Vice President JD Vance, a Catholic convert, has expressed respect for the pontiff’s leadership. Speaking at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast on February 28, 2025, Vance acknowledged Pope Francis’ recent critique of the Trump administration’s immigration policies but instead emphasized his respect for the Pope’s dedication to the global Catholic community, leading a prayer […]
Catholic Cardinal Tells Fox News that Americans Have a Newfound Appreciation of Faith
On Sunday, December 22, 2024, American Catholic Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York told Fox News during an interview that the world is changing for the better, especially in the United States. He expressed that Americans are tired of the idea that religion is superstitious or toxic and should remain private. Cardinal Dolan stated […]
Charisma Magazine Claims that Sunday Rest is for Mental and Physical Health—a Precious Gift Waiting to be Embraced
Charisma Magazine, a prominent Christian publication targeting Pentecostal and charismatic audiences, advocates for observing Sunday as a day of rest, emphasizing its benefits for mental and physical health. The publication presents Sunday rest as a precious, divinely ordained gift that provides an opportunity to reconnect with faith, family, and oneself, encouraging readers to embrace and […]
Baptists Honor “Green Sunday,” a Celebration of God, Care for Creation, and Sunday Worship
Protestants are following Pope Francis’ call to become stewards of the environment and to take care of God’s creation. Baptists in Langol, India, hosted a “Green Sunday” service dedicated to integrating environmentalism into worship. This celebration included sermons on the care for creation, eco-friendly practices like reducing waste, and community activities such as planting trees […]
A Beer Drinking, Cigarette Smoking, Heavy Metal Music Playing, Sunday-Worshipping Church
Modern church trends are teaching us that we don’t have to be transformed or give up anything. We can enjoy all the benefits of going to heaven without having to sacrifice any of our worldly pleasures. It is essentially the fallacy of believing that you can have Jesus while simultaneously serving Satan. Even though God’s […]
The Catholic Church in Colombia Declared Sunday, January 28, 2024, to be a National Day of Prayer for Rain, Ecological Conversion, and Environmental Awareness
What is the fastest way to get people to attend church on Sunday? Declare Sunday to be a national day of prayer in response to the climate crisis. But is there really a connection between Sunday and the weather? No, but Rome is creating one and is calling on the people of Colombia to be […]
The Sabbath in Creation
By Pastor Aubrey Duncan A Call that Cannot be Ignored Recently, the Washington Post joined the universal symphony calling for Sabbath rest. Newspapers large and small from Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, here in the United States, and other parts of the planet are increasingly addressing the need for a day of rest. Documentaries […]
While Zambia’s Health Mandates Prohibit Hugs and Handshakes, Limit Church Services to Two Hours, and Restrict Holy Communion, Adventists Call for “Complete Compliance”
Once more, the state and medical authorities seek to control every aspect of religious practice and human life. There is a lust for power and control, which extends to deciding what actions churches may or may not take. Revelation 13 predicts that those in positions of power will soon issue an oppressive decree requiring worship […]
Spiritual Reflections on the War in Israel
By The Remnant Herald The ancient territory of the Philistines (Gaza) and the biblical land of Israel are the focus of worldwide attention yet again following the slaughter and kidnapping of many hundreds of Israeli citizens by HAMAS terrorists on Sabbath, October 7, 2023, which frightened the world. Since then, military confrontation on the northern […]
The Vatican Announces the Launch of its Ecological Conversion 2030 Initiative
The Holy See is advancing its globalist agenda by launching a number of climate initiatives that adhere to the guidelines outlined in Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ and Laudate Deum. Vatican City State has become one of the first nations to lead the world by setting an example as they put into practice the Pope’s agenda […]