“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14.
This is the famous verse used often by our chaplains at the US Congress and many others during prayer breakfasts and other important events. Do they believe that by simply reading this verse somehow everything will be OK? Have we forgotten the most important part of the verse that says we must turn from our “wicked ways?”
Abortions claim approximately 50 million deaths every year. Our generation is literally in a struggle for the soul of our nation as children are being killed on an industrial scale for profit. Is this turning away from our wicked ways? Not at all. A new poll just came out which says that Americans are evenly divided on the subject of abortion. This is good news for abortion providers who charge upwards of $950 per abortion. Do the math: 50 million x $950 comes out to $47.5 billion. There’s a lot of money to be made off the killing of innocent children.
I know that many have argued that sometimes there are unique circumstances where abortion is permissible, such as in cases involving rape and protecting the mother’s life. But 99% of abortions performed today have nothing to do with these unique circumstances. Abortion on demand – for any reason and with no apology – is the status quo.
You can read in Exodus 1:15-22 where the King of Egypt gave an order to the Hebrew mid-wives (health care providers) to kill the babies. The Hebrew midwives said “no” and they disobeyed the law spoken by the king. Who’s side was God on? If you read the story, God was on the side of the Hebrew mid-wives and blessed and honored them for their faithfulness.
Our God has not changed and He is still on the side of protecting the most innocent and giving a voice to babies who can’t defend themselves. Sadly, in the abortion debate that is dividing America, many Seventh-Day Adventist heath care institutions have become “abortion providers” and are profiting from this great evil of our day.
Maybe it is time to allow the church in general session to have a voice and vote on this issue. Maybe it is time to amend our position on abortion which says:
“The final decision whether to terminate the pregnancy or not should be made by the pregnant woman after appropriate consultation.” Source
And if the pregnant woman decides to have an abortion, the church will be happy to provide the “termination” service for her (for a fee) at anyone of our local “health care” institutions. This is a major conflict of interest. It is a paradox for Adventists to profess to stand for life; but then for a fee, provide abortion services to the community.
How can we forget the prayers of those who are still in the womb which cry out to God? God hears the prayers of the unborn:
“I was cast upon thee from the womb: thou art my God from my mother’s belly.” Psalm 22:10.