Protestants are following Pope Francis’ call to become stewards of the environment and to take care of God’s creation. Baptists in Langol, India, hosted a “Green Sunday” service dedicated to integrating environmentalism into worship. This celebration included sermons on the care for creation, eco-friendly practices like reducing waste, and community activities such as planting trees or cleaning up local areas. Such actions are intended to promote respect for God’s creation, sustainability, a commitment to preserving the environment for future generations, and Sunday worship.
On June 2, 2024, India Today published the following:
• “The Mao-Poumai Baptist Church in Langol joined the global celebration of Green Sunday on June 2, 2024, aligning with World Environment Day observed annually on June 5.” [1]
• “With the theme “Caring for the Creations of God,” the church highlighted the importance of environmental stewardship.” [1]
• “Marking the event, church members dressed in green and children participated in a green parade.” [1]
• “Rev. L. Simon Raomai, the church pastor, delivered a sermon on ‘Christian response to ecological crisis,’ urging the congregation to take active roles in environmental conservation.” [1]
• “P. Graceson Ramungna, Field Consultant for Gideons International, spoke on ‘Stewardship of God’s creation’ during the morning and evening services, emphasizing the responsibility of caring for the Earth.” [1]
• “This initiative aimed to foster awareness and creativity among children and youth regarding ecological challenges.” [1]
• “In a significant move, the church resolved that each member would plant one tree, launching the Eco Care Organization (ECO) to advocate for environmental conservation.” [1]
Here, we can clearly see how the churches are combining the climate change agenda with Sunday worship. This is entirely consistent with Laudato Si’. Protestants are emphasizing environmental responsibility during these “Green Sunday” worship services, reinforcing the message that caring for creation can be a form of worship and obedience to God.
However, the Green Sunday message encompasses much more. The mission is to get the community engaged in the Green Sunday movement as well. They are calling on their church members to go into the community and work together on this common goal. Churches see these “Green Sunday” initiatives as a new form of global witness for future generations. Emphasizing a “Green Sunday” is a proactive approach to addressing the climate crisis that also promotes Sunday rest. It teaches the youth about the importance of caring for God’s creation and instills the Sunday agenda into their minds so that they can carry it into adulthood.
These Green Sunday initiatives are not going away anytime soon. According to inspiration, the climate crisis will be one of the justifications for enforcing Sunday rest by law during the Mark of the Beast crisis.
“It will be declared that men are offending God by the violation of the Sunday-sabbath, that this sin has brought calamities which will not cease until Sunday observance shall be strictly enforced, and that those who present the claims of the fourth commandment, thus destroying reverence for Sunday, are troublers of the people, preventing their restoration to divine favor and temporal prosperity” (Great Controversy, p. 590).
There is a clear connection between Sunday and the climate movement.