The Baptist News Global recently weighed in on the discussion of the Sabbath and society and spoke of the need for a “collective commitment” to rest. On February 3, 2023, Laura Ellis published an article in the Baptist News Global advocating the idea that Sabbath rest is not something only one person does, but rather “Sabbath happens collectively when entire communities agree to rest.” Even though the article claims that it is not advocating for the return of Blue Laws, it does call for all businesses to collectively close for one day a week, in the same way that lockdowns were mandated during the pandemic, so that rest is not just a “luxury for the privileged” but rather a “basic human need for all.”
If that isn’t referring to the Blue Laws, then this article is partaking in some sort of fictitious fantasy because that is exactly what the Blue Laws accomplish. The Baptist News Global reported the following in part:
• “Communal Rest – During the height of the pandemic, countless articles were published about how the lockdowns were forcing society to rest as the hustle of life grinded to a soft murmur. Even the earth got a moment to breathe as emissions from planes and cars were drastically decreased. This kind of involuntary rest [mandates] was possible only because it was communal.” [1]
• “Sabbath happens collectively when entire communities agree to rest. When I talk about the sabbath, I say it’s not just non-work or non-productivity. It’s absolutely collective non-work and non-productivity because I simply cannot stress this enough. If it’s not happening collectively, it’s not going to happen.” [1]
• “Shulevitz cites the 1961 Supreme Court decision about Sunday closing laws when Justice Felix Frankfurter defended a societal need for collective rest. Frankfurter “talked about Sunday and Sunday quietness on the streets, near the stores. He talked about it as a cultural asset of importance, a release from the daily grind, a preserve of mental peace, an opportunity for self-disposition. … It made our civitas a better society.” [1]
• Neither Shulevitz nor I are pushing to reinstate blue laws, but Shulevitz is pointing to the reality that not everyone can rest until we’ve all committed to set aside the demands of productivity and capitalism for the purpose of sabbath. And when that happens, the whole of the community is bettered. [1]
• Shulevitz compares the biblical rules of Sabbath to a “mutual noncomplete clause” where closing businesses for one day a week, for example, is only possible if competing businesses do the same. Similarly, we are able to individually rest only because of the mutual societal agreement that we all rest. Without a collective commitment, rest is a luxury for the privileged rather than a basic human need for all. [1]
The Baptists are advocating in this statement that all businesses close on Sundays, as was done during the lockdowns that occurred during the Covid pandemic. They base this assertion on the idea that rest ought to be regarded as a fundamental human right. Rest and recreation are rights that belong to everyone. They used phrases like “forcing society to rest,” “lockdowns,” and “involuntary rest.” That is referring to oppressive mandates that forced businesses to close. This is exactly what the Blue Laws were all about. In other words, the Baptists are saying that we cannot truly have a Sabbath rest in our nation until there is a “collective” action through “involuntary rest” (force) that will shut down businesses, productivity, and capitalism for one day a week.
That is tyranny with a smile. This is advocating for oppressive Sabbath rest measures disguised as benevolent or friendly. The Baptist News Global is presenting a fair front, with a lot of charm and charisma in order to gain the trust of the people. But behind the scenes and behind the false sense of security, there is a Blue Law that is ready to oppress the people and deny the rights and religious freedoms of seventh-day Sabbath-keeping Christians.
We live in a time when there are a great number of politicians and religious figures who profess to represent the will of the people while acting in an authoritarian manner. There are political and religious forces described in Revelation 13 that seem to be helpful and benevolent, but in reality, they will use their influence to control, manipulate, and persecute the people they claim to be serving.
“And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.” Revelation 13:11, 12.
Baptist News Agency is totally out of their minds.. They are saying false theories away from the Bible.
We were forced to close all businesses on Saturday also. Why not have a global “day of rest” on Saturday??? Where in the Bible does it say that Sunday is the Sabbath? Absolutely no where. These people ( Sunday keepers) are doing nothing but pushing their agenda on the rest of us, using Sunday (false Sabbath) to hide behind! Woe to those who call sin good, and good evil.
How is our General conference fighting against this? Are they just going to roll over and play dead while these Sunday laws are slowly but surely being forced upon us? How do we as local small town SDA’s fight against? Seems we need to start a coalition ourselves.
We need to keep the Sabbath day holy.we need to obey God rather than man.Let them obey their Sunday god,and our duty is to obey the Almighty is my prayer.
They are showing their teeth.
In response to the statement, the comment, “They are showing their teeth !”.
I wish to remind You all, of the Dream that William Miller had concerning the Box of Jewels, the account of which is recorded by Ellen G. White in her first, “The Early Writings”. If you have have not read that account of William Miller Dream, I would advise you that all read it, for that account applies to what is happen, concerning the rest upon the False Rome Sabbath day of rest.
In the dream, William see’s a beautiful box of Gems, filled with Gem stones … rare beautiful gem stones … he wanted to share this beauty with others. And soon the people began coming into his home, to see the beautiful box of gem stones and they began to remove some of the gem stones and scatter them around and replace the gem stones with fake false ones … William Miller tried to stop them but the more he tried to stop them, the more they continue, till in the end, al the gems had been removed and lost … soon there came One with a broom, who began to sweep out all the rubbish that the people had brought in, and William Miller cried, and pleaded with the One to stop, because he just knew that all the gem stones were being swept away along with the rubbish. The One, told William that He was in control, and that none of the gem stones would be lost … in the end, a new box was placed upon the table and The One gathered up all the lost gem stones that had been scattered, and put them all back into the Box ….
the Rubbish here, is referring to all the false doctoring, the false fake truth that is being preached. The Eternal One, will in His own time, come to sweep away all the false teachers and preachers. The Holy Eternal One, will restore the Holy Truth, the Gem Stones, and the Divine Truth that is crushed to earth, will be restored, and in the end of Time, all these people who have preached the false truth, will cry to the rocks and mountains to hide them from the Face of the Holy Eternal One. They will be swept away like rubbish … only the truth will remain, only the faithful one’s who have embraced the truth and have clung to the Truth, will be remain and see the glory of the Holy Eternal One, the Divine Son of God, and the Holy Father with joy, without a veil …. they shall see Him, face to face in joy and galdness, and they shall shout with joy, “ this is our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and He shall save us.” and they shall past through the gates of Jerusalem, between the twin column of angels, singing the glory song of the ages … as it is written in the book of Revelation, hold fast to that which you have and let no man steal your crown of glory … soon the heavens shall depart like a scroll, Revelation 6:14, and we shall look up and see the throne of God, the Holy Law, and hear His declare the day and hour of His return.
Those who show their teeth, by enforcing the false fake Sabbath Rest, will in the end of Time, will find out who has the real teeth … The Eternal One with the broom … He will uphold His Honor, and He will uphold the True Sabbath Day of Rest, and through out the Eternal Ages, His Holy People, in truth, gather together before, from one new moon to another, from one sabbath to another, to worship before Him …. as long as Eternalty shall last … with all the glory and beauty of the burning sun set, never to fade … soon the rising Dawn of Eternalty shall break … the sunset of earth history will close, and the Dawn of another age will rise, the dawn of Eternalty … what lies before, will be a gift from the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, to those who cling to His truth …. remainful to Him, no matter what happens … soon this world will pass away and be no more … we can not cling to the things of this world, we must let it go, and cling to the real truth of God … Remember this one thing, you can change the day on which you were born. The same applies to Sabbath.
Let me give you an illustration before I close. My daughter was born on the 5th of July. Well, one day, I got this bright idea, to celebrate her birthday on the 4th of July, and do you know what her response was? … No !, that is not acceptable ! … I was not born on the 4th ! … the same applies to the Sabbath. God does not accept man’s attempt to move the Sabbath to a different Day. This satan attempt to enforce the change of the Sabbath day of rest … and one other thing, Jesus Christ said, if you love me, Keep My Commandments. If we truly sincerely love God, we will keep His Holy Sabbath upon the Day that He set it on, on the end of the week, the Seventh Day, not at the beginning of the week, the first day, the worship of the pagan sun worship …
As it is written in the book of Revelation, chapter 22, verse 14, in the both the old and the new king james bible only, Blessed are those who do [keep] His [Holy] Commandments, that they may have the right to the Tree of Life, and enter through the gates, into the city [of God, the new Jerusalem]
I want to remind you that in all the other Bible translation, they have removed these words, Blessed are those who do His Commandments … in removing these words, they have removed their names from the book of life.
Stand fast to the truth, to Holy Law of God, the holy Sabbath, let no man steal your crown of glory.
One Lord,
One Faith,
One Baptism
Ephesians 4:5
I have to point out this one verse before I close, because, even the SDA church is preaching a false doctrine, when it comes to the Baptism. They teach that if one’s name has been removed from the church books, they have to be baptized ! … there is no bible doctrine to up hold that idea. In Ephesian 4:5, it clearly says, “One Baptism”. It is a blood oath. Christ was baptized only once, once by water, and once in death. So we too are baptized only once, and we die only once, not twice.
Administrator … I made a few spelling and grammar errors in the last post.
So here is the corrected post. Please post this one.
In response to the statement, the comment, “They are showing their teeth !”.
I wish to remind You all, of the Dream that William Miller had concerning the Box of Jewels, the account of which is recorded by Ellen G. White in her first BOOK , “The Early Writings”. If you have have not read that account of William Miller Dream, I would advise you all TO read it, for that account applies to what is happening right now, concerning the idea of enforcing the rest upon the False Rome Sabbath day of rest.
In the dream, William see’s a beautiful box of Gems, filled with Gem stones … rare beautiful gem stones … he wanted to share the beauty of all these gem stones with others. And soon the people began coming into his home, to see the beautiful box of gem stones and they began to remove some of the gem stones and to scatter them around and replace the gem stones with fake false ones … William Miller tried to stop them, but the more he tried to stop them, the more they continue, till in the end, all the beautiful gems stone had been removed and lost … soon there came One with a broom, who began to sweep out all the rubbish that the people had brought in, and William Miller cried, and pleaded with the One to stop, because he just knew that all the gem stones were being swept away along with the rubbish. The One, told William not to worry, that He was in control, and that none of the gem stones would be lost … in the end, a new box was placed upon the table and The One gathered up all the lost gem stones that had been scattered, and put them all back into the Box ….
The Rubbish here, is referring to all the false doctoring, the false fake truth that is being preached. The Eternal One, will in His own time, come to sweep away all the false teachers and preachers. The Holy Eternal One, will restore the Holy Truth, the Gem Stones, and the Divine Truth that is crushed to earth, will be restored, and in the end of Time, all these people who have preached the false truth, will cry to the rocks and mountains to hide them from the Face of the Holy Eternal One. They will be swept away like rubbish and only the truth will remain, only the faithful one’s who have embraced the truth and have clung to the Truth, will be remain and see the glory of the Holy Eternal One, the Divine Son of God, and the Holy Father with joy, without a veil and they shall see Him, face to face in joy and gladness, and they shall shout with joy, “ this is our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, we have waited for Him and He shall save us.” and they rise from this world and past through the gates of Jerusalem, between the twin column of angels, singing the glory song of the ages … as it is written in the book of Revelation, hold fast to that which you have and let no man steal your crown of glory … soon the heavens shall depart like a scroll, Revelation 6:14, and we shall look up and see the Stars of the Golden Gate of Orion, and see the throne of God, the Holy Law, and hear Him declare the day and hour of His return.
When I was a child, a angel came to me and took me by the hand, and lead me out into the night, and pointed out the Stars of the Golden Gate of Orion, and told me that Jesus is coming back through the Stars of the Golden Gate of Orion, and then he took me back into the house and put me back into bed. I am 61 now, I have never forgotten what he told me that night when he pointed the Stars of the Golden Gate of Orion.
Those who show their teeth, by enforcing the false fake Sabbath Rest, will in the end of Time, will find out who has the real teeth … The Eternal One with the broom … He will uphold His Honor, and He will uphold the True Sabbath Day of Rest, and through out the Eternal Ages, His Holy People, in truth, gather together before Him, from one New Moon to another, from one Sabbath to another, to worship before Him …. and they will continue to do so as long as Eternalty shall last … with all the glory and beauty of the burning sun set, never to fade … soon the rising Dawn of Eternalty shall break … the sunset of earth history will close with a whimper, and the Dawn of another age will rise, the dawn of Eternalty … what lies before you all, which will be a gift from the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, to those who cling to His truth ….therefore, remainful to Him, no matter what happens … soon this world will pass away and be no more … we can not cling to the things of this world, we must let it go, and cling to the real truth of God … Remember this one thing, you can NOT change the day on which you were born, nor can you change Sabbath day, which a memorial of creation, the birthday of this world.
Let me give you an illustration before I close. My daughter was born on the 5th of July. Well, one day, I got this bright idea, to celebrate her birthday on the 4th of July, and do you know what her response was? … No !, that is not acceptable ! … I was not born on the 4th ! … the same applies to the Sabbath. God does not accept man’s attempt to move the Sabbath to a different Day. This is satan deceitful attempt to enforce the change of the Sabbath day of rest … and one other thing, Jesus Christ said, if you love me, Keep My Commandments. If we truly sincerely love God, we will keep His Holy Sabbath upon the Day that He set it on, on the end of the week, the Seventh Day, not at the beginning of the week, the first day, the worship of the pagan sun worship … you can not force someone to love you, nor can you force someone to keep His Holy sabbath. To Keep His Holy sabbath, is a free will choice. To Love Him, is also a free will choice. Love is not force, but at the same time, He will uphold his holy law. If you don’t want to keep it, fine, you don’t get to enter his city !
As it is written in the book of Revelation, chapter 22, verse 14, in the both the old and the new king james bible only, Blessed are those who do [keep] His [Holy] Commandments, that they may have the right to the Tree of Life, and enter through the gates, into the city [of God, the new Jerusalem]
I want to remind you that in all the other Bible translation, they have removed these words, Blessed are those who do His Commandments … in removing these words, they have removed their names from the book of life.
Stand fast to the truth, to Holy Law of God, the holy Sabbath, let no man steal your crown of glory.
One Lord,
One Faith,
One Baptism
Ephesians 4:5
I have to point out this one verse before I close, because, even the SDA church is preaching a false doctrine, when it comes to the Baptism. They teach that if one’s name has been removed from the church books, they have to be baptized ! … there is no bible doctrine to up hold that idea. In Ephesian 4:5, it clearly says, “One Baptism”. It is a blood oath. Christ was baptized only once, once by water, and once in death. So we too are baptized only once, and we die only once, not twice.