Our church youth aren’t just marching during Pathfinders events—they’re channeling Michael Jackson, bringing his style and moves into our youth programs. Many of our youth have changed the simple march routine into a dynamic spectacle that resembles many secular entertainment venues. These so-called marches now incorporate elements from dance schools and group competitions. When you look at the video above, they are not just marching. They are performing together in complex, choreographed, dance-style routines.
Is the Seventh-day Adventist Pathfinders department becoming an organization to showcase worldly drum beats and dancing techniques? And is this really instilling discipline in our youth to prepare them for the Latter Rain during the Loud Cry? Or is it preparing them to join this world’s attractions and temporal, earthly pleasures?
Both parents and youth leaders need to critically examine if these kinds of church-sponsored events are consistent with our Christian values, morals, and standards. Or do these activities more closely resemble what takes place in the world? Yes, there is a time for prayer, but there is also a time to act and protect God’s gift to us, our children.
“The desire for excitement and pleasing entertainment is a temptation and a snare to God’s people, and especially to the young. Satan is constantly preparing inducements to attract minds from the solemn work of preparation for scenes just in the future. Through the agency of worldlings he keeps up a continual excitement to induce the unwary to join in worldly pleasures. There are shows, lectures, and an endless variety of entertainments that are calculated to lead to a love of the world; and through this union with the world faith is weakened” (Adventist Home, p. 522).
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