“For You have abandoned Your people, the house of Jacob, Because they are filled with influences from the east, And they are soothsayers like the Philistines, And they strike bargains with the children of foreigners.” Isaiah 2:6.
It is past time for Seventh-day Adventists to publicly disavow the ecumenical movement, which has caused many of our leaders to embrace gross errors such as transcendental meditation, Eastern pantheistic philosophies, Sunday worship, and an alignment with Rome. These influences undermine the distinct mission and prophetic message entrusted to our people. Ecumenism, far from fostering unity in truth, is a spiritual death trap that leads away from the Three Angels’ Messages and the calls to stand apart as a peculiar people. By embracing a non-doctrinal, non-judgmental, truth-illiterate mindset, we are transforming our mission into one devoid of divine power and prophetic urgency. Such a course not only leads to theological debasement and defilement but also places those who follow it on the path to the seven last plagues and ultimately the lake of fire.

Adventist Pastor Emilio Gandur (left circle) with Catholic Priest Eduardo Carrera (right circle).
According to several news reports, Seventh-day Adventist Pastor Emilio Gandur from the district of Rosario de la Frontera, in the province of Salta, Argentina, joined Roman Catholics, members from the church of Scientology, Latter Day Saints, Baha’is, Sikhs, the Focolare Movement, and political leaders for a Sunday transcendental ecumenical worship service on November 17, 2024.
The following was published on Channel 6’s “Enough of Everything” program:
• “The 1st Interreligious Prayer Meeting was held under the motto ‘For the end of wars and peace in the World,’ in commemoration of the anniversary of the birth of Guru Nanak.” [1]
• “The religious leaders planted and watered rice as a symbol of commitment to world peace.” [1]
• “The host Mayor Kuldeep Singh; the Director of Worship for the Province, Daniela Chávez; the Mayor of our city, Carlos Rosso; the Director of worship of Güemes, Mrs. Patricia Amani; Minister and Public Relations of Scientology, Susana Segovia; Pastor Emilio Gandur of the Seventh-day Adventist Church; Indeveer Kaur, Granthi of the Gurdwara; Guru Ram Das Ji of the Sikh Temple of Buenos Aires; Javier Valdez and Priest Eduardo Carrera of the Lord and Virgin of Miracles Catholic Church from Rosario de la Frontera.” [1]
Radio San Martin, 98.7 FM, published that this same event took place on Sunday in a Sikh temple and that a “transcendental meeting” took place for the first time with various religions, including Seventh-day Adventists:
• “The 1st Interreligious Prayer Meeting under the motto ‘For the End of Wars and Peace in the World’—This Sunday at the Sikh Temple a transcendental meeting was held for the first time, where representatives of different religions joined in prayer for peace.” [2]
• “Religious Leaders: the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Susana Segovia; minister and public relations of Scientology; Pastor Emilio Gandur, Seventh-Day Adventist Church; Priest Eduardo Carrera, Roman Catholic Apostolic Church, Lord and Virgin of the Miracle Church.” [2]

Adventist Pastor participating in the Sunday ecumenical transcendental meditation event.
The official page of the Government of Salta, Argentina, reported that the dead Guru Nanak was celebrated because he venerated all religions and called on people to respect all deities.
• “The director of worship, Daniela Chavez, participated in the First Interreligious Prayer Meeting under the motto for the end of wars and peace in the world and in commemoration of the birth of Guru Nanak.” [3]
• “In the meeting, which took place in the Sikh temple of that Salta town, representatives from various religious denominations participated, such as the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the Baha’i community, the Focolare movement, the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church, and the Scientology Argentina church, among others. The activity was accompanied by the communal chief, Kuldeep Singh, the mayor of General Guemes, Carlos Rosso, and the director of worship of that municipality, Patricia Amani.” [3]
• “Guru Nanak, venerated all religions, promoting respect for saints of all times and places. He preached love, faith, and noble actions. He was a prophet of peace, goodwill, and harmony.” [3]
• “On this occasion, Chavez celebrated the first meeting of these characteristics within the province, highlighting the promotion of interreligious dialogue and respect for diversity.” [3]
Do you know what transcendental meditation in an eastern pagan temple is? They are opening their minds to demonic activity by trying to achieve enlightenment by focusing inwards. This is deeply rooted in Hindu tradition and is used to connect to Hindu deities. These practices are incompatible with the Holy Scriptures because we connect to God through Christ, not by engaging in silent repetitions of mantras until we connect to the universe—the pantheistic god called Nirvana.
Here we see an Adventist pastor participating in a religious ceremony on Sunday that teaches that everything is part of one essence, including God, and that through meditation, everyone has the potential to become a god by connecting to the oneness of the divine whole (universe). This is pure spiritualism and pantheism.

SDA pastor standing next to the Catholic priest during the rice planting and watering ceremony, showing their commitment to world peace.
Have we forgotten that Israel forfeited the promised land by turning from God and embracing paganism, idolatry, and the vain philosophies of the surrounding nations? Despite God’s clear commands to remain separate and faithful to Him, they adopted the practices of their neighbors, worshiping false counterfeits and engaging in detestable rituals.

The color orange in Eastern religions represents the flame of Buddha’s teachings and the burning of ignorance. [4]
The responsibility for the catastrophic ecumenical disaster within Adventism lies squarely with its top leaders, who have been leading by example in embracing these errors. Ganoune Diop, and all those who follow him, support him, and tolerate his activities, have engaged in practices such as singing Eucharistic mass songs with Rome, transcendental meditations at the G20 Interfaith Forum, and aligning with the doctrines of devils at the World Council of Churches, the Global Christian Forum, and the Conference of Secretaries of Christian World Communions, thereby encouraging others to follow his lead.
Ganoune Diop and his followers have set a dangerous precedent, signaling that such compromises are acceptable, even virtuous, when they are, in fact, leading the church away from its divine mission. It is time to recognize that these leaders have been wrong—not only in their own actions but also in influencing others to follow a path that leads to perdition. By setting this example, they are jeopardizing the salvation of countless souls and undermining the sacred trust given to this movement. Souls will be lost for listening to and following these deceived men.
Now is the time to resist this deception, call for repentance, and reaffirm our commitment to the everlasting gospel of Revelation 14 and the distinct truths that define us as God’s remnant church. The ecumenical movement, though cloaked in the language of unity and peace, is a spiritual death trap for all who embrace it. Rome is prioritizing a superficial harmony over the uncompromising truth of God’s Word and is leading Seventh-day Adventists away from the narrow path of salvation and into a deceptive compromise with error.
These ecumenical agents who are found all throughout the ranks of the church are diluting the everlasting gospel, replacing it with Rome’s ecumenical gospel. Our only hope is to recognize this danger, reject the lure of false unity, and run from it with urgency. Ecumenism is a deadly cancer within the church, and those who promote it must be cut out to preserve the purity and truth of the gospel. We must boldly warn others, calling them to flee from this perilous deception and instead cling to the pure and life-giving truth of the gospel. Only by standing firm on the foundation of God’s Word can we remain faithful to Christ and His calling.
John 19:15 “…We have no king but Caesar.”