By Wings of Liberty Christians are not immune to becoming entrenched politically and allowing a partisan mindset to obscure the spiritual and prophetic significance of events taking place around them. If there were any doubt on this point, the global Covid pandemic provides many examples of Christians doing this very thing. Christians ought to have […]
The Seven Mountain Mandate
By Wings of Liberty My Kingdom is Not of this World There was a time in the not-too-distant past when Protestant Christianity affirmed that Christ’s kingdom was “not of this world.” John 18:36 One of the criticisms from the Protestant Reformers against the outrageous worldly excess of the papacy was its many violations of the […]
Censoring Free Speech: a Page from the Papal Playbook
By Wings of Liberty Bible prophecy speaks of the lamb-like beast of Revelation 13 making an image to the first beast of Revelation. A beast in Bible prophecy represents a kingdom – see Daniel 7 – raising the question of which kingdoms are represented by these two beasts. The first, or leopard-like beast of Revelation […]
The Problem With “Experts”
By Wings of Liberty The Protestant Reformation hinged on the question of who had the authority to declare objective truth. [1] Was the Bible the truth, or was the Pope’s word the truth? Since the Pope contradicted the Bible, who were people to believe? Did each person have the right to determine the answer for […]
Yuval Noah Harari and the Last Tower of Babel
This article is a brief analysis of the doctrine of evolution’s global threat to individual rights. If there is today any single mainstream, global orthodoxy masquerading as truth, it is without a doubt the false doctrine of evolution. The theory is so mainstream that people don’t even refer to it as “the theory of evolution” […]
The Precarious Banking System and the New World Order
By Wings of Liberty In 2017, Joseph Huber wrote Sovereign Money, in which he described our current electronic money system as a system of two separate loops that were interconnected by commercial banks. In the first system, the private sector—small, commercial, and industrial businesses—along with insurance companies and hedge funds—occupy one system, where money is […]