“And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.” Revelation 13:11.
“Already preparations are advancing, and movements are in progress, which will result in making an image to the beast” (Review and Herald, April 23, 1889).
There is a movement being led by Evangelical Christians that is seeking to bring about a religious awakening in America. This movement is driven by the belief that government policies must be infused with Christian principles, which they view as essential for restoring a moral order in society. Evangelicals are using the Trump assassination attempt to further this agenda. They use these crises as opportunities to push for policies that align with their religious and ideological beliefs.
On July 16, 2024, La Croix International published an article declaring that Evangelical Christians attribute Donald Trump’s survival from the assassination attempt to a miracle performed by Christ.
• “Since surviving an assassination attempt on July 13 during a rally in Pennsylvania, Donald Trump is being hailed as a ‘miracle’ by American evangelicals, who see it as a sign from Christ.” [1]
• “On the Truth Social network, Trump himself fueled this politico-religious vision a few hours after the shooting: ‘It was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening.’ Later, he even mentioned that his doctor considered it a miracle.” [1]
• “Now that he has survived, the belief that he is the chosen one will spread more widely in evangelical circles. For them, it is truly a sign that God is protecting him.” [1]
• “The assassination attempt on Trump is perceived by the most conservative members of the electorate as an attack by ‘evil’ against Christianity. Addressing his congregation in Oklahoma, Republican Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer, founder of ‘Pastors for Trump,’ spoke of a ‘spiritual war.’ He declared, ‘Yesterday, we experienced a tragedy, but also a miracle.’ Calls for calm were issued by other pastors, mirroring Trump’s own reactions.” [1]
What Evangelical Christians are expressing is much more than just calling on people to pray for Donald Trump. They are saying that Donald Trump has been chosen by Jesus to save America and that without divine intervention and approval, he wouldn’t be alive. Basically, they are telling us that God is on Trump’s side. This kind of speech not only unites the Evangelical vote, but it also wields a greater influence on people at large.
Framing the July 13 assassination attempt as a divine intervention from God will lead certain political Christians to want to impose stricter moral legislation and the rollback of secular policies because Evangelicals will also interpret July 13 as a warning or punishment for a nation that is straying from its Christian roots. However, the pursuit to enforce religious standards on society, particularly the observance of Sunday as a day of worship or rest, poses a significant threat to civil and religious liberty as it undermines the constitutional principle of separation of church and state.
By imposing Evangelical Christianity on a pluralistic society, this will marginalize minority faiths and non-believers, eroding the freedoms of belief and expression that are foundational to American democracy. Their agenda, if unchecked, will lead to a revival of persecution and tyranny and turn Protestant America into an image of the Papacy:
“Those religious bodies who refuse to hear God’s messages of warning will be under strong deception and will unite with the civil power to persecute the saints. The Protestant churches will unite with the papal power in persecuting the commandment-keeping people of God…. The church appeals to the strong arm of civil power, and in this work papists and Protestants unite.” (Last Day Events, p. 145).
Absolutely! Trump is so controlled by the Christian Nationalists that from day 1 his administration will be a de-facto union of Church and State already. SDAs are mostly unaware. Sound the alarm!
Whoever takes office will not save us; we are doomed.
This is Christian Nationalism plain and simple. The problem is that they want our laws to reflect their morals, which includes Sunday rest.
The real message is Make America Christian Again.
When the Mark of the Beast comes….it will come.
Whether by the Christian Right via the G.O.P….. or the Laudato Si’ Climate CULT via the Democrats.
And since the S.O.P. tells us it will be when calamities befall our land one can see one side cailling for it to appease an angry Father God and the other side claiming we need to appease an angry mother earth to reduce our so-called “carbon footprint”, or as Laudato Si’ says to celebrate the day of the Eucharist like a “Jewish Sabbath”.
Hence—COMMON GROUND for the “COMMON GOOD” will be achieved.
Trump could not enforce a counterfeit Sabbath without support of the Left and Democrats could not enforce a Laudato Si’ style climate lockdown on Sunday without support from the Right.
Both sides would have to unite when the time comes……and THEY WILL.
And for that to happen they need a great crisis in the United States… Could it be a civil war?
When Tramp was reaching his first presidency, he had his speech and in it he said that he would not tolerate any protest. did you know that this means totalitarianism? Many ADS enthused about him as a savior on a white horse, and he is just another actor on the international stage who plays according to the script written by the devilish shadow cabinet. It’s time to wake up!
Would not recommend anyone who enjoys Adventmessenger to go to Fulcrum7,
Was given a lifetime ban via the subject of this article, on their site a topic was made about “Dr Ben Carson saying God had spared Trump from the Bullet”
Made a post that was extremely tame and in no ways worthy of a lifetime ban,
Side note whenever my posts got deleted they featured links to Advent messenger articles:
{“You, Mrs. Jane, are a dangerous fanatic and a lunatic, and you are not welcome to comment here any more.”}
Total spirit of Popery, far removed from a “come let us reason together”
Interestingly if I was an openly homosexual, pro Desmond Ford or Pro One Project type Id have not gotten a lifetime ban,
Guess those involved probably declare they are pro constitution.
No Dear Marie, not “doomed”. But on the boarders of THE promised land.
Yes, we’ll see difficult times but He’s with us and will not forsake anyone that chooses to follow Him wherever He leads.
So many millions and billions over the last Centuries since the words “Let there be light” were spoken that longed for this time And we have the privilege of being one of the few that will witness the fulfillment of one of the most dynamic prophecy ever uttered.
And for that to happen they need a great crisis in the United States… Could it be a civil war?