By Rodney Heinrich and Andy Roman
A top Biden official said on May 1, 2022, that the Russian-Ukrainian war offers an opportunity to make the necessary changes to promote green, sustainable food and energy. “Never let a crisis go to waste,” she stated in an interview with ABC News, implying that the current crisis is an opportunity to “hasten transitions” and begin implementing the globalist ideological goals of the Great Reset.
Biden official Samantha Power celebrates fertilizer shortages that will force farmers to “hasten transitions” to “natural solutions, like manure and compost.”
“Never let a crisis go to waste."
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) May 1, 2022
Samantha Power made the following remarks, according to Fox News:
“Fertilizer shortages are real now because Russia is a big exporter of fertilizer. Even though fertilizer is not sanctioned, less fertilizer is coming out of Russia,” she explained. “As a result we’re working with countries to think about natural solutions like manure and compost and this may hasten transitions that would have been in the interest of farmers to make eventually anyway. So never let a crisis go to waste.” [1]
Here we have political leaders admitting that they are unconcerned about the people’s outcome as long as their political agenda is met. What evidence do we have for this? Well, in Sri Lanka, the use of compost and other natural fertilizers instead of commercial chemical fertilizers has already been tried, with disastrous agricultural results. Sri Lanka has done exactly what Samantha Power suggests the rest of the world should do. Food production fell by more than 80% resulting in skyrocketing food prices, soaring inflation, and a major food crisis in the island nation. Because there was no longer enough food to feed their people, the country had to reverse its decision to go green. Sri Lanka was forced to buy food on credit from neighboring countries. [2]
Farmers in Sri Lanka were only able to harvest 10 bags of rice per two acres of land due to a ban on chemical fertilizers, compared to 60 bags before the ban. Food production decreased by more than 80%. According to the farmers, when Sri Lanka decided to go green and 100% organic with food production for the sake of the environment, they could not “recall any time in the past” when they “had to struggle so much to get a decent harvest.” [2] And as a result, there was no food for the people.
Perhaps this is what globalists, like those in the Biden administration, really want. Maybe they want to deplete our food supply, starve people, and depopulate the world in order to save the planet’s health. Unfortunately, organic farming methods, as opposed to modern industrial farming practices, would be unable to feed the existing populations that live in our cities, and we believe they are aware of this.
In order to use compost and manure for organic farming, as suggested by Samantha Power, you would have a logistics nightmare to accomplish that feat. On just one acre of land, you would need tons of manure to be able to fertilize the land. Where are you going to find all that manure? You would need several truck loads from local hog farms, chicken farms, and cattle farms. The cost of transporting the manure, the cost of fuel, and the cost of spreading all that on thousands and millions of acres would be astronomical.
Modern commercial fertilizer techniques, on the other hand, use liquid or granules containing nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and you only need hundreds of pounds of this type of fertilizer per acre. It’s no surprise that in Oklahoma, some farms that use 100% organic fertilizers produce about 5 bushels of wheat per acre, while farms that use commercial chemical fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) produce about 50 bushels of wheat per acre. That’s a 90% increase in wheat production. That’s why, when commercial fertilizers were banned in Sri Lanka, the country’s agriculture fell by 80%. If you only want to feed your family or a handful of families, you can go 100% organic. However, without a more commercial agricultural model, it will be impossible to feed the hundreds of millions of people who live in the cities.
If our country’s bureaucrats ban commercial fertilizers and force farmers to use compost and manure to save the environment, the bigger question should be: Which 90% of the population will go hungry because we won’t be able to feed ourselves or export enough food to the rest of the world? So, who are we going to stop feeding? Will our elected officials be willing to volunteer to go without food? Perhaps they should be the ones to go hungry. And once they’re gone, we’ll be able to return to regular farming and feed the people once more.
We have politicians in the Biden administration who have never worked on a farm and believe that fruits and vegetables come from supermarkets. Bureaucrats have a unique ability to destroy things more quickly than anyone else. We will be unable to grow the amount of food required to feed our population if farmers are forced to go “green.” Agricultural products would skyrocket in price, making it incredibly expensive to grow our own food.
Thomas Jefferson, one of our Founding Fathers, rightly warned us about these Washington bureaucrats:
“Were we directed from Washington when to sow and when to reap, we should soon want bread.” [3]
There’s a reason that modern industrial farming techniques can feed hundreds of millions of people in our cities. People will starve if these techniques are banned. Even more frightening is the fact that the government will then have the power to decide who can and cannot eat. They are well aware of this. Maybe this was part of the plan all along. This will be a part of the world’s coming crisis, according to Revelation:
“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:17.
“These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more.” Revelation 7:14-16.
It’s probably more important then ever to develop that out of the box thinking in regards to what one can eat that grows naturally in their local areas,
Is there a Forrest nearby with something edible that can be identified?
Worth it to spend some time following local animals that live in the park or Forrest to see what they are surviving on, what do they eat how would I prepare it,
Is there Sorrel, Dandelion, other herbs, fruit, nuts or berries nearby?
Edible Cactus? mushrooms, which ones are safe to eat?
Bamboo? The shoots (often needs to be heavily boiled before eating)
It’s great if people have a garden with a few things growing but after seeing the videos coming out of Shanghai of police there ripping up people’s gardens in the name of Covid…
We should make peace with the possibility that people or events might come to destroy our gardens, as Job was heavily tested and lost much of what he had,
but not His Love for The Creator God.
And it’s not just a coincidence that food processing plants are being destroyed.
We will be under lock-down before the next elections.
There will be riots in the streets when there is no more food to buy. We need to get out of the cities.