By Pastor Aubrey Duncan The Age of Mistrust In a world that is characterized by uncertainty and disappointment, everyone is wondering: ‘Is there anyone/anything I can trust? The politicians are always making promises that they never keep. The pastors and preachers continue to exhort theories and opinions that are totally contrary to, and absolutely refute […]
Sunday is not God’s Sabbath
By Pastor Aubrey Duncan The Cloak of Climate Change Maui’s fires and deaths, fueled by a destructive hurricane called Dora, have created a deadly tinderbox that has decimated the island in the South Pacific. It is rated by the experts as the worst the island has ever experienced. The Governor of the territory, Jeff Green, […]
The Great Exchange Project
By Pastor Aubrey Duncan The Bible’s Longest Prophecy Imagine you were charged with the crime of murder and was brought before the judge. The jury brings back a verdict of guilty, and the judge pronounces the sentence of death upon you. You are most deserving of this penalty. As the officers are coming to remove […]
The Final Superpower
By Pastor Aubrey Duncan A World in Confusion Armed conflict in Ukraine. Uncontrollable weather patterns. Economic uncertainty. Pestilences. Political turmoil. Cultural wars. Moral declension. A society that is uneasy and mesmerized is tranquilized with a plethora of mindless entertainment. World powers are jockeying for control of a planet that seems determined to keep her prophetic […]
Humanity’s Only Hope
By Pastor Aubrey Duncan Comfort for the Troubled Heart What’s bothering you today? Financial uncertainty? Family issues? Sickness? Death? Wars and rumors of wars? Political anarchy? I offer you the only sure answer to whatever troubles you. The annals of human history are littered with the magnificence of great empires, which share a common theme—they […]
The Naked Truth About the Mark of the Beast
By Pastor Aubrey Duncan A Much Debated Bible Prophecy It is perhaps the most frequently discussed Biblical doctrine today. Not only is this topic eminent in religious circles; but even the non-religious speculate and make determinations as to what the Mark of the Beast is and its ramifications for society. Regardless of whether you are […]
The Religious Right versus the Woke Left
By Pastor Aubrey Duncan Prescription for the formation and establishment of the Image of the Beast. Recognizing the Times One of the most profound analysis of contemporary America is Chris Hedges’ book, American Fascists … The Christian Right and the War on America. Mr. Hedges was a foreign correspondent for more than twenty years for […]
The Elephant in the Living Room that No One wants to Notice
By Pastor Aubrey Duncan The Need of a Savior A storm is coming, relentless in its fury and unimaginable in its scope. It is destined to affect every person on planet earth. The ancient Jewish seer, Daniel, describes it: “And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children […]
The Mark of the Beast: Revealing the Naked Truth
By Pastor Aubrey Duncan It is perhaps the most frequently discussed Biblical doctrine today. Not only is this topic eminent in religious circles; but even the non-religious speculate and make determinations as to what is the Mark of the Beast and its ramifications on society. Regardless of whether you are religious or non-religious, Christian or of […]
Pope Francis, Climate Change and Sunday Sacredness
By Pastor Aubrey Duncan The issue of climate change has risen to an unprecedented level of national and international consciousness. One is forced to ask, “Is this simply accidental or is it being craftily planned and orchestrated as part of, or perhaps central to, a broader hidden agenda?” Donald J. Boudreaux, a professor of Philosophy, […]