
One of the the signers and attendees of this ecumenical forum published the letter. [1]
Victor Fernandez, a Roman Catholic Archbishop from Argentina, will be promoted to the rank of Cardinal after being chosen by Pope Francis to head the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, the oldest office of the Vatican. [3] Cardinal-elect Victor Fernandez’s primary job will be to preserve, defend, and uphold Roman Catholic teachings and beliefs worldwide. This is one of the most important and influential appointments at the Vatican because he will be responsible for encouraging Roman Catholics to remain devoted to their faith while evangelizing non-Catholics by helping them to understand Catholic beliefs and practices.
Seventh-day Adventists in Argentina joined a group of interfaith clergy to celebrate Archbishop Victor Fernandez’s recent appointment to this top Vatican position by welcoming the news and expressing their congratulations. Adventist church leaders offered their best wishes and fraternal hugs to Archbishop Victor Fernandez. They also told the Catholic official they would pray for him and assured him that “the faith that unites us” will guide him in his new role as head of the Vatican’s doctrinal office.
The ecumenical letter signed by Seventh-day Adventists and other churches reads as follows:
Letterhead: Interfaith Dialogue Table
La Plata, August 5, 2023To: Archdiocese of La Plata
Archbishop Monsignor Victor Manuel FernandezRE: We welcome the appointment as prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith of the Holy See. Thanks and farewell.
Of our most consideration:
From our Interreligious Dialogue Table of La Plata and the Buenos Aires Capital Region we wish to greet him and congratulate him on his appointment as prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith of the Holy See, and dismiss him in his duties as Archbishop of La Plata.
We want to thank him especially for his interest in promoting ecumenical and interreligious dialogue in the Archbishopric, and for his generous inclusion of each of the religions that make up our Board in different events organized by the Catholic Church in our city.
We are certain that this new stage that is beginning will be challenging but also of pleasant satisfactions, and we pray for you so that the faith that unites us accompanies you and guides always.
With a fraternal hug we greet you attentively,
Interreligious Dialogue Table of La Plata and the Buenos Aires Capital Region
Commission for Interreligious Dialogue-Social Pastoral of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church; Jewish community of AMIA La Plata; United Evangelical Lutheran Church; Evangelical Argentine Methodist Church; Salvation Army; Social, Cultural and Religious Group “Africanista and Umbandista” (ASRAU); Baha’i faith; Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; Basilio Scientific School; Seventh-day Adventist Church; New Apostolic Church; Ahmadiyya Muslim community.
What a sad day indeed! Our forefathers and predecessors believed in actually giving the Three Angels’ Message to all people, including Catholics, with the hope of seeing them converted and baptized into the Seventh-day Adventist faith. Instead, modern-day Adventist leaders are signing these repugnant documents, affirming that we share the same “faith” as Catholics and wishing Catholic clergy success in their efforts to spread Catholicism throughout the world.
For any Seventh-day Adventist to be part of an ecumenical organization that actually promotes such absurd ideas is an indication of how our world has changed and the extent to which many of our people have completely strayed from their God-given calling. We live in an age that is constantly pushing the idea of how we can coexist peacefully and in unity with the “man of sin, the son of perdition” (2 Thessalonians 2:3). Once again, prophecy foretold this exact scenario in the last days (Revelation 13:3).
This letter, which is signed by Seventh-day Adventists, embodies the teachings of Pope Francis on interfaith unity and human fraternity. It is a fulfillment of Fratelli Tutti and the Vatican II agenda, which alleges that all religions share a common faith and destiny. Muslims, Jews, Catholics, Protestants, and everyone else are all equal. We must therefore end divisions and appreciate and acknowledge the worth that each faith has since we are all brothers and sisters. However, this is only human opinion, and it’s a deception because if all religions were equal, we wouldn’t have inspired statements like the one below:
“There is one pointed out in prophecy as the man of sin. He is the representative of Satan … Here is Satan’s right-hand man ready to carry on the work that Satan commenced in heaven, that of trying to amend the law of God. And the Christian world has sanctioned his efforts by adopting this child of the papacy,—the Sunday institution. They have nourished it, and will continue to nourish it, until Protestantism shall give the hand of fellowship to the Roman power. Then there will be a law against the Sabbath of God’s creation, and then it is that God “will do a strange work in the earth.” (Review and Herald, March 9, 1886).
The actions of Adventist leaders in Argentina and other countries are in direct opposition to God’s clear instructions. Rome is being praised for its efforts to spread apostasy and heresy. We are giving fraternal hugs to Satan’s right-hand man. We are praying for the man of sin to continue feeding lies and false doctrines to the entire world. What is wrong with these church leaders? What world are they living in? We must instead pray for God to deliver them from their idolatry and darkness.
“Satan has carried his first great work of deception down through all the ages, and will until the close of time. In antichrist, he has a living agent. When the Christian world shall make void the law of God when church and state are united, when Protestantism shall reach its hands across the gulf to unite with Romanism, allegiance to the law of God will be fully thrown off and the decree will go forth against the people of God” (Manuscript, 104, 1893).
Because Rome rejects the gospel of Jesus Christ, the law of God, and the real priestly work of Jesus in heaven, they do not have God on their side or access to the Father and are therefore the power of the antichrist. Instead of celebrating the new appointment to the Vatican’s doctrinal office, we should instead pray for their conversion to the truth. Seventh-day Adventists esteem all people because we are all human beings made in the image of God. However, it is our mission to see people who have been purchased by the blood of Christ invited to join God’s last-day Remnant people.
We must reject the false claims made by the ecumenical movement, which has attracted a lot of support and is currently preparing the world for the final crisis. Instead of inducing people into a false sense of carnal security, our pastors and leaders must instead work to compel them to flee the darkness of false religions, including Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots, and enter the light of Jesus Christ.
“But God still has a people in Babylon; and before the visitation of his judgments, these faithful ones must be called out, that they ‘partake not of her sins, and receive not of her plagues.’ Hence the movement symbolized by the angel coming down from Heaven, lightening the earth with his glory, and crying mightily with a strong voice, announcing the sins of Babylon. In connection with his message the call is heard, ‘Come out of her, my people.’ These announcements, uniting with the third angel’s message, constitute the final warning to be given to the inhabitants of the earth” (Great Controversy, p. 604).
[2] https://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_pro_14071997_en.html
Pr Roman,
The Harlotry of the SDA Denomination is only going to become more Evident as time goes on.
¶ How is the faithful city become an harlot! it was full of judgment; righteousness
lodged in it; but now murderers. 22 Thy silver is become dross, thy wine mixed with
water: 23 Thy princes are rebellious, and companions of thieves: every one loveth gifts,
and followeth after rewards: they judge not the fatherless, neither doth the cause of the
widow come unto them.
Isaiah 1
Ellen white wrote:)
Those employed in any department of the work whereby the
world may be transformed, must not enter into alliance with those
who know not the truth. The world know not the Father or the Son,
and they have no spiritual discernment as to the character of our
work, as to what we shall do or shall not do. We must obey the
orders that come from above. We are not to hear the counsel or
follow the plans suggested by unbelievers.
I was shown that the follies of Israel in the days of Samuel will
be repeated among the people of God today unless there is greater
humility, less confidence in self, and more trust in the Lord God of
Israel, the Ruler of the people. It is only as divine power is combined
with human effort that the work will abide the test. When men lean
no longer on men or on their own judgment, but make God their
trust, it will be made manifest in every instance by meekness of
spirit, by less talking and much more praying, by the exercise of
caution in their plans and movements. Such men will reveal the fact
that their dependence is in God, that they have the mind of Christ.
The pope has changed the day of rest from the seventh to the
first day. He has thought to change the very commandment that
was given to cause man to remember his Creator. He has thought
to change the greatest commandment in the Decalogue and thus
make himself equal with God, or even exalt himself above God.
The Lord is unchangeable, therefore His law is immutable; but
the pope has exalted himself above God, in seeking to change His
immutable precepts of holiness, justice, and goodness. He has
trampled underfoot God’s sanctified day, and, on his own authority,
put in its place one of the six laboring days. The whole nation has
followed after the beast, and every week they rob God of His holy
time. The pope has made a breach in the holy law of God, but I saw
that the time had fully come for this breach to be made up by the
people of God and the waste places built up.
I pleaded before the angel for God to save His people who had
gone astray, to save them for His mercy’s sake. When the plagues
begin to fall, those who continue to break the holy Sabbath will not
open their mouths to plead those excuses that they now make to get
rid of keeping it. Their mouths will be closed while the plagues are
falling, and the great Lawgiver is requiring justice of those who have
had His holy law in derision and have called it “a curse to man,”
“miserable,” and “rickety.” When such feel the iron grasp of this law
taking hold of them, these expressions will appear before them in
living characters, and they will then realize the sin of having that
law in derision which the Word of God calls “holy, just, and good.”
Early Writings pg 79, 80.
Adventism Joining with Popery has resulted in the Ruin of Millions. It will not end in the New Jerusalem, but Rather the Second Death and Lake of Fire.
“Adventism” cannot compromise. “Adventists”, however, can, have, and will. Those practicing the present truth are practicing Adventism.
“Adventism” is the body of present truth given for the last generation, even as all “isms” are philosophies embraced by adherents thereto.
Disappointed Adventists would do well not to slander the whole body of truth for the sake of reproving those ensnared in error and compromise.
When Adventists in positions of directing denominational Adventism compromise, then denominational Adventism is compromised. Sister White saw this coming.
“The enemy of souls has sought to bring in the supposition that a great reformation was to take place among Seventh-day Adventists, and that this reformation would consist in giving up the doctrines which stand as the pillars of our faith, and engaging in a process of reorganization. Were this reformation to take place, what would result? The principles of truth that God in His wisdom has given to the remnant church, would be discarded. Our religion would be changed. The fundamental principles that have sustained the work for the last fifty years would be accounted as error. A new organization would be established. Books of a new order would be written. A system of intellectual philosophy would be introduced. The founders of this system would go into the cities, and do a wonderful work. The Sabbath, of course, would be lightly regarded, as also the God who created it. Nothing would be allowed to stand in the way of the new movement. The leaders would teach that virtue is better than vice, but God being removed, they would place their dependence on human power, which, without God, is worthless. Their foundation would be built on the sand, and storm and tempest would sweep away the structure.” SpTB02 54.3
What is the pre-eminent reformation that has taken place since the writing of the above testimony that has resulted in the giving up of the “doctrines which stand as the pillars of our faith (the fundamental principles) and a process of reorganization”? Without a doubt, it is the adoption of a false god called the trinity now enshrined in F.B. #2 which flies directly in the face the decidedly non-trinitarian fundamental principles of the original Seventh-day Adventist movement (see fundamental principles #1 and #2 at https://m.egwwritings.org/en/book/928.7#7). The rest of what she describes is by this time nothing more than a history lesson in Adventism and how it has shifted away from truth established by faithful study of scripture and by revelation of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, to a system of intellectual philosophy. Is the Sabbath lightly regarded today within denominational Adventism? Some might dutifully argue against this question, but in the context of her statement, we find that the Sabbath is lightly regarded as a result of or in connection with a disregard for the One that created it. When the only true God, the Father in heaven, is replaced by a trinity, then the day of worship established by the true God is of little consequence. In other words, it is no different to intend to worship God on a false sabbath, than to worship a false god on the true Sabbath. Both lead to perdition. According to the view given in Sister White’s quote, which may actually have been a vision, what will be the end of the matter? “Storm and tempest will sweep away the structure.” God will not permit denominational Seventh-day Adventism, with all of its spiritual compromises to weather the storm. The only “boat” that will go through the tempest will be the church – the people (Adventists) that keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus.
Just to thank you for these wonderful EGW comments – there is so much to read and it’s so good to have one or two brought to our attention on specific and timely subjects. It is indeed an amazing but sorrowful time we live in, and the apostasy among us is so great and deceptive – and alarmingly rapid, just as prophesied! I’m certainly glad and grateful that God knows those who are His and pray for all of them. We must continue to pray for each other, especially ones who are now without earthly support and who have been betrayed by ‘SDA brethren’ – that cold rejection makes life cruel but Jesus of course softens the blow for those trusting Him. ‘Press together, press together” is our advice. May He bless and keep you strong, Swagman!
This is way beyond any acceptable behavior on the part of Adventists. You have to ask yourself, what are they thinking? Only people who have turned their allegiance from God to Rome would do such a thing.
It has been happening for years, hit full speed in 1980 and now the throttle has gone thru the floor.
You are SO right!
“Let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, Spare thy people, O Lord, and give not thine heritage to reproach.” Joel 2:17.
“The greatest guilt and heaviest responsibility belonged to those who stood in the highest places in the nation, the depositaries of sacred trusts that they were basely betraying.” DA 737.2
Without seeing it for myself, I would not have believed it.
“I have stated before them that, from what was shown me, but a small number of those now professing to believe the truth would eventually be saved” 2T 445 (1870).
“God is now sifting His people, testing their purposes and their motives. Many will be but as chaff—no wheat, no value in them.” {Testimonies: 4:51}
“God will arouse His people; if other means fail, heresies will come in among them, which will sift them, separating the chaff from the wheat.” {Testimonies: 5:707}
The Office of the Doctrine of the Faith is no other than the Office of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith which Benedict 16th held as,” Prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith” alias the un-Holy Office of the Inquisition. Francis too was the head of the same office when he was in Argentina during the dark era of its Dirty War in the 70’s.
Not suprised at hearing this, so it was in Christ time and soon the cry will be again “We have no king but Caesar.”
Absolutely heart-breaking and UNBELIEVABLE. God’s heart must be heavy with grief and His anger fast reaching the point of no repentance – nevertheless, come, Lord Jesus. We long to go home.