Other than the Remnant church of God, no other earthly authority has been the subject of more detailed revelations from Bible prophecy than the papacy. Daniel 7, 8, 9, 11, 12; Revelation 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20; 2 Thessalonians 2; Matthew 24; 1 John 2; and 1 John 4 all contain important predictions concerning the papal kingdom of Bible prophecy. And yet we have some that would tell us not to pay attention to the current papacy.
As a “queen” (Revelation 18:7) and as the “mother of harlots” (Revelation 17:5), the papacy manipulates all other earthly powers. The church unity movement, the labor unions, the political alliances, the economic communities, the educational systems, the pharmaceutical industry, the globalists, and the healthcare sector are all pawns in the hands of Rome because we are told that the “dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority” (Revelation 13:2). It’s the queen who dictates to her many daughters, not the other way around. Remember, Rome is the woman who rides a scarlet-colored beast and has made the world drunk on her wine (Revelation 17:3, 4).
On January 9, 2023, Pope Francis met with the ambassadors of the 183 sovereign nations, including the United States, with which the Vatican maintains diplomatic relations. The ambassadors, also known as the diplomatic corps, gathered at the Vatican to drink the wine of Babylon and to hear the Pope’s message on public policy and political life. In his speech to the world’s ambassadors, Pope Francis emphasized that it was time to bring changes to our world in order to stop wars, violence, and the climate crisis; develop a new economic system; promote fraternity and solidarity; and use “religion” to bring us together.
During his address to the ambassadors, Pope Francis said the following in part:
• “I thank you for your presence at our customary meeting, which this year we would like to be a call for peace in a world that is witnessing heightened divisions and wars.” [1]
• “Religion provides genuine opportunities for dialogue and encounter between different peoples and cultures.” [1]
• “Your presence is a sign of the importance of the peace and human fraternity that dialogue helps to build. The task of diplomacy is precisely to resolve conflicts and thus to foster a climate of reciprocal cooperation and trust for the sake of meeting common needs.” [1]
• “I am grateful for the consideration shown by your countries to the Holy See … At this meeting, I would also assure you once more of the full cooperation of the Secretariat of State and the Dicasteries of the Roman Curia. With the promulgation of the new Apostolic Constitution Praedicate Evangelium, the Curia has been reorganized in some of its structures, so that it can carry out its work with evangelical spirit, working for the good and service of communion, unity and the building up of the universal Church, while also attentive to the circumstances of the world in which the Church is called to carry out its mission.” [1]
• “Great good can be achieved by working together. We need only think of the praiseworthy initiatives that aim at reducing poverty, assisting migrants, combating climate change, promoting nuclear disarmament and providing humanitarian aid.” [1]
• “The crises of recent years have highlighted the limits of an economic system aimed more at creating profit for a few than at providing opportunities for the benefit of the many; an economy more focused on money than on the production of useful goods. This has created more fragile businesses and unjust labour markets. There is a need to restore dignity to business and to work.” [1]
Strange events, both in the religious and secular worlds, are unfolding before our eyes. The entire world is being wooed to join the great apostate fellowship. We see the Roman Catholic Church joining all the combined political powers of the world. This effort by governments to establish diplomatic ties with the papacy runs completely counter to the ideas that led to the demise of state-church entanglements in the United States and other countries. This flies in the face of our deeply held beliefs about the separation of church and state. On the other hand, the fact that the Roman Catholic Church has political ambassadors coming to hear the Pope’s message is in complete harmony with the prediction in the 13th chapter of the book of Revelation.
The 183 Vatican ambassadors, one of whom represents the United States, are working to complete the healing of the “deadly wound” and to restore the influence and prestige of the papacy in the world, when “the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast [the papacy], whose deadly wound was healed.” (Revelation 13:12).
“These (kings of the earth) have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast … For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.” Revelation 17:13, 17.
Ultimately, this will lead to the full restoration of the papacy’s temporal power during the Mark of the Beast crisis. Kings, nations, dictators, emperors, and presidents will bow once more to the Pope of Rome. This is the stage being set for which the Sunday rest movement, the ecumenical movement, and the calls for fraternity and solidarity among the nations are all helping to establish. Rome apparently has most to gain from all these developments.
These scenes describe the final union of the world into one body to oppose God. These events take place just before the second coming of Jesus. The whole world will be in rebellion against God while thinking they are pleasing Him. Instead, they are aligning themselves with the devil’s representative, the antichrist, and not even knowing it.
God’s word describes clearly this crisis hour, which is upon us. Can we remain indifferent as we witness the accurate fulfillment of prophecy? Are we ready for the storm to break? Shall we not prepare ourselves for the trying hour that is about to come upon the whole earth? Let us now take courage and make every effort to hasten the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. We pray that our response will be to move forward with the clear, accurate, and necessary truths found in the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14.
God bless you my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, your news are a blessing to my eyes, helping me to see clearly how the Revelation and Daniel prophecies are happening so fast.
Your brother in Christ,
Joaquín Cardona, from México
Thank you so much for the update.May you continue sounding the trumpet on the walls of Zion is my prayer.
Thank to remind me such great fulfillment of final prophecies
En effet les prophéties se déroulent rapidement sous nos yeux,c’est à nous de demander à Dieu d’avoir les yeux pour mieux discerner ce qui se passe autour de nous,comme le montre la photo,on voit très bien qui occupe la place centrale,et tout ceux qui l’entourent.Apocalypse le chapitre 13,décrit bien cette photo.Prions le seigneur que nous soyons prêt,afin d’affronter tout cela.Restons sur nos genoux.
The world’s ambassadors doing this is the clearest illustration of how the world is wondering after the beast.
Praise the Lord for the prophecies being fulfilled before His second return! He is waiting for His people to become ready for the blessings of the early and later rain to be poured out with the full power of His Holy Spirit! The loud cry of the 3 angels message needs to be given at the right time! Our Heavenly Father is in charge of these times to be fulfilled! Maranatha!!
Spot on with this write-up. I absolutely feel these prophecies are coming to pass and not very many pastors will even talk about them.
Help us to get ready and stay ready and help others to be ready as we see the hour is late. Please join me in praying for my sons and their families that God will open their eyes and they are converted