The Walt Disney Company has released a new Magic Spell book for this Halloween. [1] This book contains 240 pages of magical spells, hexes, incantations, and magic potions for aspiring witches. The book even teaches children how to chant in Latin in order to summon the dead and communicate with them. Disney is hell-bent on introducing our children to evil spirits. They are attempting to teach teenagers and children how to gain new skills and powers by connecting with the spirit world.
Some will try to dismiss the gravity of this situation by saying that this is nothing but entertainment. They will claim that this isn’t true spiritualism and that the children are just pretending to summon the dead. Well, God has something to say about “pretended communication” with the dead:
“God has expressly forbidden all pretended communication with departed spirits. In the days of the Hebrews there was a class of people who claimed, as do the Spiritualists of today, to hold communication with the dead. But the “familiar spirits,” as these visitants from other worlds were called, are declared by the Bible to be the “spirits of devils.” The work of dealing with familiar spirits was pronounced an abomination to the Lord, and was solemnly forbidden under penalty of death” (Great Controversy, p. 556).
“The fallen angels who do his bidding appear as messengers from the spirit world. While professing to bring the living into communication with the dead, the prince of evil exercises his bewitching influence upon their minds” (Great Controversy, p. 551).
On page 144 of Disney’s new book, there is an incantation to bring the dead back to life. The children are instructed to say the following phrase three times in Latin: “The plague of darkness, the locust, and the worm.”
“I saw that the “mysterious rapping” was the power of Satan; some of it was directly from him, and some indirectly, through his agents, but it all proceeded from Satan … Should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? Should the living go to the dead for knowledge? The dead know not anything. For the living God do ye go to the dead? They have departed from the living God to converse with the dead who know not anything” (Early Writings, p. 59).
The book includes a “Pledge of Secrecy,” which states that the reader will devote their life to witchcraft. Taking this pledge is also described as the “highest honor.”
On page 4, there is an “incantation” meant to “bind” oneself to the Magic Spell Book. The reader is supposed to say the following in Latin: “Call on the book to return home, and I will reveal to you if I am open to my amazement of delight.”
The book becomes darker as it continues to depict divination serpents. The serpent was the one who led Adam and Eve astray by convincing them to reject God’s word in favor of his own. Today, the same deceiving serpent has a new Disney Bible of Divination to compete with God’s Holy Word.
In Disney’s Magic Spell Book, there is also a tribute to the “Mother of Witches.” On page 100, we are told that she looks down on us whenever we gaze at the moon.
There is an aggressive marketing campaign to push spiritualism among our children. This book on divination has been mass produced and is available at Disney [1], Wal-Mart [2], Target [3], and Amazon. [4]
Disney has made it clear who they serve. Christians should have nothing to do with this demonic corporation dedicated to spreading occult and Wiccan culture around the world. This is opening the door for Satan to take control of the minds of young people. They target children at such a young age in order to turn them into lifelong disciples of spiritualism.
Isn’t this reason enough for AdventHealth, a Seventh-day Adventist Church-owned health system, to end its multi-million dollar business partnership with Disney? Earlier this year, Adventist Review, the official church paper of the Seventh-day Adventist church in North America, celebrated the church’s long-standing partnership with Disney. [5] Isn’t it bad enough that Disney is teaching children how to communicate with the dead in this diabolical book? We are forbidden from engaging in business with those who are dedicated to serving the prince of darkness:
“Even in business relations we cannot, without involving principle, connect ourselves with those who are not loyal to God. What the one party feels that conscience forbids, the other allows. And this not merely in regard to religious matters, but in business transactions. The one acts from selfish motives, regardless of God’s law or the salvation of the soul; and if the other sincerely loves God and the truth, there must be either a sacrifice of principle or frequent and painful differences. It will require a continual struggle to resist the worldly influence and example of his ungodly associate. He has great difficulties to meet; for he has placed himself on the enemy’s ground. The only safe course is to give heed to the inspired injunction: ‘Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?’ ‘Come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean; and I will receive you.’ (Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists, p. 215).
Consider how much power Disney exerts over the world as it promotes witchcraft and sorcery. When a business publicly promotes its sinful, wicked, and demonic agenda, anyone who still fears God should cut ties with Disney. Seventh-day Adventists cannot just sweep their wicked association with Disney under the rug. We must call sin by its name if we want to avoid falling into sinful conformity.
These radical, woke corporations are determined to destroy everything sacred. Sin, spiritualism, alternative views of sexuality, and contempt for God are all promoted by the Disney corporation. Why do Christians keep endorsing these businesses? Why do we spend our money and bring their destructive entertainment into our homes? Unfortunately, everything anti-family and anti-faith is celebrated by the Walt Disney Company.
We have to draw the line somewhere. Modern-day spiritualism must be cut off from Seventh-day Adventism. Money and marketing cannot take precedence over our biblical morals. We cannot be allied with a company that is committed to teaching children how to communicate with the dead.
Disney isn’t hiding its intentions; in fact, they’re open about their extreme radical agenda and desire to instill divination and witchcraft in our culture. Disney made this decision. It’s past time for Seventh-day Adventists to make their own decision and reconsider their business partnership with Disney. If our values, morals, and beliefs mean anything, we must sever this partnership that will lead to hell, not heaven.
The Bible says we are not to set any wicked thing before our eyes
Unfortunately, many will dismiss what Disney is doing and say it’s just entertainment. So we wanted to show that it isn’t. Disney is pure evil.
In Ezekiel 8 God describes the evil that was taking place in Israel for a reason:
“The unbelief and sins of ancient Israel were presented before me, and I saw that similar wrongs and iniquity exist among modern Israel. The pen of inspiration recorded their crimes for the benefit of those who live in these last days, that we might shun their evil example.” 4T 491.
We want our leadership to shun the evil Disney empire.
“Our success will depend on carrying forward the work in the simplicity in which Christ carried it forward, without any theatrical display.”—Evangelism, 139.
Disney is theatrical,
Spirit of Prophecy doesn’t endorse it:
“Let there be no oddities or eccentricities of movement on the part of those who speak the Word of truth, for such things will weaken the impression that should be made by the Word. We must be guarded, for Satan is determined, if possible, to intermingle with religious services his evil influence.
Let there be no theatrical display, for this will not help to strengthen belief in the Word of God. Rather, it will divert attention to the human instrument.”—Selected Messages 2:23, 24.
Disney is brining ruin to millions of children. Don’t let them be our downfall.
In the article you said “Disney isn’t hiding its intentions;” Seems to me that the SDA leadership is not hiding its intentions either. Amos 3:3 Can two walk together, except they be agreed?
Disney represents everything that is wrong in our post-modern, woke, liberal society. AdventHealth should have partnered with Gatorland instead of Disneyland.
C’est très très grave, la naïveté ne sera pas un élément de salut, beaucoup adventistes n’ont jamais faits l’expérience de réalité du spirituel par rapportà cette condition humaine si dégradée à cause du péché , de la puissance infinie de notre Dieu créateur, de Jésus Christ, l’univers tout entier tremble à sa voix, ce qui devrais nous pousser à la réflexion. Ce partenariat avec Disney, pour faire simple : c’est comme si un ou une adventiste travaillait au Vatican, dans une loge maçonnique, dans un cabinet de voyance, avec la naïveté ou la mauvaise foi de croire qu’il ou elle ne fait que travailler pour gagner son pain ,et que ni sur
le plan intellectuel et spirituel ne s’associe aux valeurs et pratiques du lieu. Ne sous-estimons pas le message d’Apocalypse 14 :10 ,demandons à Dieu le discernement pour la fin des temps. Sabbat shalom.
This is horrifying! Prophecy is being fulfilled!
Advent Health has partnered with Disney World, not Disney? There is a huge difference, as Dinsey as a cooperation as SO MANY businesses underneath them. Disney world is just a theme park. Their partnership has NOTHING to do with promoting or condoning this particular book which promotes witch craft.
Your premise on why Advent Health should be in this partnership is a flawed and extreme premise. Advent Health IS NOT commiting any sins by their partnership, they are performing their work faithfully in the way we are supposed to.
The write of this article sounds like the Pharisees and scribes who complained when Jesus sat and ate with “sinner”. The extreme fanatics couldn’t understand how man so HOLY could associate with such **vile** and sinful people, and worst still HOW COULD HE EAT WITH THEM.
The principle to adhere to is if the partnership involves DIRECTLY having to carryout or condone anything that directly contradict scriptural principles of righteousness.
Your accusing Advent Health of “sin” while they are literally doing good, and your argument is because a branch of DISNEY are promoting an evil book.
Then don’t pay your taxes which are used by the government to fight in wars that I’m sure you don’t agree with. The act of paying taxes is right and legal, but what the government decided to do with the money they’ve received is ON THEIR HEADS, not ours.
We can only be responsible for our direct influence.
Maybe Advent health should avoid the appearance of evil. To me, Disney is Disney, whether it is a theme park or the Disney corporation.
Your response makes it seem like you are trying to justify association with something that God wouldn’t want for his people