Maranatha Adventist Fellowship Church is a Seventh-day Adventist church located in Bowie, Maryland, and is part of the Allegheny East Conference. The church describes itself as a “Bible-believing, inclusive church where everyone feels free to worship, regardless of their nationality. We are proud of our diverse congregation with members from Nigeria, Cameroon, the West Indies, the USA, Kenya, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and many others.” [1]
Adventists Go Clubbing in Church During 13 Sabbath Offering Program
— Advent Messenger (@Advent1844) October 17, 2023
The Thirteenth Sabbath is the final Sabbath of each quarter and is set aside specifically to collect special funds for a mission project in order to spread God’s word throughout the world. During this last 13th Sabbath Offering, Maranatha Adventist Fellowship celebrated with club music and dancing. [2] [3] [4]
The church is supposed to be a place of worship, prayer, and other spiritual activities. However, it is clear that a church service is more about entertainment than worship when loud music meant to create a lively and energetic atmosphere is played and everyone begins moving in a manner similar to what is done in dance halls. Regretfully, Adventism is growing into the greatest show on earth, for which we are offering spectacular and unparalleled entertainment as “Christian” rock, rap, and club music are being played in more and more church-approved venues.
These dance exhibitions are among the biggest dangers to God’s people because they distort the truth. Satan is using music as one of his tools to ensnare unsuspecting church members. God cannot bless these dance hall worship services because they contradict the clear counsel given by Him. We are witnessing a significant drift in theology, music, and worship as we become more indistinguishable from the world.
What you see in the above video is blaring music, bodies swaying, and hands being raised during the 13th Sabbath worship service. With hypnotic rhythm and excessive volume, worldly music confuses the frontal lobe of the brain, disabling the center of conscience, reason, and intellect. The lower passions take control of the mind, and sin no longer seems so sinful. False doctrines no longer seem so dangerous. Lustful passions no longer seem reprehensible.
“The things you have described as taking place in Indiana, the Lord has shown me would take place just before the close of probation. Every uncouth thing will be demonstrated. There will be shouting, with drums, music, and dancing. The senses of rational beings will become so confused that they cannot be trusted to make right decisions … A bedlam of noise shocks the senses and perverts that which if conducted aright might be a blessing. The powers of satanic agencies blend with the din and noise, to have a carnival, and this is termed the Holy Spirit’s working.” (Selected Messages, Vol. 2, p. 36).
Apparently it’s their “culture”… they won’t change. SDA is all-inclusive, remember. Don’t exclude anybody or hurt anybody’s feelings.
Well said Ruthie. Let’s be careful about judging others. Jesus warns us about that. What you term as clubbing in your western culture might be other cultures way of praising God.
Not everything in a culture is acceptable in God’s word and practice
It’s a pity that people don’t find out the truth before they start judging others on behalf of God.
This program was not done neither during sabbath school nor divine service .
It was a birthday thanksgiving in the afternoon.
The person that posted it was not present at the event, he just got the video somewhere and gave it a demoralizing title.
Sad, but we were told these things would happen before the end. We are there brothers and sisters. “Get ready, get ready, get ready. “
In Matthew 24, as Jesus answered the question concerning when He would return for his disciples, His very first words of the answer was; (Matthew 24:4,)
“Take heed that no man deceive you…..the methods of satanic deception are beyond comprehension as never before How critical it is that we press closer and deeper into Christ. Follow with much prayer and Bible study, again, as never before.
By far, this is not Adventism and if the conferences and unions permit these churches to go on more will be inspired to follow this example.
I am not surprised. God did tell us that things of this kind would happen inside His church. Ellen White had already mentioned it in ” Events of the last days”. This lets us know that the day is coming. So, let’s pray for them, and try hard to stay under God’s grace.
Yes, shows we are now “just before the close of probation.”
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone!
The World has flooded the Church soon waters will swallow the entire family of God Only a remnant will be saved.this direction is Satan’s super drive into the Church and KJV Micah 6:5
5 O my people, remember now what Balak king of Moab consulted, and what Balaam the son of Beor answered him from Shittim unto Gilgal; that ye may know the righteousness of the LORD.
The word club music is incorrect. If I may ask has anyone here ever heard how they sing in heaven? Tell us how heavenly music sounds like. This is purely African music and if God has a problem with African instruments and music then that God is foreign to an African. The biggest problem that we face to day is the imposing of western culture as the true means of worship. God himself created these cultures and people should be allowed to worship him through their own experiences.