On September 4, 2023, Archbishop Nicola Girasoli, the papal ambassador to Slovakia, celebrated Mass dressed as a leopard. The liturgical dress of this Vatican representative was the same one described in Bible prophecy.
“And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard.” Revelation 13:1, 2.
“In chapter 13 (verses 1-10) is described another beast, “like unto a leopard,” to which the dragon gave “his power, and his seat, and great authority.” This symbol, as most Protestants have believed, represents the papacy, which succeeded to the power and seat and authority once held by the ancient Roman empire” (Great Controversy, p. 439).
Archbishop Nicola Girasoli donned a billowy chasuble, the outermost garment worn by priests for liturgical celebrations, in a leopard skin pattern.https://t.co/9qFgsjqhlA
— Crux (@Crux) September 21, 2023
The leopard does not change his spots (Jeremiah 13:23), even though the entire world says that Rome has changed. The characteristics of the beast, which represent the system of Antichrist, are fixed. Despite all the voices attempting to refute this truth by asserting that Rome has changed, the prophetic word continues to say that Rome cannot change.
“Rome never changes. Her principles have not altered in the least. She has not lessened the breach between herself and Protestants; they have done all the advancing” (Signs of the Times, February 19, 1894).
“And let it be remembered, it is the boast of Rome that she never changes. The principles of Gregory VII and Innocent III are still the principles of the Romish Church. And had she but the power, she would put them in practice with as much vigor now as in past centuries” (Great Controversy, p. 580).
“Rome never changes. She claims infallibility. It is Protestantism that will change” (Review and Herald, June 1, 1886).
Does that mean that Pope Francis is the same as the other Popes who came before him? Absolutely. The underlying principle of Pope Francis’ message has not changed. Rome’s methods and appearance will change. She might alter her demeanor and manner, but never her core message. Once more, inspiration informs us that Rome will seem to change its stance in order to “gain influence.”
“In those countries where Catholicism is not in the ascendancy, and the papists are taking a conciliatory course in order to gain influence” (Great Controversy, p. 563).
“Popery is just what prophecy declared that she would be, the apostasy of the latter times. It is a part of her policy to assume the character which will best accomplish her purpose; but beneath the variable appearance of the chameleon, she conceals the invariable venom of the serpent” (Great Controversy, p. 571).
“The Romish Church now presents a fair front to the world, covering with apologies her record of horrible cruelties. She has clothed herself in Christ-like garments; but she is unchanged. Every principle of popery that existed in past ages exists today. The doctrines devised in the darkest ages are still held. Let none deceive themselves. The popery that Protestants are now so ready to honor is the same that ruled the world in the days of the Reformation, when men of God stood up, at the peril of their lives, to expose her iniquity” (Great Controversy, p. 570).
When we are talking about Rome, we are not dealing with just a religion. Rome is not just an institution. Rome is not just a political philosophy like communism or socialism. When we are talking about Rome, we are not just dealing with some form of government or nation. My brothers and sisters, no. We are dealing with what the Bible describes in all capital letters as:
We are dealing with the mother of all harlots and the mother of all abominations of the earth. All means all. This characterization describes something far worse than fascism, communism, globalism, monarchism, emperor worship, populism, and nationalism combined! The first beast of Revelation 13, Rome, is depicted as an amalgamation of every abomination on earth:
“And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” Revelation 13:2.
If there is an abomination, Rome knows it very well, and she will say and act in any way necessary for her to come out on top. No one will be allowed to undermine her power, authority, or interfere with her ultimate goals, including Pope Francis himself. We are dealing with a system that is responsible for all the blood that was shed on the earth, including the future Mark of the Beast crisis (Revelation 18:24). That’s what God says. We are dealing with the Antichrist, “Satan’s right-hand man” (7BC p. 910).
We are not dealing with just a form of deception; no, we are dealing with Satan’s master plan of deception, which he will employ to win over everyone and have them worship and honor him. Rome has no equal in terms of ambition, abomination, betrayal, hypocrisy, or deception. She is the bride of Satan, just like the Remnant Church is the bride of Christ. Rome, meanwhile, is acting exactly as she ought to be acting—even with the current pope in charge—by calling for peace and unity while secretly plotting global tyranny. The reason why there are so many misunderstandings today is because we have been confused about her power, seat, authority, trickery, stealth, personality, and nature.
Any Seventh-day Adventist who asserts that the current Pope must be dismissed because he is not the true Pope, that Rome is not currently carrying out its prophetic function, or that we must wait for some future Pope, has fallen victim to the Jesuits’ deception. They are unaware of how Jesuits operate. Rome doesn’t change, but unfortunately, there are those in our day who believe their wisdom surpasses that of the inspired words of God.
Secondly, every Seventh-day Adventist should read what the book Great Controversy has to say about the outpouring of the Latter Rain during the Loud Cry:
“The sins of Babylon will be laid open. The fearful results of enforcing the observances of the church by civil authority, the inroads of spiritualism, the stealthy but rapid progress of the papal power—all will be unmasked. By these solemn warnings the people will be stirred. Thousands upon thousands will listen who have never heard words like these. In amazement they hear the testimony that Babylon is the church, fallen because of her errors and sins, because of her rejection of the truth sent to her from heaven” (Great Controversy, 606).
How can we denounce the sins of Babylon, preach the message of the Three Angels, expose the man of sin, and call people to come out if our leaders have embraced the papacy in ecumenism and are seeking to end divisions and heal the deadly wound? We have some who can’t seem to compromise their faith fast enough! Too many are running to Rome for reconciliation and are shedding the image of being a “rebellious daughter.”
When Rome looks at Protestantism, she sees an image of herself. This is scary when you think about it because Rome never changes. The goal of Rome has almost been fulfilled, which is to totally abolish the Reformation’s “protest.” The old, long-standing, historical Protestant faith, with its protest, has been an obstacle to preventing Rome from regaining her supremacy in both spiritual and political matters. However, every obstacle that is standing in the way must be removed as Rome achieves her ultimate objective. The Reformation’s protest, for the most part, has been silenced, all thanks to the disastrous results of the Vatican-run ecumenical movement. May this be a warning sign to every church and to every Christian believer.
“When the leading churches of the United States, uniting upon such points of doctrine as are held by them in common, shall influence the State to enforce their decrees and to sustain their institutions, then Protestant America will have formed an image of the Roman hierarchy, and the infliction of civil penalties upon dissenters will inevitably result.” (Great Controversy, p. 445).
The book of Revelation also says the color of the beast would be purple and scarlet (Rev. 17:4). That is the color used by its leadership. The bishops wear purple and the cardinals wear read.