Counter-terrorism response techniques generally reserved for disrupting terrorist activity within Australia are now being used against its nation’s citizens. Australia used to be a free country; today people are locked in their homes 23 hours a day. They have some of the toughest restrictions in the world, but people have been adhering to them for 18 months. However, things quickly deteriorated when the government began targeting the construction industry. [1]
There was an explosion of outrage when the Victorian government arbitrarily closed all construction sites in an effort to stop the spread of Covid-19. This new health mandate was seen as an insult by construction workers who responded by protesting their rights. Thousands of construction workers took to the streets. 99.99% of these protesters were union members living from pay check to pay check and were on the verge of losing their wages.
Police fired rubber bullets, stinger grenades and pepper balls at an anti-lockdown rally in Melbourne, Australia – with protesters in footage claiming officers shot at groups that included children – more than 200 people were arrested after attacking police, injuring 2 cops.
— Ben Schaack (@BuyingStrength) September 22, 2021
To make matters worse, union leaders, the government and even the media labeled the protesters as crazy, anti-vaccine, right-wing Nazis. They weren’t Nazis, they were just citizens who were fed up with endless mandates and lockdowns. They simply wanted their freedoms back. So they took to the streets and started speaking out. For the most part, the thousands of protesters were peaceful. There were a few cases where water bottles and other items were thrown at the police, but the overwhelming majority were marching for their civil rights and wanted their voices to be heard.
There are videos of the police attacking the mostly peaceful march. Out of nowhere, the police started INDISCRIMINATELY firing rubber bullets at the crowd of civilians. They even shot people in the back who were trying to flee. Counter-terrorism measures were used against the citizens of Australia as they were beaten up and arrested. They used tear gas, pepper spray, police batons and rubber bullets on anyone on the street who looked like a construction worker.
Melbourne, Australia: NWO TROOPS are beating random people, anyone walking outside is a target. One of NWO TROOPER runs up and knees a man in the back when he's down.
— WakeUpHumans 🕊️ (@Thunderace4) September 25, 2021
We are told that all of this was done to protect the public health of the people. This is pure tyranny and an abuse of power. When you have to use armed troops to enforce your Covid-19 policies in any country, it is a sign that our health ministers have become dictators. This does not represent the will of the people who voted for these political leaders.
Before Australia became a nation, it was originally established as a prison camp for criminals. [2] Tragically, Australians have come full circle and are once again prisoners, all in the name of “public health”, but this time it is the criminals who are in power. Those who dare to speak up will be treated as terrorists. Anyone caught on the street during a curfew could be beaten and arrested, and if they try to flee they could be shot in the back. This is the kind of human-rights violations you see in communist Cuba and China.
Remember if you get a baton over the head, shot with rubber bullets, or beat up for not wearing a mask in Australia, it's about your safety.
— Mike McMullen 🇨🇦 (@miketmcmullen) September 27, 2021
Unfortunately, this same tyranny is coming to Western civilization and will result in the loss of civil and religious freedom. Chaos and oppression are reaching all nations that have adopted endless lockdowns, curfews, and vaccine passports. We pray that it ends, but the rubber bullets, pepper spray, arrests, beatings, and forced mandates will only increase as we get closer to the end.
Anti-Lockdown protesters clash with police on the streets of Melbourne’s inner east.
— jason edwards (@jasonephoto) September 19, 2021
These totalitarian health edicts are not only being issued in Australia. Canadian officials in Saskatchewan are creating new “emergency powers” to fight Covid-19 that will allow the state to enter private property, arrest people without a warrant, and “seize private property at will.” [3] Then we have the Italian government that has just issued a mandate ordering all companies to stop giving paychecks to those who are not vaccinated. [4] How do government leaders get away with it? And what has happened to the Constitution that is supposed to protect us from government abuse? Our founding documents no longer mean anything during a “crisis.” These things only happen when we no longer have a free world.
“Transgression has almost reached its limit. Confusion fills the world, and a great terror is soon to come upon human beings. The end is very near. We who know the truth should be preparing for what is soon to break upon the world as an overwhelming surprise … Are we as a people asleep? Oh, if the young men and young women in our institutions who are now unready for the Lord’s appearing, unfitted to become members of the Lord’s family, could only discern the signs of the times, what a change would be seen in them!” (Testimonies, Vol. 8, p. 28).
Their are no lawful states in Australia. The federal Government is not operating under the Crown they are all committing Treason Perjury Genocide and crimes against Humanity. Their is no Justice no courts are operateing under the crown. The perjury and Barratry is cospiering to commit fraud to steal peoples Property. They are in full criminal mode stealing and selling everything. They have sold everything as bonds all Australian mortgages are sold off. While they lock as down they are abolishing certificate of title. They are criminals murdering mercenaries at war with the people of Australia looting and selling stealing everything. Including this poison Jab is crimes against humanity altering peoples DNA injecting Sars Hiv spike protein cancer shots.
Poor Australians. When people are desperate, they’ll do desperate things. Australia was once a place you’d dream about visiting. Not any more. I admire them taking a stand. Pray for Australia.
When the people of Venezuela rose up against the Communist government of their nation, their protests were ignored and violently suppressed. In Australia, the same thing is happening. What do they both have in common? Both have made the ownership of firearms illegal and the governments of both confiscated all firearms. Therefore the governments have no fear of the majority of their people’s desire for freedom as they are unable to stand against the power of the State.
That is what worries me about what the American government is trying to do by “protecting” us from ourselves by outlawing the ownership of firearms. If they succeed, we will be in for the same treatment.