Pastor Brent St. Jean is the Youth Director for the St. Vincent & the Grenadines (SVG) Mission of Seventh-day Adventists. This is one of the mission fields that operate under the Caribbean Union Conference. As reported by Thusia Seventh-day Adventist Church [1], on Sunday, December 10, 2023, starting at 6:00 p.m., the Youth Ministries Department of the SVG Mission hosted a “We Can Praise Concert” at the Russell’s Auditorium in St. Vincent. The SVG’s Youth Ministries Department uploaded a video of the event to their YouTube page. [2]
An Adventist Pastor and Youth Director Goes Crazy During a Church-sponsored Praise and Worship Service #sda #adventist #adventista
— Advent Messenger (@Advent1844) January 20, 2024
The sole responsibility of our church youth ministries is to meet the spiritual needs of our young people. Unfortunately, the exact opposite is happening. Pastor Brent St. Jean was the master of ceremonies, and instead of acting with the spirit of a calm and dignified minister of the gospel, he behaved more like a buffoon and danced like a jester. The Seventh-day Adventist Church was established by Christ, not a bunch of dancing comedians. However, it appears that the St. Vincent & Grenadines Mission has entrusted the gospel commission to people who behave literally like cabaret performers.
“A spirit of frivolity may be in keeping with the profession of clowns and theatrical actors, but it is altogether beneath the dignity of a man who is chosen to stand between the living and the dead, and to be mouthpiece for God” (Testimonies, Vol. 4, p. 320).
“There is need for every soul to study the Pattern, Christ Jesus. Those who follow his methods of labor will have freedom in utterance and earnestness in manner. They will be inspired by the sacred themes of truth. Christ understood the needs of all classes, and was successful in preaching the gospel to the poor. He understood all their temptations. We need to study methods whereby we may preach the gospel to the poor and downtrodden and degraded of humanity. But let no one think that God will approve of a method which will require a man to act the part of a clown, or like a man who has lost his senses. Such methods as these are wholly unnecessary and inappropriate” (Signs of the Times, March 19, 1894).
We are living on the antitypical Day of Atonement, when probation is about to end. This is the Day of Judgment, when the sanctuary is being cleansed from the record of sin as described in Leviticus 16 and 23. This was the most solemn day of the year. On this day, God’s people were commanded to weep, pray, fast, and seek reconciliation with God. And when God says to weep and pray because the day of mercy is quickly coming to an end, it is not time to act like a house of lunatics.
“The condition of an ungodly church and a world lying in wickedness burdened the souls of the true watchmen, and they willingly endured toil, privation, and suffering, that they might call men to repentance unto salvation. Though opposed by Satan, the work went steadily forward … Like John the Baptist, the forerunner of Christ, the preachers laid the ax at the root of the tree, and urged all to bring forth fruit meet for repentance. Their stirring appeals were in marked contrast to the assurances of peace and safety that were heard from popular pulpits; and wherever the message was given, it moved the people. The simple, direct testimony of the Scriptures, set home by the power of the Holy Spirit, brought a weight of conviction which few were able wholly to resist.” (Great Controversy, p, 368).
Where is the Holy Spirit? Is God Honored by a Worldly Carnival and Fanaticism? This is more like Hey Hey it’s Saturday!
Warnings Against Sensational Teachings and Emotional Religion
Clear discernment is needed that things new and strange shall not be laid alongside of truth as a part of the
burden of the message to be given at this time. The very messages we have been giving to the world are to be made prominent.—An
Appeal for Canvassers, pp. 1, 2.
Every phase of fanaticism and erroneous theories, claiming to be the truth, will be brought in among the remnant people of God.
These will fill minds with erroneous sentiments which have no part in the truth for this time. Any man who supposes that in the strength
of his own devised resolutions, in his intellectual might united with science or supposed knowledge, he can start a work which will
conquer the world, will find himself lying among the ruins of his own speculations, and will plainly understand why he is there….
From the light given me of the Lord, men will arise speaking perverse things. Yea, already they have been working and speaking
things which God has never revealed, bringing sacred truth upon a level with common things. Issues have been and will continue to
be made of men’s conceited fallacies, not of truth. The devisings of men’s minds will invent tests that are no tests at all, that when the
true test shall be made prominent, it shall be considered on a par with the man-made tests that have been of no value. We may expect that
everything will be brought in and mingled with sound doctrine, but by clear, spiritual discernment, by the heavenly anointing, we must
distinguish the sacred from the common which is being brought in to confuse faith and sound judgment, and demerit the great, grand,
testing truth for this time….
Never, never was there a time when the truth suffered more from being misrepresented, belittled, demerited through the perverse dis-
putings of men than in these last days. Men have brought themselves in with their heterogeneous mass of heresies which they represent as
oracles for the people. The people are charmed with some strange new thing, and are not wise in experience to discern the character
of ideas that men may frame up as something [ 2SM 17 ]
As we near the time when principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places will be brought into warfare against the
truth, when the deceiving power of Satan will be so great that if it were possible he will deceive the very elect, we must have our
discernment sharpened by divine enlightenment, that we may know the spirit that is of God, that we may not be ignorant of Satan’s
devices. Human effort must combine with divine power, that we may be able to accomplish the closing work for this time.
Christ uses the wind as a symbol of the Spirit of God. As the wind bloweth whither it listeth, and we cannot tell whence it cometh
or whither it goeth, so it is with the Spirit of God. We do not know through whom it will be manifested.
But I speak not my own words when I say that God’s Spirit will pass by those who have had their day of test and opportunity,
but who have not distinguished the voice of God or appreciated the movings of His Spirit. Then thousands in the eleventh hour will see
and acknowledge the truth. [ 2SM 18 ]
The reason why I hang out the danger signal is that through the enlightenment of the Spirit of God I can see that which my
brethren do not discern. It may not be a positive necessity for me to point out all these peculiar phases of deception that they will
need to guard against. It is enough for me to tell you, Be on your guard; and as faithful sentinels keep the flock of God from accepting
indiscriminately all that professes to be communicated to them from the Lord. If we work to create an excitement of feeling, we shall
have all we want, and more than we can possibly know how to manage. Calmly and clearly “Preach the word.” We must not regard
it as our work to create an excitement.
The Holy Spirit of God alone can create a healthy enthusiasm. Let God work, and let the human agent walk softly before Him,
watching, waiting, praying, looking unto Jesus every moment, led and controlled by the precious Spirit, which is light and life.—Letter
68, 1894. [ 2SM 19 ]
No matter how many times these places get caught/exposed for this they keep doing it…..because there is no Church discipline of the leaders who allow it.
Where are they finding these pastors?
He should be out of a job. ASAP
God help our young people.