“For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written.” Romans 2:24.
The Bourj Hammoud Adventist Learning Center (BHALC) is located in Beirut, Lebanon, and is one of seven educational institutions located in the Middle East and North Africa Union of Seventh-day Adventists (MENA). [1] This Adventist school “provides basic faith-based elementary education in Bourj Hammoud, Lebanon, to Syrian refugee children between the ages of 6 and 12.” Recently, young students from this Adventist Learning Center danced to the song “Waka Waka” by Colombian Latin pop musician Shakira. [2] Shakira is a Grammy-award-winning artist who is famous for her belly dancing.
We have completely lost sight of God’s purpose when it comes to educating children. So many of our schools around the world have strayed away from the evangelistic opportunity that Christian education provides. Today, Adventist education is teaching Syrian refugee children in the Arab country of Lebanon how to dance to worldly music while imitating secular pop artists. This signifies a profound deviation from the church’s divine path, resulting in spiritual confusion, a departure from our evangelistic emphasis, and a weakened connection to our foundational truths.
Instead of focusing on spiritual and character development, many of our institutions have begun incorporating secular activities, such as teaching children how to dance to worldly music, which often contradicts the values these schools were originally meant to uphold. To rectify this, educators in these schools must be converted and retrained to realign with the original Seventh-day Adventist vision and mission or be replaced by those who are committed to providing a Christ-centered education that prioritizes spiritual growth over conformity to secular trends.
Apostasy, if left unchecked, will only grow more aggressively. When wrongdoing is ignored in the church, it will just spin out of control and multiply. This is true in any church and with any people. When error is left to flourish, it only opens the door for more dangerous heresies to come in. Soon, full-blown rebellion follows, and the sanctity of our institutions is destroyed by an ungodly spirit and atmosphere. All the spirituality and sacredness of these institutions will be swept away by a floodgate of iniquity unless there is complete repentance and forsaking of this worldliness, and unless we have church leaders and administrators who will truly walk on the path that God has given us.
Was pondering the other night how Noah preached for 120 years and then there was a cut off point for the whole earth,
(corporately it’s well over a 120 years)
Publically we are seeing displays of a very strange nature, Have seen many many endorsements of Popery in so called SDA publications, ex “letting Rome off the hook”
No public rebuke from GC leaders
Have seen SDA pastors pushing the self mediation techniques of Ignatius Loyola (the founder of the counter-Reformation)
prominent higher ups being involved with Politicians globally, working with persons in close conjunction with the UN, and joining in with Eccumenism,
signing documents to support climate change, publically endorsing draconian mandates which are the opposite of the 8 health laws and for injections with dubious ingredients that are opposite of God’s health laws in Deuteronomy,
When people wished to discuss these matters they found out that the world wide church now has a papal structure of one unquestionable person at the top who speaks from his seat (ex cathedra) and all must obey….
Without any rebukes for wrongs published publically I fully expect things to get worse and worse until we start to right wrongs (corporately & individually) otherwise we can expect a full collapse into total hedonism
Basically what we are seeing now.
We should be shinning light to Arab nations, not this nonsense.