Seventh-day Adventist youth in the city of Cajamarca, Peru, stopped traffic and arrested the attention of their community. What was the occasion? As reported by Baluarte, the young people just recently gathered to spread God’s last message of mercy to our dying world. The book Great Controversy was distributed, and it is quite a compelling sight to behold. This truly demands your attention to see young people fulfilling the true calling that God has placed on their lives!
We praise God for these efforts and pray that other Adventist communities will be encouraged and inspired to get involved and get our young people engaged in the work we are supposed to be doing. This is how you build spirituality in our young people. This is what our academies, high schools, and universities should be doing. This is how we need to be interacting with the world. We must be living, breathing, and walking proof of the truth that God has revealed. We praise God that not everyone is participating in violent sporting events, worldly dancing, and secular music that glorifies the sinful morals of our corrupt society.
Children are a gift of God, and they really don’t belong to us. God has commanded that we love, provide for, support, protect, and train them in the ways of truth and righteousness. We have to ask ourselves: What are the guiding influences and principles that are directing and molding our young people? Is it prayer, Bible study, service, and a desire to honor God with our lives? We are told that when we behold Christ, we are changed into His image from glory to glory (2 Corinthians 3:18).
Are we preparing them for heaven, for the Latter Rain, for the close of probation, and to finish the work? The Adventist movement was started by young people, and young people will have a major part in finishing the gospel commission. Are they beholding Christ and His truth, and are they being changed into His perfect righteousness?
Or are our children engaged in a secular-based entertainment program that is preparing them to join the world, receive the mark of the beast, and eventually be lost? Will we allow the world to determine what our youth shall meditate upon? Will we give them the world’s standards, and will we fill their minds with every earthly sin and pleasure? The reality is that there is a clear connection between what is going on in society and what, regrettably, is being introduced into our institutions and churches.
In the video above, you can see what other Seventh-day Adventist youth from Southern Adventist University are planning to do this Sabbath during the sacred hours of the Lord’s day. Adventism is supposed to be a safe haven from this sinful and lawless world. We have a responsibility to protect our young people from the chaos of society. Instead of being a shelter from the storm, many of the unfortunate things that occur in our institutions are the result of young people trying to mimic what the rest of the world is doing. This frequently occurs because it is what they are already doing at home. Our church’s standards are being ignored in so many places. They are being redefined by others. Parents, local church leaders, and those in charge of our institutions have failed us, and this crisis is the result.
We have a duty to train our children and instill in them the same moral standards and values that have served our church for the first 100 years. May God help us to stay faithful and adhere to the plan that He has provided for the success of our efforts and of our ministry work? How soon would our work be finished if all of our youth around the world were engaging in what we have just seen happening in Peru:
“With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish, how soon the message of a crucified, risen, and soon-coming Saviour might be carried to the whole world! How soon might the end come—the end of suffering and sorrow and sin!” (Education, p. 271).
I have been doing this myself and buying the books with my own money and handing them out everywhere I go and I think all the SDA churches should be doing the same before it’s to late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD will judge us if we don’t.
SAU president said the university has nothing to do with Fight Night and that they are not sponsoring it nor having it on their campus.
The damage has already been done! Too little, too late. The young men have been sighted as students of Southern in the newspaper. The school should have stopped it last year when it first got started.
Very refreshing to see. Thank you for sharing this.
The contrast couldn’t be greater. Our youth are either under the influence of God or Satan. There is no middle ground.
Praise the Lord
I am so pleased to see our young people out in the streets spreading the truth for these last days!!!
Bonjour,quel contraste avec ses deux évènements,il est écrit qu’il y aura que deux groupes à la fin des temps,cela me rappel ma jeunesse Adventiste,à la Martinique,en effet le sabbat après-midi nous allons visiter et distribuer des imprimés,dans les campagnes,hélas cela se perd,encourageons nos jeunes à persévérer,pour la diffusion de ses imprimés.
Örömteljes látni a buzgalmat a fiatalokban, az idősek segíthetik őket, hogy kinek, hogyan adják, hogy ne a kukába kerüljün a fontos könyv.
A szétosztott könyvek reméljük az eredeti, E.White által összeállított Nagy küzdelem könyvek voltak és nem a már letompított, korszellemhez igazított könyvek?
A jó Isten adjon bölcsességet az evangélium hírdetésben mindenkinek! Csak Jézust követve, a Szentlélek vezetésével lehet tartós célt érni!
Those books look a little thin to be GC. I hope it’s the real deal.
Saludos hermanos muy bien en repartir ese libro hermoso , pero muy triste tambien porque ese libro ha sido condensado no esta completo como deberia ser mas de 700 paginas lo he revisado personalmente , esta incompleto.