There are now classes to get training in the arts of ecumenism and Eucharistic unity. The Secretariat for Ecumenical Activities (SAE) is an interreligious organization devoted to ecumenical formation and training, and it is based in Milan, Italy. The SAE was created in Rome more than 50 years ago to fulfill the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council’s vision (Vatican II). [1] Although the SAE includes both Protestants and Catholics, it asserts that all of its members share “the same Lord Jesus Christ, the same faith, and the same Gospel announced and testified by the apostles.” [2]
Here is one of the photos published by the SAE that highlights the work that they have been doing for the last 50 years. The image above shows SAE leaders with Pope Paul VI at the Vatican. [3]
From July 24 to 30, 2022, the SAE hosted an ecumenical training session entitled:
The words of faith in the succession of generations
An ecumenical research (II)
This seven-day event brought together “190 Christians of the Adventist, Anglican, Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, Orthodox, Reformed, Waldensian and some of the Jewish faiths.” In attendance were “priests, pastors, theologians, teachers, principals, students, seminarians, bishops, consecrated women, members of Catholic Action, Italian Evangelical Youth Federation” and others. The week was spent in “dialogue, study, liturgies, and sharing.” [4]
Erica Sfredda, President of the Secretariat for Ecumenical Activities (SAE), expressed that during the time spent together, the churches experienced a “climate of fraternity, the horizontality of relationships, the informality, and the beauty of sharing the prayers of the different traditions were emphasized.” She also expressed the following:
“Another discovery made at the session was the importance of an intergenerational paradigm: to be all disciples and teachers together, to assume a posture of mutual learning, to be seekers of hope together. This perspective requires taking a change of pace and at the same time safeguarding the gifts received from previous generations and traditions.” [4]
“We put ourselves at stake to live together an experience of communion in the midst of men and women who live and pray in a different way, but with whom we have been able to listen and with whom we have been able to discuss, share meals, and feel that we have a lot in common. We are called together to build a new history that is nourished by the hope of being able to walk together healing the pain, the wounds, the tragedies of past centuries.” [4]

Roman Catholic Bishop Derio Olivero.
Roman Catholic Bishop Derio Olivero presided over the Eucharist that was offered during the event. According to Rome’s ecumenical movement, we are all invited, we are all one, we are all part of Christ; and for this reason, they conclude that participation in the same Eucharistic bread and wine must be followed. During the Eucharist celebration, the Roman Catholic Bishop expressed the following words:
“As Christians of different confessions we must face this challenge with these two things very clear: that Jesus Christ promised us a fulfillment and that this holds up all our dreams. And testify that he is in action in an exaggerated way and believe it. We need to help us – Catholics, Orthodox Protestants, each with their stories, their skills, their rites, their way of commenting on the word – to be Christians like this, witnesses of this superabundance and the promise of a fulfillment … the exaggeration we celebrate every time we celebrate the Eucharist and in which we believe every time we are without strength, without hope and without a future because God guarantees wine [wine is used in the Eucharistic celebration] forever until the last of our days, where the start of the feast will be.” [5]
On page two of the official program, you will see, next to the red arrow, the celebration of the Eucharist being offered by Derio Olivero. Derio Olivero, a Roman Catholic Bishop in Italy, officiated during a celebration of the Eucharist with the other interfaith clergy. Several other “ecumenical liturgy” and “worship” events are also circled in red. [6]
Here is page one of the official program schedule for the ecumenical training session. You can observe the different Protestant and Roman Catholic speakers and participants. Next to the red arrow above, you can see “Davide Romano” listed as an “Adventist Theologian” and the featured speaker for one of the seminars for the SAE ecumenical training. [6] Davide Romano is also the Director of the Adventist Institute of Biblical Culture. [7] This is a Seventh-day Adventist university that prepares pastors for the ministry. [8]

Adventist leader Davide Romano.
In addition to Davide Romano, there were two other Seventh-day Adventists attending this SAE-sponsored ecumenical training seminar. The Seventh-day Adventist theologian, Saverio Scuccimarri, also attended. [9] He is a professor and the dean of the Adventist Institute of Biblical Culture, the same university that trains future Seventh-day Adventist pastors. [10] The last Seventh-day Adventist who attended this ecumenical training seminar was Michele De Giovanni, a student at the Adventist Theology Faculty in Florence. [11]

Adventist leader Saverio Scuccimarri participating at the SAE event.
Here, seminary students and Seventh-day Adventist theological educators are participating in ecumenical training under the watchful care of Rome. What hope do our up-and-coming pastors have when their spiritual mentors are taking part in ecumenical training sessions that aim to foster Eucharistic unity between Catholics and Protestants? This is an effort to promote harmony so that at the Eucharistic table, Catholics and Protestants can partake in the same bread and wine as “one.” This is theologically blasphemous. This contradicts the long-standing practices of the Apostolic Church, the Protestant Reformation, and Seventh-day Adventism while completely ignoring plain biblical teachings.
According to the Council of Trent’s Canons of the Holy Eucharist Sections #1, #2, and #3, anyone who denies that the bread and wine become the real, actual blood and body of Jesus; anyone who denies the priest’s power of transubstantiation (the power to change the bread and wine into the literal flesh and blood of Christ); and anyone who denies that the bread and wine should be “venerated” as Christ is declared ANATHEMA – CURSED! [12]
This is one of the reasons why millions of Bible-believing Christians were murdered during Rome’s Holy Inquisition. Many Protestants refused to worship the wafer (bread) as God Almighty. If you believed that the bread and wine only symbolized Christ’s blood and body, Rome would have declared you a heretic and burned you alive at the stake. That’s what Roman Catholic Canon Law says – and still does!
A global religious unity is being established to promote Rome’s idea of a universal fraternity. At the same time, biblical truth and the prophetic warnings that expose the papacy are being suppressed. If you follow the reasoning that justifies embracing Eucharistic unity to its logical conclusion, you can also justify infant baptism, keeping Sunday, and the immortality of the soul.
Today, a counterfeit gospel, a counterfeit unity, and a counterfeit spirit are being established. All of this serves as a reminder to the sincere and faithful that we need to be even more committed to spreading God’s word throughout the world. Those who do not want to get involved and who don’t want to do or say anything about this growing ecumenical phenomenon are part of the problem.
For whatever reason, many of our own people are unwilling to speak out against Babylon’s ecumenical movement, either out of fear or indifference. Too many people merely believe they shouldn’t say or do anything. Once again, those church leaders who remain silent on these issues are regrettably contributing to the problem:
“If the church pursues a course similar to that of the world, they will share the same fate. Nay, rather, as they have received greater light, their punishment will be greater than that of the impenitent” (Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 100).
Lord save your people and open their eyes.
Are we going to work in partnership with the world or with God? I don’t understand why they would need to be doing this. What is the benefit to join these conferences?
The Lord doesn’t want these outside influences to guide His people. I can’t image our pioneers doing any of these things.
Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers page 15 says: “Consider, my brethren and sisters, that the Lord has a people, a chosen people, His church, to be His own, His own fortress, which He holds in a sin-stricken, revolted world; and He intended that no authority should be known in it, no laws be acknowledged by it, but His own.”
They are training and being trained in the same mindset.
God help us!
Things are getting worse in some places. This is part of the shaking that will result in the formation of two parties.
“Divisions will come in the church. Two parties will be developed.” Last Day Events page 172.
I have once read a book by BG Wilkinson( Truth Truimphant), and it details how the jesuits imploded the church of the east. I see the same strategy being used in adventism.
Glory to God for He is still in control….sinners will be shaken out, together with those institutions…