“They sacrificed unto devils, not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came newly up, whom your fathers feared not.” Deuteronomy 32:17. On August 6, 2023, in the city of Oruro, Bolivia, political and religious leaders celebrated an interfaith religious worship service in which Shamans, or guides to the spirit world, […]
Pope Francis Claims that there are No False Religions Since the Diversity of Faiths is Part of God’s Will
All religions, creeds, faiths, and doctrines, regardless of what erroneous theories they espouse, are being taken under the wing of the Antichrist. Mystery Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots, will embrace everyone as a fellow brother or sister into its universal fraternity that seeks to unite the religious world into one body. Pope Francis […]
The Vatican Invites Hindus and Christians to Build a Fraternity-based Humanism Guided by Pope Francis’s Encyclical and Hindu Philosophy
Rome is creating a universal family that embraces, affirms, and recognizes all belief systems. According to Pope Francis’ encyclical, every religious and spiritual tradition, regardless of its origin, is valid and is part of the divine path that leads us to the same God. The goal is to establish the concept that no single religion […]
Pope Francis to Buddhists: May Buddha Guide You to a Deeper Encounter with Yourselves, Others and the Earth
On March 16, 2023, Pope Francis received Taiwanese Buddhists at the Vatican. After praising the sacred values and principles of Buddhism, Francis invoked the name of Buddha, asking that He guide the monks into a closer relationship with everyone, including the planet. The Pope’s heretical action elevates Buddha to the status of a spiritual leader […]
Pope Francis’ Vision for the Church: “Heal the Wounds, Heal the Wounds, and Start from the Ground Up”
Since his election, Pope Francis has been on a mission to fundamentally transform not only the Catholic Church but also all other religious communities. One of the most notable changes Pope Francis has brought about is his emphasis on becoming a more welcoming and compassionate church on issues such as homosexuality, abortion, climate change, and […]
The Presidents of the North and South German Union Conferences of Seventh-day Adventists “Praised” the Work of Ecumenical Unity Between Roman Catholics and Protestants
Left to right: Pastor Dr. Martin Bräuer from the KI’s Catholic Department; Pastor Dr. Lothar Triebel from the KI’s Free Churches Department; Dr. Kai Funkschmidt from the KI’s Anglican Department; Pastor Jens-Oliver Mohr, Director of the Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Department for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Germany; Pastor Dr. Dagmar Heller from the […]
Christian Network Europe: “Portuguese Catholics Fight to Bring Back Work-Free Sunday”
Christian Network Europe is a Protestant news website that emphasizes Christian principles for the continent of Europe. On March 6, 2023, Christian Network Europe published an article titled, “Portuguese Catholics fight to bring back the work-free Sunday.” In the article, the Protestant news media stated that the Catholic Workers League, Liga Operária Católica (LOC), wants […]
Prominent Evangelical and Catholic Leaders Endorse the Asbury Revival, along with its Trance-inducing Repetitive Chanting
On February 23, 2023, the Annual Collegiate Day of Prayer was held at Asbury University due to the international attention that their school has received over the past two weeks. The Collegiate Day of Prayer program, which dates back to 1823, is a movement that seeks to promote spiritual faith among college and university students. […]
Rick Warren is Going to Asbury University in an Effort to Spread the Revival to 20 Million Students on 4,300 College Campuses
Rick Warren, a prominent figure and household name in evangelical Christianity, will be heading to the Asbury Revival to assist in bringing the movement to other college and university campuses across America. On February 23, 2023, Rick Warren and others who believe that the Asbury Revival is a powerful manifestation of God will host a […]
Ted Wilson Praised Adventist University of Africa as a “Fine Institution” with a “Dedicated Faculty,” the same Institution that “Led” an Ecumenical Service Just Days Earlier to Strengthen Ties with Rome
On February 7, 2023, President Ted Wilson visited the Adventist University of Africa, which is located at the East-Central African Division headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. This was part of Wilson’s three-week trip to five African countries. Ted Wilson spoke about his “wonderful” visit to Adventist University of Africa and “praised God” for this “fine institution” […]
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