The Holy See is advancing its globalist agenda by launching a number of climate initiatives that adhere to the guidelines outlined in Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ and Laudate Deum. Vatican City State has become one of the first nations to lead the world by setting an example as they put into practice the Pope’s agenda […]
Pennsylvania Newspaper: “Blue Laws are Obsolete — but had their Virtues”
The Times Leader is a daily newspaper in Pennsylvania that published an article on September 21, 2023, titled “Blue Laws are Obsolete—but had their Virtues.” The article was basically promoting the opinion that Blue Laws were beneficial and brought a sense of peace, quiet, and well-being to the community. Additionally, it was stated that blue […]
Can the Leopard of Bible Prophecy Change its Spots?
On September 4, 2023, Archbishop Nicola Girasoli, the papal ambassador to Slovakia, celebrated Mass dressed as a leopard. The liturgical dress of this Vatican representative was the same one described in Bible prophecy. “And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads […]
Pope Francis is Received like a Rock Star at ‘Catholic Woodstock,’ where He Called for a more Inclusive LGBT+ church, a New Marian Devotion, and for the Youth to Change the World
The Vatican has proved that they can not only throw the biggest party in the world, with 1.5 million young people, but that they are committed to achieving their goals by being the driving force to lead, change, and influence others in that direction. The current Pope is positioning himself to win in the final endgame. […]
“We have to Demolish the Barriers,” Declares a Seventh-day Adventist Pastor During an Ecumenical Celebration at the Holy Souls in Purgatory Catholic Church
Do we believe in the Catholic doctrine that at the time of death the soul travels to purgatory, a place of suffering or purification, before entering heaven? Apparently, some of our pastors have no objections to the idea of souls being purified in purgatory. On February 26, 2023, the official magazine of the Roman Catholic […]
The Counterfeit Revival is Spreading Across America
The Asbury Revival is a spiritual movement that started at Asbury University, a non-denominational Christian institution in Wilmore, Kentucky. The revival is named after the location of the meetings but has spread rapidly in one week to other states, churches, and Christian universities. This revival is marked by intense emotional experiences, long periods of spontaneous […]
Ted Wilson Proclaimed that “God is Working through President Hichilema” after Hichilema Said that all Denominations are One in the Body of Christ
On Saturday, February 4, 2023, Ted Wilson joined a crowd of about 50,000 people for a “Big Sabbath” event at the Nationals Hero Stadium in Lusaka, Zambia. Ted Wilson met with the Seventh-day Adventist leadership from Zambia, the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division, and other members of the Seventh-day Adventist church for a special Sabbath celebration. […]
Ecumenism Will Pave the Way for the Mark of the Beast Crisis
Ecumenism has no place in Adventism. When church leaders attend these interfaith ceremonies designed to unite the churches, exalt Sunday worship, promote spiritualism, reject biblical truth, and unite us under one head, Rome, we must recognize that our participation means we are sanctioning their efforts and thus demonstrating our support. This is a scandal for […]
The Wolf in the Midst of the Flock
By Arnie Suntag In an article published by The Adventist Review on April 22 entitled “Viral Lies”, James D. Standish, who has served in rather prominent positions for the General Conference, argued that Seventh-day Adventists who question the safety and efficacy of the Covid-19 vaccine should be treated as miscreants and opposed. His carefully crafted […]
Jesuit General: We Must Advocate for Global Citizenship and the Common Good
Arturo Sosa, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, gave an interview to Vatican Media on March 12, 2022. Arturo Sosa advocated for “common good” politics during the interview, as well as “strong support” for a global citizenship agenda. The top Jesuit is no longer attempting to disguise his ambitions. He openly calls on […]