A chain of grocery stores has teamed up with the entertainment industry to promote Sunday as a family day. The Festa do Peão is one of the most famous rodeo events in Brazil and features bull riding, horses, and different shows. During their annual 10-day celebration, the organizers of this event found that Sundays had the lowest attendance numbers. So the organizers joined up with a grocery store company to come up with a “Family Sunday” campaign. The independent newspaper, The Liberal, published the following on June 19, 2022:
“The São Vicente supermarket chain and the Clube dos Cavaleiros de Americana (CCA) signed an innovative partnership that would go down in the history of the Festa do Peão, inspire other similar actions throughout Brazil and bring more than 1 million people to the event in 13 years of existence. Realization. Much more than that, ‘Family Sunday’ would create the opportunity for people of various social classes to enjoy the event for the first time … According to Marcos Cavicchiolli, director of São Vicente and one of the creators of the idea, along with the CCA and a few other partners, the action began as an attempt to revive Sundays, which until then were the days with the lowest public at the party.” [1]
As a result, a successful effort to promote Sunday as Family Day was launched. They are seeing unprecedented attendance at the Festa do Peo on “Family Sunday” thanks to business sponsorships. The marketing effort essentially promotes the concept that Sunday is family time and that we must spend it with our families.
Do you see their strategy? Families need to rest and spend time together on this day, building relationships. Where did they get this idea that Sunday should be a time for the family? Well, they got it from Rome. Back in 2012, Pope Benedict XVI clearly made the connection between Sunday and families:
“Sunday is the day of the Lord and of man, a day which everyone must be able to be free — free for the family and free for God. Family, work, rest and celebration are gifts from God and important aspects of human life that must find a “harmonious balance” in order to build a more humane world, he said.” [2]
We are seeing the justification for Sunday’s off as a right for people to spend with their families. “Sunday should be a time for rest, worship, and family” is what is being proposed. All of the arguments in favor of taking Sunday off sound good on the surface – spending time with our families – but we have already been given a special time in the Bible to accomplish this. Did you know that God’s true Sabbath day, Saturday, was intended to be kept with our families?
“Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.” Exodus 20:8-11.
In fact, heaven is our extended family, and the true seventh-day Sabbath, Saturday, was a time when the Creator came to commune with His creation in the Garden of Eden. So we were given a day for the family, and it wasn’t Sunday. Tragically, God’s Sabbath has been abandoned, and today the world is embracing a counterfeit:
“The Christian world is honoring a false sabbath, and we are to show them its true character and foundation. We must make it plain to them that they are honoring a manmade institution in place of that which God himself has sanctified” (Review and Herald, January 31, 1893).
[1] https://liberal.com.br/cidades/americana/domingo-e-o-dia-da-familia-1785184/
The term Family Sunday sounds to be very good ; because it looks attractive for the sake of families inorder for them to have rest.Pope Francis does not want to be seen as endorsing sunday as the day of rest.This is a very cunning way of camouflaging and using deception to enforce the mark of the beast.