s get this party started” serves as a call to action, signaling the commencement of a dance party—a common occurrence in nightclubs and bar settings characterized by wild music and high energy.
At the end of the video, you will see the school administrators thanking God for this abominable display and mentioning that they have a “nice enrollment” at the Seventh-day Adventist academy. The academy also thanked the sound system and lighting company that provided the loud music and lighting effects.
Many of our institutions, once known for their moral blueprint, are increasingly lowering their standards to boost enrollment numbers and, in turn, increase revenue. This often means eroding our principles to appeal to a broader audience. While this strategy may bring in more students and financial stability in the short term, it ultimately weakens the school’s prophetic mission and credibility. A Christian education should prioritize spiritual and intellectual development and not just financial gain. By sacrificing quality for quantity, these institutions undermine their purpose and reputation and fail to prepare these children for heaven.
What was once unheard of in past generations of Adventist education now seems to be embraced as normal, despite their clear contradiction to God’s instructions. What was once a place for spiritual growth and education is now a stage for crazy excitement, a troubling sign that many of our schools have drifted far from their original mission. These changes reflect a dangerous departure from God’s plan for church-owned schools. Many have lost their way, embracing worldly entertainment that prioritizes excitement over consecration and pleasure over the principle of heaven.
“The things you have described as taking place in Indiana, the Lord has shown me would take place just before the close of probation. Every uncouth thing will be demonstrated. There will be shouting, with drums, music, and dancing. The senses of rational beings will become so confused that they cannot be trusted to make right decisions … A bedlam of noise shocks the senses and perverts that which if conducted aright might be a blessing. The powers of satanic agencies blend with the din and noise, to have a carnival” (Selected Messages, Vo. 2, p. 36).
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