By Pastor Aubrey Duncan Not only is the prophetic record clear and concise, but its fulfillment is undeniable and is being played out before our eyes. God’s prophets always get it right. Daniel had foretold the rise of the Roman Papacy and the role it would play when it ascended the world stage. Under the […]
Why Jesus Must Come
By Pastor Aubrey Duncan Signs of His return Hurricane Helene has come and executed its destructive signature on the Southeastern United States and rattled the minds of all in the nation. Milton is closely behind. Many are dead, and the pain of lost ones will forever impact the lives of their surviving relatives and friends. […]
The Signs of Jesus’ Coming … Largely Missed by a World that has Rejected Him
By Pastor Aubrey Duncan Prophetic Waymarks Recently, the nation celebrated Independence Day. This is a time when the citizens pause to commemorate the birth of the greatest experiment in human civilization. Here’s how the birth certificate of that experiment partially reads: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that […]
Jesus the Christ is Calling
By Pastor Aubrey Duncan “And all the world wondered after the beast.” Revelation 13:3. In a recent meeting, hosted by Pope Francis at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, the Pontiff welcomed the attendees with these words: ”I am pleased to welcome you, the members of the Pontifical Academies of […]
Wake Up America, Wake Up World
By Pastor Aubrey Duncan Seeing with Prophetic Eyes Paul Blanshard was one of the most outspoken, far-reaching critics of Catholic power in American society. He was an American author, public official, lawyer, and political activist. His uncompromising criticism—yea, exposure—of the Catholic campaign to overtake America was met with ridicule and accusations of being anti-Catholic. He […]
Rituals Versus Relationship
By Pastor Aubrey Duncan Recently, I came across a video by a very prominent and influential evangelical preacher. To my curious surprise, he made a profoundly strong case for God’s Sabbath. In fact, he kept insisting that the Sabbath was given for us to recognize God as our Creator. Nevertheless, he injected the popular, erroneous […]
How Can So Many Be Deceived?
By Pastor Aubrey Duncan Climate Crisis or Trojan Horse? Recently, an article appeared in a Mexican online publication with the headline: Even on Sunday! What cars are resting today, February 25, due to an environmental contingency in CdMx? (Mexico City). The article went on to talk about a program that mandates drivers to restrict driving on […]
God’s Law, Grace, and His Sabbath
By Pastor Aubrey Duncan The word ‘law’ denotes a legal concept. It is a principle that suggests that someone, generally in a superior position, puts forth certain rules and regulations that another, in an inferior position, is bound to follow. If those rules and regulations are violated, then the law provides for certain consequences or […]
The Sabbath and the Prophets
By Pastor Aubrey Duncan In the previous episode, it was clearly established that it was God who gave His Sabbath to mankind. He bestowed it on us as a gift. This gift, like all other gifts from God, is for our edification and His glorification. His Sabbath is to us a precious treasure and an […]
The Sabbath in Creation
By Pastor Aubrey Duncan A Call that Cannot be Ignored Recently, the Washington Post joined the universal symphony calling for Sabbath rest. Newspapers large and small from Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, here in the United States, and other parts of the planet are increasingly addressing the need for a day of rest. Documentaries […]