Note: This summary is an adapted version of an unknown author that a US military personnel currently stationed in Europe shared with me today.
Ukraine used to be in an abusive relationship with Russia, feeding him, letting him use her possessions, and giving him whatever he asked for, until she built up the confidence to call it quits back in 1991.
Since then, Ukraine has been working on herself, becoming a strong independent nation with the help of friends like France, America, United Kingdom, Poland, and others who have offered her support, loaned her money, and helped her find her way.
Ukraine has been enjoying being single for 30 years and is looking forward to continuing to grow and create new friendships.
Now Russia, being the toxic ex that he is, wants her back, and doesn’t want her meeting new people or creating any new relationships.
A couple of weeks ago, Russia started sitting in front of Ukraine’s house, and when her friends asked Ukraine what Russia was doing there, she said, “Oh nothing, just getting a little bit of exercise, that’s all.”
After Ukraine’s friends told her that Russia was potentially getting ready to do something bad to her, she said, “No. Russia just wants you to be scared of me. Nothing bad is going to happen.”
Yesterday, Russia stormed into Ukraine’s house and started beating her up and taking advantage of her with the hopes of finishing her off while livestreaming the entire event. And he’s daring any of her friends to do something about it, and if they want to get involved, Russia says it has something for them too (Unknown Author).
Tragically, the rest of the world has turned its back on Ukraine, content to watch the abuse and massacre. Ukraine is in desperate need of prayers. They’ve been abandoned, and the only way for them to survive is for God to intervene. The Ukrainian people have demonstrated that they are some of the bravest people in the world because, against insurmountable odds, they have refused to bow to tyranny.
The United States spent 20 years in Afghanistan fighting for people who didn’t really appreciate or want freedom because they weren’t prepared to fight for it. And all the troops, support, training, and money that were given to Afghanistan were completely wasted as Taliban terrorists have taken full control of the country. But here we have the brave people of Ukraine who are prepared not only to fight for their freedom, but they are willing to die for their existence and right to self-govern. And yet the United States and the rest of the world have abandoned them to be slaughtered.
Pray for Divine intervention in this situation. Many of us still have our freedom and may sleep in a safe, comfortable bed tonight. We don’t know, and only God knows, whether Ukraine will still exist tomorrow. May the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob intervene and save them.
Here is one of the best analyses of the Russian/Ukraine crisis written by Piers Morgan, called “Knock Him Out.” Piers Morgan said, in part:
“WHO’S going to stop him?”
That’s the question consuming my mind since Russian dictator Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine. And I don’t see any answer. Oh, I hear lots of talk.
Boris Johnson, desperate to restore his shattered reputation as the partygate scandal still rages, is giving it the full Churchillian rhetoric and demanding: “Diplomatically, politically, economically — and eventually, militarily — this hideous and barbaric venture of Vladimir Putin must end in failure.”
Fine words, Prime Minister — but how, exactly, do you intend to make him fail? Your current strategy of financially clobbering a few Kremlin-backed oligarchs, some of whose dodgy cash slithered its way into your own Conservative Party pockets, isn’t going to make Putin lose a second’s sleep.
French President Emmanuel Macron, humiliated by his pointless and deluded attempts at diplomacy, is feeling betrayed by Putin’s duplicity in their conversations (a former KGB officer lied? Wow, I’m shocked!) and has ordered Russia to “immediately put an end to its military operations”. Why would it do that? Putin’s doing what he’s wanted to do, and planned to do, for years.
Germany’s new Vice-Chancellor, Robert Habeck, huffed and puffed and warned Russia would have “severe political and economic consequences”. Like what, exactly? His country’s grown so dependent on Russian energy that it can’t afford to do anything meaningful for fear of Putin literally turning their lights out.
As Mike Tyson once so perfectly put it: “Everyone’s got a plan until they get punched in the face.” But who’s going to punch Putin in the face? Normally, we could rely on the United States of America to do it, just as they punched Adolf Hitler and the Japanese so hard in the face to help us win the Second World War.
However, President Biden is showing about as much will to square up to Putin as a timid tadpole confronted by a great white shark. This is hardly surprising given his cowardly overnight desertion of the Afghan people last summer which continues to cause abject misery and despair in a country thrown back to the Taliban wolves, and which sent Putin the firm message that America no longer had the stomach for a fight.
And unless America steps up to punch Putin, then who will?
And if he is allowed to invade and conquer Ukraine, he’ll keep on invading other countries he believes should be back in his despotic control.
The world has empowered this monster with its deplorably complacent inaction and slavish desire to continue enriching him through global reliance on Russia’s vast energy resources.
Now, as those supine, self-serving chickens come home to roost, we think we can beat his imperialistic czar-like ambitions with weasly words of warning, and freezing bank accounts.
Spoiler alert: We can’t.
When the Nazis imperilled our liberty, Churchill had many options in front of him to protect us against this existential threat to our existence, none of them easy or good or guaranteed to succeed.
But it was his mindset, as much as the allied forces, which won the war.
“One ought never to turn one’s back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it,” he said. “If you do that, you will double the danger. But if you meet it promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half. Never run away from anything. Never!”
Russia’s economy is currently smaller than that of the state of Texas. Its military is big but nowhere near as big as America’s, which has the greatest armed force in the history of planet Earth.
The time for words is over, President Biden.
It’s time you lived up to them and went properly toe-to-toe with the soulless tyrant who is currently making a mockery of your empty threats.
It’s time to grow a pair, punch Putin in the face — and knock him out.
May GOD intervene.
The Ukrainians have my prayers.
It is interesting that the Ukraine is not a part of the UN. Pope Francis has called for the UN to be the Global authority and is working to accomplish the new world order with a one world religion. The final events are happening rapidly. Praying for the people of Ukraine.
Ukraine is a part of the UN, while Vatican is not in the UN.
I find it changing, that the very powers that are being encouraged to fight for the rights of the Ukrainians are the same powers that are currently working on taking our rights away, and ultimately will take our.
I believe we’re told to stay out of politics, that we cannot with safety vote for either side🤔🙏
My heart aches as the free world stands by allowing this to happen
May we pray for our brethren in Ukraine
May our hearts be turned to God, may an opportunity be given for people to know God
Matthew 24 is fulfilling, wars and rumors of war.
God bless
That’s awesome but I can’t read the language sorry……
WHY not 👇
The world yielded to totalitarianism and dictatorship that came with the stupid Covid restrictions.
They have no way they can defend Ukraine’s freedom when they don’t permit freedom to rule in their countries.
Protestantism was ignored, Republicanism trampled over, now it’s time for chaos.
The next step is the Anti-Christ as the Deus ex Machina of the situation.
From the frying pan into the fire.
May God punish the man who betrayed Protestantism and Republicanism in the USA
Too shay my friend!
I entirely concur brother. Thank you for taking the time to share the reality of the situation. Brother Roman’s analysis is well-intended but naively simplistic, given that both antagonist and protagonist of the deliberately engineered scenario are obedient vassals of the beast. Rev 17 is in effect. God bless, keep the faith, and continue to contribute.
Hello Brethren: this may be a set up by u know who.
Yes Jesuit Francis went to the Russian embassy in Rome yesterday to broker Peace in Ukraine with them or rather continue the fuel the fire they actually started?
Let’s see if their fake news is going to make him out to be the savior…?
Amen Sis. Imagine, suddenly all ”other” views on current affairs in slavic part of eastern Europe are censored. What does that indicate? perhaps views this
Whatever one might do, do not let yourself to be deceived by mainstream media journaliars / paid propaganda.
Perhaps we’ll see Daniel 11:40 in action rather soon?
Neverless, God’s will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven.
The same media that told us that the vaccines were safe, is the same media telling us that Russia is the enemy.
Thank You!
Thank you for this comment!
Usually very grateful for the grounded articles, but this was not one of those.
This is a concert both belligerents are doing a bidding of the Holy see (VATICAN).Remember that Vatican is the one calling the shots ;this war is meant to benefit the globalists because the Jesuits use a policy or rather what we call heglian dialetic (thesis -synthesis -antithesis) they create a crisis problem ;the they provide a solution .Both Putin and Zelenzsky are puppets of Rome ; they are pretending to fight on two opposing sides but rather they are fighting for the same cause.Zelenzcky is fighting on the side of globalists while Putin is fighting for anti globalists. Remember Pope Francis met both leaders separately and talked to them about the crisis in vatican prior to the crisis .ORDDO AB CHAOS .Order out of chaos is the motto used by the globalists to advance their agenda and out of this crisis a new world order is going to be established.
Thank you for taking the time to spell out the truth of this unfortunate Jesuit-orchestrated attack for us. God bless, and keep up the good work.
Why cant the Ukrainians use their air force and drop bombs on the long line of Russian military vehicles that ard just standing there? USA used A10 warthogs (airplanes) to destroy Saddam Hussein’s military tanks…! Can the Generals put Putin out of his misery? May God help the Ukrainian peoples. I am praying for them.
May God have mercy upon them in Jesus name. Amen.
I find it changing, that the very powers that are being encouraged to fight for the rights of the Ukrainians are the same powers that are currently working on taking our rights away, and ultimately will take our.
I believe we’re told to stay out of politics, that we cannot with safety vote for either side🤔🙏
Dismaying to see so many Adventists brainwashed to same degree as this worldly masses are. If Russia was suc a horrible abuser of “poor”little Ukraine, why no other much smaller easer to abuse neighbor of Russia, complains of similar abuse?. Can’t you people see that this whole situation is set up, by Vatikan?. Victims needing prayers here, are both Ukie citizens as well as Russian citizens who are equally victimized by NWO, Papacy,
Satan and Putin/Zelenski governments.