For thirteen consecutive years, the University of California San Francisco Health (UCSF) has been ranked as one of the “nation’s most LGBT-friendly” health care systems. [1] UCSF Health is very well-known for its “transgender roadmap,” which is a set of medical procedures performed to modify a person’s physical body and voice to align them with their perceived gender identity. [2] Part of the procedures that UCSF Health specializes in includes chest reconstruction, facial surgeries, and genital reconstruction surgeries. [3]
One of UCSF Health’s greatest joys is the “Child and Adolescent Gender Center,” in which they offer children from ages 3 to 17 puberty blockers—medications that suppress the body from producing principal sex hormones in girls (estrogen) and boys (testosterone)—to prepare them for transition at a later date through their referral system. [4]
UCSF Health and Adventist Health announced on February 9, 2024, that they were forming a new joint venture and partnership to establish a new hospital. According to UCSF Health, under this new relationship that is in line with their “systems nationally ranked care standards,” UCSF Health will offer supervision in this new partnership, and Adventist Health will provide their expertise in hospital management.
UCSF Health announced the following:
• “UCSF Health, Adventist Health and Madera County leaders announced today their intent to jointly reopen and operate Madera Community Hospital. In an innovative partnership model, the three entities would come together to create a high-quality community hospital focused on keeping care local in Madera County.” [5]
• “UCSF Health would provide clinical oversight of the hospital, along with quality and safety programs that align with the system’s nationally ranked care standards. Adventist Health would leverage its expertise in hospital operations, operational efficiency, and superior patient experience to give residents of the community a hospital that they can rely on. Partnering with Madera County to align with the health care needs of the community, both organizations are committed to restoring life-saving critical care services in Madera County and building a safe, sustainable and high-quality care infrastructure that the region can rely on for decades to come.” [5]
When UCSF Health says that they are committed to providing “life-saving critical care,” keep in mind that the so-called experts in contemporary medicine hold the view that “gender-affirming care is medically necessary care that can be life-saving for transgender youth.” [6]
Why would Seventh-day Adventist hospitals form alliances with corrupt healthcare institutions that are dedicated to using science and medicine to change the sexual characteristics of the human body and deface the image of God? Have we descended to such a low level that, in order to further the LGBT agenda, we want to collaborate with individuals who give children as young as three years transgender health care? UCSF Health is in the business of taking perfectly normal body parts and mutilating them because they want to help males transition into females and females into males for around $100,000 per patient. [7]
Are these the wicked people that we are now partners with? This is a betrayal of God and a rejection of the Bible. We no longer understand what it means to be human, made in the image of God! This abomination defies God’s intentions for mankind regarding human sexuality. Adventist healthcare is turning its back on Christ’s mission of restoring people physically and spiritually into the image of God and surrendering to the powers of “darkness in this world” and “spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12).
You are not to set up in business for yourself. This is not the Lord’s plan. You are not to unite with unbelievers in medical work. Neither is this the Lord’s plan.
{MM 44}
God calls upon us to move carefully. He warns us against confederating with unbelievers. We are not to bind ourselves up with them in business relations. No one is excusable who does this. {HFM 45.3}
It is the purpose of God that a health institution should be organized and controlled exclusively by Seventh-day Adventists; and when unbelievers are brought in to occupy responsible positions, an influence is presiding there that will tell with great weight against the sanitarium. God did not intend that this institution should be carried on after the order of any other health institute in the land, but that it should be one of the most effectual instrumentalities in His hands of giving light to the world. It should stand forth with scientific ability, with moral and spiritual power, and as a faithful sentinel of reform in all its bearings; and all who act a part in it should be reformers, having respect to its rules, and heeding the light of health reform now shining upon us as a people. {CH 401.1}
Clear counsel continues to go unheeded…”the very last deception of Satan is to make of non-effect the spirit of prophesy”
If the Adventist organization will allow abortions, the LGBT issue, false education instead of true education, a false 3 person god instead of a true Father, Son and Holy Spirit, dress deform, health deform via pharmakeia, alliance with government money, virtually no missionary training, virtually no agriculture and practical labor done in the conference schools when we have mass starvation looming, etc. I say we abandon the organization like any thinking person and join the church (the ekklesia or called out ones). I mean how long shall we labor with apostates? Let Seventh-day Adventists protest to the point of being disfellowshipped and stand for something! We shouldn’t be ugly but truth must be held up to the people so that they can see what the issues really are.
It doesn’t matter if the organization has trademarked many Adventist phrases since 1980 (the voting in of Trinity). Speak up in love and firm resolution!
The organization, obviously, during the last COVID crisis was working against its own people. If the Seventh-Day Adventist people won’t use their voices now they will be like dumb dogs who do not bark. The crisis is here! Our messages should be like Mrs White’s thunderous and yet pleading rebukes to church leaders. It should be like BG Wilkensen in Truth Triumphant and Our Authorized Version Vindicated. Wrong is wrong and it can’t go by unnoticed.
For God’s sake people of the only true God please now voice your opposition to apostasy within the paid leadership! Speak now while we have a little time left!
Adventist Health no longer faithfully represents Bible truth. Anyone who continues to work for this institution is choosing job over God.
Indeed. These mergers and acquisitions are common strategies to maintain profitability and competitiveness, not an act of God’s divine will.
These leaders need to be surgically removed from the church.