An international religious liberty symposium was held on December 4, 2021, at the Campus Adventiste du Salève, an Adventist higher education institution in eastern France. Even though the event was free and open to the public, a “health pass” was “required” in order to attend this “religious liberty” event. [1] That is both a contradiction and a foreshadowing of what was to come.
John Graz, former director of the General Conference’s Department of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty, was in attendance (PARL). He is now the director of the International Center for Public Affairs and Religious Freedom at the Adventist Campus in Collonges-sous-Salève in France. In addition, Ganoune Diop, the current director of PARL, was present. This event, which was designed to highlight the values of religious liberty, is best described by the following verse:
“This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.” Matthew 15:8.
Our religious liberty leaders had absolutely nothing to say about the creation of a discriminated class of citizens. With their lips, they boasted about the need to respect the “conscience” of every person. With their lips, they gave fair speeches on freedom and liberty that seemed sincere. They denounced “authoritarianism” and “totalitarianism”, but with their same lips they defended authoritarian and totalitarian vaccine mandates that are causing people to lose their livelihoods, preventing people from feeding their families, burdening others with very large fines, and putting some in prison. This is currently taking place in India, Germany, Italy, Austria, Australia, and other countries throughout the world.
The mafia and other criminal organizations employ the same extortion strategy. Criminal gangs threaten ordinary citizens with dire repercussions if they do not follow their orders. And it’s remarkable that professing Seventh-day Adventists, who are supposed to uphold liberty and freedom, can rationalize and defend the same bullying when it’s perpetrated by state governments.
It is scandalous that pastors who have been ordained to the gospel ministry are occupying positions of trust and are defending a “health dictatorship” that is clearly destroying the mental health and wellbeing of its citizens with oppressive mandates. Two classes of citizens are being created, with one of them being harassed, impoverished, deprived of rights, discriminated against, condemned and imprisoned. We expected this from the fallen churches that comprise Babylon, but not from the professed commandment-keeping people.
Let’s now look at the sham and charade that took place at this religious liberty summit. We will first look at the words of these two Seventh-day Adventist religious liberty leaders who praise the importance of religious liberty. Then we will look at what they said about the health mandates. As you read what they said about freedom and liberty, remember that, unfortunately, those words ring hollow (false).
John Graz said the following:
Minute 8:40 – “I believe in the universality of human rights. I consider them as the expression of the best of humanity. Why? Because first of all, they are not the result of a particular culture, but the result of a human and religious experience, often painful experiences. It took centuries for these rights, which are considered to be fundamental … rights of women, rights of children, rights of the disabled, rights of refugees, and even going as far as the rights of animals” (John Graz).
Today in Adventism, animals get more protection than sincere Seventh-day Adventists who choose to remain Covid-19 vaccine-free. John Graz continues:
Minute 11:23 – “One has reached universality when we respond to the aspirations of the human being. This is how we achieve universality and, whatever its origin, its condition, its gender, justice, truth, and freedom are aspirations common to all, and it is by responding to these aspirations that we reach universality” (John Graz)
That sounds very poetic. John Graz speaks with such elegance so that his listeners can grasp the essence of liberty. Ganoune Diop gave an even more forceful speech and evoked the word “terrorism” when defending liberty of conscience. Diop said:
Minute 53:50 – “Someone deprived of their human rights; and well, that this person is really deprived of their humanity” (Ganoune Diop).
Minute 59:56 – “Once again, our interdependence, a call for solidarity and solidarity very well means respect and tolerance, because once again, how can I feel in solidarity with someone, I am defending human rights without respecting the humanity of others? It’s a fundamental contradiction. It is unthinkable. This solidarity and respect, in fact, are based on the sacredness of the human conscience” (Ganoune Diop).
Hour 1:29:35 – “There is a matter of credibility and integrity. For example, in the context of the International Association of Religious Liberty, we defend religious freedom for all, and therefore, behind that is something that’s true. If we don’t give other people the freedom to choose according to their conscience, then that means that we do not tell each other the truth … I have the human right to believe or not believe. This same right exists for every human being. In fact, if we choose authoritarianism, totalitarianism, and that others must do exactly like me, it’s unthinkable. And to me, that’s terrorism speech, where we demand from others that they must believe like me” (Ganoune Diop).
Hour 1:31:47 – “So I hope that we also listen to others because we live in a plural space and today we cannot come to impose as during the Middle Ages. Here is a totalitarian discourse when there is only me and what I believe I impose” (Ganoune Diop).
Now we have come to the point where the beautiful platitudes of intolerance and liberty of conscience turn into the voice of the dragon. Here’s where Ganoune Diop and John Graz switch to their other personas, the dark persecuting side of Rome:
Hour 1:48:25 – “Your question on how to react in relation to people who say to themselves, “Here is the state in the process of infringing our freedoms.” It should be noted in the context of freedom of religion and/or belief internationally that we are talking about the law here. It makes a difference between two aspects of religious freedom; knowing the forum in time, that is to say, and the internal forum, that is to say what I believe. Nobody has the right to dictate to me that. Thus, it is the internal forums that it is absolute that a government cannot intervene at this level. On the other hand, there is according to international law, once again, the forum excellent, an external forum for men, and according to this aspect of religious freedom, a government for health reasons, that has registered at the UN level, for example, can, according to this aspect of religious freedom and for reasons of security, for reasons of health, a government can intervene and prevent people from meeting” (Ganoune Diop).
In other words, nations are free to divide citizens into two groups as long as they are registered with the United Nations. The vaccinated are one group, while the other is thrown to the lions to be eaten by them. That’s exactly what’s going on. I don’t see why any “church” would support those who want to take over and eliminate religious liberty. Here we have religious liberty leaders supporting extortion, which is stealing and a violation of the 8th Commandment. This is extortion, and the church must fight it with all its strength. Whenever someone wants to force you to do something, and if you don’t, you lose your job, income, are fined heavily, and/or are imprisoned, this is extortion. Extortion is a major sin and a crime.
Why is this extortion? Because the vaccines are not slowing down or stopping the spread of Covid-19. The health experts are the ones saying this. Dr. Kerry Chant, New South Wales Chief Health Officer, says that there has been an increase in the number of Covid-19 infections among the vaccinated in “larger” venues, places where those who are not vaccinated are forbidden from entering. And the increase in new cases is taking place in “vaccinated individuals.” Notice her admission:
It is OFFICIAL now from Kerry Chant, who talked before about a "New World Order".
Fully-vaxxed people 💉💉💉are spreading the virus, causing PCR cases to go way up in NSW.
NOT THE UNVACCINATED.— eatlovepray21 (@eatlovepray211) December 13, 2021
This is the same health minister from New South Wales that was also calling for a New World Order over the Covid-19 crisis. [2] What is becoming more clear and evident is that the pseudo-health dictatorship that has been created was never about health. It’s always been about control. Globalists such as George Soros, Bill Gates, Klaus Schawab, and others are utilizing the pandemic to put the world under their rule and push their agenda.
Now notice what the United Nations said about Ganoune Diop. This is very interesting and very disturbing. Michael Wiener, Human Rights Officer for the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, said the following about Diop:
Hour 1:50:22 – “The national right has the possibility to make restrictions provided by law and which are necessary for protection, security, order, public health and freedoms and fundamental rights of others. So obviously, the right to manifest one’s religion, a conviction, can be limited and, as Ganoune said, exemptions of due internal form of the interior are not allowed” (Michael Wiener).
What did the UN’s globalist ambassador have to say? He basically agreed with Ganoune Diop and stated that “one’s religion, a conviction, can be limited” for “protection, security, order” and “public health.” This is a policy of canceling religious freedoms that is being applied on a global level. Adventist religious liberty leaders have turned into cheerleaders for the New World Order. They are assisting in the establishment of a global precedent by justifying the suspension of religious liberty anytime the government claims it is necessary for “health” reasons.
Isn’t it obvious how dangerous this is? Are we so blind that we fail to comprehend how this argument will be used to impose a National Sunday Law and a death decree?
“It will be declared that men are offending God by the violation of the Sunday-sabbath, that this sin has brought calamities which will not cease until Sunday observance shall be strictly enforced, and that those who present the claims of the fourth commandment, thus destroying reverence for Sunday, are troublers of the people, preventing their restoration to divine favor and temporal prosperity” (Great Controversy, p. 590).
What is the difference between a vaccine law mandate that is based on “health” and a Sunday law mandate that is based on “health and rest?” The details may be different, but the principles are the same. And the same justification that Ganone Diop is giving will be used to impose a Sunday law in the near future. They will say, “We agree with Ganoune, religious convictions can be limited” for the health of society.
If that wasn’t enough, take note of how other Seventh-day Adventist religious liberty leader, John Graz, ended the religious liberty symposium:
Hour 1:51:40 – “I understand that one might not agree with the obligations (mandates). I also understand when one says that the states are taking more and more control. That I understand; but where I am really shocked is when we make the comparison between what is happening and the situation of the Jews especially under the Nazi regime. We do not have to make a final solution. I believe that here we must keep the sense of the measures we have in two different worlds. It is even shocking especially what is sounded during this period of which it is necessary not to mix everything, but there is also the role of the state. There is also the role of security. All that is something to take into consideration” (John Graz).
Here we have a leader, John Graz, who used to be the General Conference’s top religious liberty official. He claims that he is not shocked about the oppressive vaccine mandates. No, he does say he is shocked about how some are denouncing these mandates and comparing them to Nazism. Let me tell you why John Graz and other leaders don’t want us to make Nazi comparisons—it’s because they are siding with the Global Nazi Health Dictators who want to eliminate religious liberty and impose tyranny.
I’m not sure how any of these men can look at themselves in the mirror. I’m not sure how they sleep at night in their nice homes and comfortable jobs while supporting the tyranny of those who are Covid-19 vaccine-free, including fellow Seventh-day Adventists. Oh yes, they will accept the tithes and offerings from unvaccinated members, but they will not speak out to help them in their fight against the globalists’ dictatorship. I used to believe that the following statement only applied to the fallen churches that observe Sunday; however, that is no longer the case:
“We cannot labor to please men who will use their influence to repress religious liberty and to set in operation oppressive measures to lead or compel their fellow men to keep Sunday as the Sabbath” (Last Day Events, pp. 127, 128).
Aloha from the Island of Maui, SMK!
The Lord’s Remnant Ecclesia of Living Stones,
stand with you, to denounce the deceptive language used to hide the “in your face” lies of the false “husbandmen” of the Lord’s Vineyard!
Woe! to those who call evil – good and good – evil!
They have forgotten the Lord’s reply to their response, when Jesus warned them of their conspiracy against Him! Matthew chapter 21, verse 42 through 44.
With their own lips they have condemned themselves! Verse 41!
And after the Lord’s rebuke, they wanted to kill Him! Not this time, guys!
Aloha, your brother in Christ,
Maka’ala Stone
Lo mas que me llena de ira es saber que esos dos fenomenos (pues no merecen ni que se les mencione por nombre) reciben salario del diezmo que tan sacrificadamente el pueblo devuelve. Deberian ser desfraternizados por APOSTASÍA CRASA.