The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is the international humanitarian agency of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. On November 8, 2022, the Inter-European Division of Seventh-day Adventists and Hope Media Italy published the official appeal by ADRA to world leaders gathered at COP27. In their statement, ADRA urged “policy makers and influential personalities” to take “stronger” environmental action during COP27. The statement said, in part:
ADRA’s Statement on the Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP27)
“The Adventist Development and Relief Agency, as humanitarian and development practitioners, has seen first-hand how the global equilibrium is out of order.”
“We aim to do our deed; offices in our network have started to move towards net zero, signed the Climate charter, shared our knowledge at the COP26 and COP27, and published the comprehensive Carbon Reduction Guide in 2021.”
“ADRA calls on policy makers and influential personalities to take necessary decisions in the upcoming UN Climate Conference. The industrialized countries, as the historical perpetrators of the climate crisis, must finally step up to promises made.”
“The COP26 has set some course but more steps are needed, such as stronger consideration of civil society actors; more focus on loss and damage; and meeting the pledge on global adaptation financing.”
“ADRA Europe hopes that these points will find strong consideration in the upcoming policy talks and wishes participants a successful and fruitful COP27.” [1] [2]
A remarkable phenomenon is occurring today in Adventism. Under the leadership of Pope Francis, all the churches, economists, environmentalists, policy makers, and governments are working together to heal the earth, even as sin and anarchy are increasing at an alarming rate in society. More churches are adding their names to the new religious crusade against climate change. The religion of ecology is replacing the everlasting gospel of Revelation 14:6-12, as many Seventh-day Adventists are moving from saving souls to saving the soil. Now we will be rescuing the planet instead of people.
The moral issues that have been fought over throughout the 6,000-year controversy between Christ and Satan are about to change. It’s no longer about sin, disobedience, rebellion, apostasy, and lawlessness. No, not anymore. Now it’s about sustainability, biodiversity, clean energy, and climate change. According to the Book of Revelation, the great adversaries in the last days used to be the beast, the image, and the false prophets. That’s all changed now.
Today, these bad actors have become our friends. They are now our new allies in the fight against greenhouse gases. In the new and improved end-time scenario, we need to foster a spirit of cooperation with the Vatican, the other churches, the UN, the EU, the WEF, and other globalists in order to save the earth. Once again, we are witnessing a decline in our faith as a growing number of Seventh-day Adventists abandon their belief in Revelation 13, 17, and 18 and instead refocus their evangelism on addressing the climate agenda through Catholic social teachings and secular ideologies.
It is astonishing that politicians have infiltrated the church and are spreading their message about sustainability to our people. These climate change activists who have invaded Adventism cannot help anyone enter heaven because the church is not a place where people can be reached with a secular, worldly message.
Eco-spirituality has emerged as the world’s new global religion. This effort is being led by Pope Francis. And when we merge human ideologies with Adventism, we rapidly lose sight of our true mission and identity. We end up being just another one of the world’s tens of thousands of churches. Satan’s agenda is to unite the entire world, and the messages about climate change, climate Sunday, and the common good are his means of doing so. Why aren’t our people able to see what’s happening?
“Satan determines to unite them in one body, and thus strengthen his cause by sweeping all into the ranks of Spiritualism. Papists, who boast of miracles as a certain sign of the true church, will be readily deceived by this wonder-working power; and Protestants, having cast away the shield of truth, will also be deluded. Papists, Protestants, and worldlings will alike accept the form of godliness without the power, and they will see in this union a grand movement for the conversion of the world, and the ushering in of the long-expected millennium.” (Great Controversy, p. 588).
May God have mercy on us all. My church, my church “how long would I have taken you under my wings, but you would not let me…” We are “clasping the hands” of
our enemies and we are not seeing what is happening to us. Where are our so-called “leaders…? Where are they? Let us all, individually bend our knees before our Savior, seek His face, draw nigh unto Him and He will save His people. Pastor Johnston
Amen! in Jesus Name <3
Amen and amen. When it says, I saw the church is about to fall, but it goes through. Is that the corporate church or the people?
Already the restraining Spirit of God is being withdrawn from the world. Hurricanes, storms, tempests, fire and flood, disasters by sea and land, follow each other in quick succession. Science seeks to explain all these. The signs thickening around us, telling of the near approach of the Son of God, are attributed to any other than the true cause. People cannot discern the sentinel angels restraining the four winds, that they shall not blow until the servants of God are sealed. But when God shall bid His angels loose the winds, there will be such a scene of strife as no pen can picture. {CTr 316.3}
We are standing on the threshold of great and solemn events. Prophecy is fast fulfilling. The Lord is at the door. There is soon to open before us a period of overwhelming interest to all who are living. The controversies of the past are to be revived. New controversies will arise. The scenes to be enacted in our world are not even dreamed of. Satan is at work through human agencies. {CTr 316.4}
Então…tudo isso tem a ver com potestades superiores e não com o homem como querem impor a nós nessas cúpulas do clima.
Well, ADRA finally drank the Kool-Aid that Rome has offered to the world! Climate Change is an absolute hoax!!!
Actually, it does not surprise me. I learned years ago that the “CEO of ADRA” makes well over a $100,000.00 dollars a year in salary. That is when my husband and I stopped giving to them.
The statement that EGW made concerning the lay people is coming true. We can not rely on our GC anymore to head up and carry us through to the end. The work will be finished by the lay people. Also, whole churches will be passed over! It all makes sense now. Thank God for EGW and the knowledge that she gave to this movement. It gives us hope that this message will go through to the end!
Amen thank God He has told us what to expect!
can tell me where this is found? I really need this information?
We can not rely on our GC anymore to head up and carry us through to the end. The work will be finished by the lay people. Also, whole churches will be passed over!
Les bergers n’on toujours pas compris ce que l’éternel avait dit aux Israëlites,avant leur arrivé dans la terre promise,n’ayez aucun commerce quel qu’il soit avec les peuples d’alentour quand,vous serez arriver dans ce pays la terre promise,ne faites aucune alliance avec eux….,mais cela n’a pas servi de leçon a nos dirigeants,même qu’ils leurs demande de l’aide,mais le résultat sera funeste.Que Dieu ai pitié de nous.Mais quelle tristesse!
Tower of Babel, Babylon here we are. All in one accord speaking the same language.
Then I saw another angel ——- Babylon is fallen is fallen – Revelation 18
May the good Lord equip us to give the trumpet a certain sound!!
I wish this were the truth of it:
Excerpt from the above article:
“It is astonishing that politicians have infiltrated the church and are spreading their message about sustainability to our people. These climate change activists who have invaded Adventism ”
The truth is, the church abandoned its mission of the gospel and moved into the realm of man’s systems.
We have gotten distracted from the mission God gave us, and thought it wiser to go after the world’s wisdom.
I am praying like never before. It is so so sad – now I can ‘see’ what aunty Ellen was telling us under inspiration of the Holy Spirit about present truth and the apostasy in these last days. Our apostate leaders make me cringe to call them sda. Hold on to Jesus, Family, you who know the truth. Get ready, get ready, get ready!! the time is at hand and Jesus is soon to burst the clouds of heaven.
ADRA has been completely deceived! If people were educated on just how much carbon dioxide was actually in the air, they would clearly see that climate change is a complete hoax! If the scale of atmospheric gases in the air were laid out on a 100-yard football field, the 78th (78%) yard line would represents how much nitrogen is in the air. 21 (or 21%) more yards is the amount of oxygen. The last 1 inch is how much carbon dioxide is in the air (0.04%)! Of that only 3% is man-made: the thickness of a DIME! For more information, see the book “Climategate” by Brian Sussman.
Concordo plenamente com você meu irmão Jim Gurtner diz, faço suas palavras as minhas… triste essa GRANDE APOSTASIA NO POVO DEUS…. A HISTÓRIA SE REPETE….. ASSIM FOI COM ISRAEL LITERAL E INFELIZMENTE ESTA SENDO COM ISRAEL ESPÍRITUAL
It is sad to see the leaders of our denomination follow the United Nations, Joe Biden, and the Roman Catholic Church in their deception of the hyped-up “climate change”. All these promoters of Cop-27 are out for power, control, a one-world government, and a one-world religion.
Climate change is man made. When we approved of gay marriage, and go along with the LGBTQ agenda, we loose God’s blessing and protection. A drought ensues…. It is just one more step to be taken (Sunday Laws) to incur God’s wrath.
Do not run away from our church — There have always been “creative thinkers” in our churches and conferences. What will be left of our sacred message if we just up and abandon our churches and our message to the world and to each other. We need each other to support ourselves as we remain faithful — that is why God told us to meet with like-believers and to keep the pages of our Bibles open to encourage personal study and discussion. So you don’t like your pastor’s sermon topics, and the missing end-time, prophecy-fulfilled messages, or the too-short skirts worn by those with fat knees and ugly legs, and cute ones, on the platform today — these are also signs of the end times — teenagers whose parents have neglected to monitor what the wives and teen girls purchase and wear in public, to school and church (in other words, why so much skin designed by New York and Hollywood to entice our young men to sexual desires?) Why are our families spending any time, at all, watching questionable and evil-natured television programs?) We are living in modern-day Egypt where charcoal dust was introduced to enhance the sexy-eyed look, where red colored lips attracted the attention of worldly men on the prowl, and also to attract those who have not heeded the warnings of King Solomon’s Proverbs, placed within God’s Word, to help safe-guard our men (young and old) from “silly” women. Church, (the church is us, the people, not the building where we meet), we are in the Last Days of this Earth’s existance — we must wake up for this is the battle we’ve been warned about for so many centuries. Please, wake up now! Don’t be another stick-in-the-mud, but a bright, refreshing light in this so-dark world.
My brother and sister
There is a growing community of SDA’s that have opened there eyes and are following the teaching of the prophet E.G.W and the Bible. The teaching is to leave the city ..get a place in the country areas .health reform , get off eating of flesh meat. Study the 3 angels message.Rev:13, 14, 18, and passing the message on to all who will listen. This what the Lord has instructed us to do. our church will go on , we have been invaded by unconvtered ministers and lay people that feel comfortable listining to weak messages .you will not hear end time messages because they do not want the pay check cut .the advent church is a 5013c church and will not speak against Rome. And the evil of the pass .The Lord gave us a message though EGW and will not speak it. As it was in the days of shall it be today. God bless if your listening.
What do you mean by 5013c?
My heart is breaking for the SDA folks that are still groping in darkness even though they have seen the light – but cannot stand it’s glare.
More and more we are seeing the seriousness of what sister White warned of just as the word of God also. We moved to the country this year at the end of May. We found an Adventist church half hour from home. We been worshiping there for 7 months now. Not once, have I heard the pastor talk about Rome, or the beast, or the image of the beast, or about the prophecies of Daniel, or the prophecies of Revelation. It’s all airy fairy spirituality as my favorite watchman Professor Walter Veith likes to put it. And when anyone tries to say anything about pope Francis or the papacy during the sermon, the pastor is very quick to redirect the narrative. The jesuit mindset has so infiltrated the remnant church it makes me want to throw up.