On August 18, 2021, the St. Francis Day Foundation announced the creation of a new organization in Rome led by Pope Francis and American philanthropist and businessman Steve Menzies. More than $50 million has been pledged and more is expected to be raised to support the implementation of Laudato Si’ “mandates” to solve the world’s […]
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty
God made us free and gave us the power to choose. With that choice comes the responsibility and the opportunity to make the best decisions regarding matters of conscience. “Choose you this day whom ye will serve.” Joshua 24:15. “Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden.” Matthew 11:28. “Whosoever will, let […]
While Adventist Leaders Refuse to Offer Covid-19 Exemption Letters to their Members, Roman Catholic Bishops are Giving them to their Flock
We have Seventh-day Adventist leaders casually promoting government mandates. Let’s be very clear, government mandates are coercive measures designed to force the conscience. The kingdom of God does not operate through threats or acts of hostility. We have forgotten what inspiration clearly says about this subject: “Abel did not try to force Cain to obey […]
The Supreme Court of Colombia Declares Valid the Marriage Union Between Adolescents (14-18) and Adults Without Parental Permission
So do you still think that sexual anarchists within the global elite are still a source of validation for anything? Do you really think that they care about the best interests of your children? This recent decision in Colombia is pederasty plain and simple disguised as child marriage. On August 23, 2021, the Civil Chamber […]
When Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Catholics, Orthodox, Baptists, Mormons, Pentecostals, Adventists, Mennonites and Lutherans Refuse Covid-19 Vaccinations for Religious Reasons
In the Misiones Province of Argentina, located in the northeastern corner of the country, there is found one of the most religiously diverse communities in all of Argentina. And even though there are plenty of Covid-19 vaccines to go around, the religious communities have refused to have anything to do with them. In Misiones, since […]
Mark Finley: ‘Many are Stirring up Controversy in Adventism by Speaking Against Government Mandates’
On Thursday, August 5, 2021, Pastor Mark Finley gave a lecture during the ASI Convention in Orlando, FL. His theme was on what principles should guide us when interacting with government authorities. In his lecture, Pastor Finley mentioned that many are stirring up controversy in Adventism by speaking out against government mandates and decisions. Notice […]
Pope Francis: ‘We Observe God’s Commandments, but not as Absolutes’
Pope Francis, in his catechesis at the General Audience on Wednesday August 18, 2021, made the following controversial and blasphemous words in relation to God’s Law and Christ’s Grace. The statements are recorded in the final two paragraphs of an article published by Vatican News. The Pope expressed the following: ‘It is good for us […]
The Correction Must Go as Far as the Damage was Done
When others are misled by our influence, inspiration tells us that we must take whatever means to correct the error. And we must do so to the extent that is within our grasp. We find this principle in inspiration. “When certain Jews who were zealous for the ceremonial law, came from Jerusalem, Peter injudiciously changed […]
Ted Wilson Calls the Papacy the Beast of Revelation and Sunday the Mark of the Beast
On Saturday 7, 2021 during the ASI Convention in Orlando, FL, President Ted Wilson preached the Sabbath sermon. It was during this message that Ted Wilson expressed the unadulterated, pure Third Angel’s Message before his audience. He clearly and unambiguously declared that the Papacy is the beast power of Revelation and that the mark of […]
Communism at its Finest: Police Check for Covid-19 Passports at a Local Café
A new class of discriminated citizens is being created before our eyes. Across the Western world, we find governments and companies claiming that only those with COVID vaccines can have access to restaurants, jobs, travel, education, basic freedoms, and certain goods and services. In France, if you want to buy a cup of coffee or […]
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